Dad's back(Esa's pov)

"Esa? Esa dear wake up"

I opened my eyes and saw mom holding a tray with a glass of milk.I sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes lazily.

"Good morning mom" I greeted mom smiling.

"Good morning dear,sleep well?"Mom asked.

"Yeah" I answered

"That's good...I brought you milk dear, here"Mom handed the glass of milk to me.

"Thanks mom"I collected it and took a sip it was cold just the way I like it.

"You woke up rather late today sweetie,almost twelve"Mom said looking at me worriedly and that's when it hit me! Today is Monday! and I was late for school!!

"Ohh no School! Mom you should have woken me!"I said almost shouting.

"I did dear but you didn't get up....and your hair....."Mom trailed off

"What happened to my hair mom"I asked touching my hair.

"It was glowing"

"What?!" I couldn't believe my ears,GLOWING!!!?

"Yes it was dear,I don't know if this is magic or science or something else but.... don't worry your father is coming back today so he can tell us what's going on,he is the scientist after all,and you don't need to worry about school, so don't worry ok?"

"Okay mom" I replied calmly.

"That's my girl,love you"

"love you too mom"

Mom kissed my forehead and left my room,I was still holding my hair caressing it and playing with it.

"What does this all mean? I hope dad has answers,I really hope so".


"Do you think the balloons are big enough?"Mary asked she had come over and we were making preparations to welcome dad.

"Yeah"I said absent minded

"You ok Esy?" Mary asked me

"I'm fine its just.....

"Your hair?"Mary said wrenching the words out of my mouth


Its ok there's nothing to be afraid of Dad will solve this" Mary said hanging the balloons on the wall.

"But what if I have a disease or something serious huh? only a weirdo wakes up with blue hair"I said almost crying.I felt so emotional about it and I didn't know why.

"Please don't cry Esa I'm here I'm with you whatever it is,whatever that happens...just know we're in this together" Mary said and embraced me,no one else can replace Mary she was my shoulder to cry on,someone to talk to when I'm down,my sister,I loved her so much....I just couldn't imagine life without her.

"Thank you Mary..for being here" I said

"You'll always have me" Mary said winking and I smiled.

"Look Dad has arrived!!"Mary shouted, and we rushed over to his car to welcome him.

"Dad!!"I shouted

My Angel!! Dad came out of his car and swooped me in his arms.Ever since I was little he always did this and even now that I'm seventeen it didn't stop him.

Daddy welcome back!" Mary said and hugged dad after he had dropped me.

"Ohh Mariann look at you!! so big! how are you my dear?

"I'm Good daddy what about you?"

"I'm fine and why would I not be? I've seen my children after so long" Dad said and embraced both of us and kissed us on our head.

"And what of me?" Mom said as she came out of the house to welcome dad

"Darling you know you are always on my're my biggest distraction you know"

"Ohh please stop Fred" Mom said as she blushed and embraced dad.

"Come here you" Dad raised mom's chin and kissed her, they took longer than usual and I looked at Mary and she looked back at me and we both smiled,this wasn't the first time they've done this.Mom finally broke the kiss when she remembered that we were there,she was as red as a tomato.

"Let's all go inside,we all planned a surprise dinner.... your favourite. Mom said and walked towards the door smiling.

"Thank you all so much dearies" Dad said and tugged my cheek and ruffled Mary's hair before going in with Mom. That made me think of my own hair,the time had finally come to break the news to dad.

"Are you ready Esy"Mary asked holding my hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be"I said tightening my grip on her palm.

"Then let's do this" She said

"Together" I said

"Together"Mary replied.

Then we went inside and had dinner as a family.