Morning findings.


"Mary woke up late the Next day after her visit to Esa's house. She was so angry when she saw Esa's hair,she lied to her,she broke their Bff promise,oh how she wanted to yell at her yesterday but seeing Esa's condition and her confused expression about the matter,she decided to leave her first until she sorts things out.Last Night Mary Researched about people with coloured hair but nothing came up,she was really frustrated but couldn't do anything, she decided to research more the next day,she worried for Esa because she thought maybe Esa has a disease or something serious...after all who wouldn't be? Putting her thoughts aside she took a quick shower and went to sleep, she slept by 4:07 which she didn't even know."

"Getting up from the bed Mary tried to go to the bathroom and freshen up,but the sudden churn of her stomach made her to lie back in bed...After sometime she eventually did get up,and she realised the bed was stained red, she was on her period!"

"Oh no! Now I have to follow that stupid diet" She groaned

Mary's mother always has a diet ready whenever Mary is on her period,she says its to help with the pain.Sometimes she changes it every time she is on her period or she will stick to one diet plan for a whole year. Mary was sick of it!

"I gotta wash this quickly and have my bath,I can't let mom know about this, she promised me popcorn!"

Yeah,Mary was a popcorn monster!! she will literally do anything for popcorn.

She quickly changed the sheets and washed the stained one before taking her bath.

She came out quickly and picked out a blue jeans and a pink crop top,she wore her flip flops and put on her headphone, with the song "♪Physical♪"by dua lipa playing in her ears. she quickly went downstairs for breakfast.



Esa woke up to the bright ray of sunlight coming from her window, she squinted her eyes and used her hand to cover her eyes, she sat up lazily and began to look around her room like she hasn't seen it before.She then got up and went over to her windows to look outside.

" Another beautiful morning" she mumered and smiled weakly,she still felt weak from yesterday and her legs were a little wobbly. She headed straight for the bathroom and had a nice long bath,she came out with a bathrobe and headed for her wardrobe,she selected a white long sleeve turtleneck and a blue dongary trouser. After putting them on she stood in front of her mirror and assessed herself.

"Maybe I should braid my hair" she said and made her hair into pig tails,she looked cute!!. She took out her headphone and placed it around her neck while she scrolled through her phone for "♪New Rules♪" by Dua lipa.

"♪I got new rules I got em♪" She sang as she stepped out of her room to go downstairs for breakfast.

"Esa careful!" A familiar voice said behind her.

"Walk gently,the doctor said you will be feeling weak,I'm surprised you can still walk fast!"

"Morning mom"Esa said and rushed to hug her mom.

"How are feeling sweetie?" Her mom asked caressing her back.

"A little weak" She replied

"And you were walking that fast?" Her mom asked and released her from the embrace.

"Sorry mom...I was hungry that's why"

"I was coming to give you your breakfast in your room dear, go back upstairs I'll bring your food, and walk gently,no arguments go!"

Esa just giggled, "Ok Mom" She said and went up to her room.

Her mom came in with a tray of biscuits and hot chocolate.

"Mmm yummy yummy!" "Esa exclaimed as she saw the food."

"Now eat up before the hot chocolate gets cold sweetie" "Mrs Radcliff said and made her way to the door."

"Thanks so much mom" Esa said

"You're welcome dear" Mrs Radcliff replied and left the room shutting the door."

"Esa removed her headphone and sat comfortably on the bed,she ran her hands through her hair before reaching out to take a sip of her hot chocolate from her favourite blue mug."

"As her hands touched the handle of the mug,it turned white and so did the rest of the mug, she jerked spilling some of the beverage on the bed".

" Calm down Esa,calm down" "she told herself as she tried to calm her beating heart"

"This has happened before! umm yes last time I was wearing a blue shirt,now a blue mug and with my blue hair! does it have to do with colours? I think so, yeah I think."

She continued eating her breakfast and fell asleep after because she felt weak.


"Morning mom!!" Mary said as she approached her mom in the kitchen

"Morning daisy! sleep well?" Her mom asked

"Well not really, I was researching so I slept late" Mary said as she helped her mom carry the toasted bread to the dining table.

"Oh is it an assignment?" Mrs Watson asked

"Yeah...something like that" Mary replied and sat down while her Mom brought the tea from the kitchen.

"Mom where is dad?"

"The Usual place dear" Mary's Mom replied.

"Oh"Mary said

"Sweetie you know I promised you popcorn yesterday" Mary's mom started as she sat down and took a bite of her bread.

"But as you are on your period, I'll have to give you some other time" She continued.


"I know you are wondering how I know,but I just want you to know I'm your mother sweetie,and I know everything. I know that the research you where doing is for Esa,since she isn't feeling well I know you will be uneasy,you've been like that since you guys where kids."

Marys mind:/BOOM/ How smart is she? Maybe I can ask her a few questions?

"Mom" Mary started

"Yes dear"

"Do you know anything about.....I don't know people with coloured hair?" Mary asked

Mrs Watson was quiet for sometime before she answered.

"When I and my siblings were kids,our grandma used to tell us a story about a magical land full of people with coloured hair that gives them Magical powers!"

"Magical powers?" Mary asked in disbelief.

"Yes dear,but I think she was just made it up for us to sleep".Mrs Watson said laughing.

"Any problem sweetie?" Mrs Watson asked Mary

"No mom,I hope not, for Esa's sake" Mary replied with a worried face

"Esa? is her sickness so serious? we will need to go visit them then"

"No mom...I think they need space..especially Esa,until they figure things out I think we should leave them alone."

"Ok dear"

Both of them stopped talking and continued eating.