chapter 7

The medicine in the heroine of a mystery novel, what is it?

A single dab of it will heal the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye, and another dab guarantees that even a deep, bone-deep wound will not leave a scar. If it is even more powerful, it will be able to bring back the flesh and bones of the dead, snatch people from the king of the underworld, and bring you back even after entering the ghost gate.

Yue Ge's injury wasn't serious, but it looked very gruesome. Large bruises and bruises, long, narrow bloodstains where the ice pick had grazed - of course, in the logic of the mystical world, as long as the root of the injury is not hindered in future cultivation, even a broken tendon is not worth mentioning.

This little injury is naturally nothing.

But ... hiss, it really hurts.

Yue Ge sat down cross-legged, saw Zhu Yu open the stopper of the medicine bottle and coughed lightly, "It's better if I do it myself, thanks a lot."

"It's not convenient for you." Zhu Yu picked up a dollop of ointment with his fingertips and said without question. "Take it off."

Yue Ge's brain automatically translated: I'll do it, it might not be convenient for you to apply the medicine yourself, just leave it to me ...

The concern from the lady who is cold on the outside but hot on the inside is too warm!

... is this "take off" ... is really a little subtle eh, Yue Ge back to Zhu Yu, struggling to remove the outer clothing. The inner shirt is light and thin, the intricate patterns unique to Asura women are faintly visible, the golden patterns are set against the bright red blood marks of the wet inner shirt, and there is a strange colorful aura.

Zhu Yu's eyelashes twitched slightly.

Yue Ge took off his undershirt unaware, leaving his back bare.

Yue Ge knew that her tattoo was born on her back - after all, no other part of her could be found, so it would have to be on her back. But she had never paid any attention to it, so naturally she had no idea ... that these gorgeous golden lines stretched from the back of her neck to her butterfly bone, and then spread across her waist, finally landing at her tailbone. Like a meandering stream of molten gold, or an ancient demon finely carved on white jade -

In the blood, stunning and divine.

Zhu Yu's eyes dropped, his silver eyes clear, his fingertips pressing on a deeper wound.

Yue Ge gave a soft hiss.

The presence of the ointment and the cold temperature of Zhu Yu's fingertips seemed more distinct than the pain.

The ointment was spread evenly over one wound and replaced with another.

Zhu Yu's breathing was half unruffled, but Yue Ge's was ... because it hurt.

The effect of the ointment should not be ignored. The wound soon began to heal and scar, and in another night, it would leave only a light white mark. Within days, there would be no trace left.

As she wiped, Yue Ge began to feel uncomfortable.

The sensation of her fingers running across was too sharp, especially when she pressed on certain places ... gradually, she could not even feel the pain anymore, but only the touch of Zhu Yu's fingers.

She couldn't help but move.

Zhu Yu noticed her small movements, on not stop, calmly said: "The part of the tattoo marks, is more sensitive, bear with it."

Yue Ge:!!!

"How do you know ..."

Yue Ge sensed that something was wrong, so he stopped.

Zhu Yu did not care, his tone was even: "There will always be people who say this, they will not deliberately avoid me."

Yue Ge was silent, Zhu Yu's days in the Asura tribe, indeed ...

"Either she is a transparent person, all the Asura treat her as if she does not exist.

Either she is the object of ridicule and bullying by evil children, and no one will help her."

This was the original line from the novel, and for some reason, Echigo remembered it well.

"But you're not an inferior Shura, are you?" Echigo said. "You can cultivate, and you are better than any of them being good!"

"I know that is the so-called Heavenly Spirit Cultivator." Zhu Yu's eyes were downcast, the light of his eyes untouched. "But there is no difference."

Yue Ge was speechless for a moment.

How ridiculous.

The Asura clan only knew that there was a Heavenly Spirit Shura, but they did not know its qualities, so they saw the pearl as a fish eye.

Instead, it was the human race that had dealt with the old ancestors of the Xiu family that remembered the might of the clan, remembered the traits of that leader, and passed them on from generation to generation.

Then Zhu Yu, who had come to study in disguise, fatedly turned up in some dusty corner of the Book Depository ...

Only then did the party learn its identity.

"The Asura race has a unique species called the Heavenly Spirit. It is born in the spirit, no pattern but stunning, must not be underestimated."

How would Zhu Yu, who had just learned this, feel?

Or, perhaps, a quiet heart.

Zhu Yu didn't care about the subject and applied the medicine gently and smoothly.

It didn't take long for the back wound to be finished, Zhu Yu's fingers moved to the calf ... Yue Ge coughed softly and grabbed her, "No, I'll do it myself next, it's not a problem."

Zhu Yu didn't say anything, got up and said, "Remember to rest well and continue tomorrow." Cutting ... or one-sided instruction.

Yue Ge: "... Okay, many thanks."

However, is Zhu Yu so considerate of people? The so-called persona in the novels really can't be trusted, look, he even gave her medicine!

With an inexplicable pride, Yue Ge continued to anoint herself with medicine.

Hiss ... hurts!


Later in the day, the martial arts arena.

There are forty-nine martial arts stages on the martial arts arena, twenty-eight for the primary stage, fourteen for the class stage and one for the advanced stage. The new students, with their realm, can only use the primary martial arts stage.

Thus, in the first twenty-eight stages of ..., there stood twenty-eight new students, who were the twenty-eight most gifted people in this year's class. The other 1,899 freshmen were looking up at them from the bottom of the stage.

The strongest were the most powerful.

Yue Ge was still dressed in blue, but she had changed into a strong suit that allowed her to move around. Her smile was light and gentle, and her eyes were bright and shining. ... Such a person stood on the first martial arts stage, signifying her exceptional talent.

The second martial arts stage, a delicate girl in purple is clutching her arms, thinking she is not moving, glaring at Yue Ge, quickly averting her eyes, and then turning to glance again a moment later.

Yue Ge smiled as if nothing had happened: "..."

Of course she knew who this girl was, even if she didn't know before, she was sure now.

It was the hot demon girl who lurked at the academy to get information!

The most arrogant female character in all of them, bar none!

It was surprising that one's talent was better than one of the Nine Fang Slags' red-headed confidants. But yes, the Asuras are so tough, if they hadn't been besieged by the human-devil-beast race every time they attacked the land races in the past, they would have taken their place on land long ago ... It makes sense that they would be so gifted.

The second martial arts stage of the arrogant girl.

A thousand times dance, the niece of the demon king of the demon race ....

Why not a daughter? The princess of the demon race is more suitable for the protagonist, isn't it?

The author explains it this way: the devil king's daughters are many thieves, people live for a thousand years, a thousand Jiali gave birth to him ninety-nine daughters, each daughter is not high status, not enough.

She is the only daughter of the Demon King's only sister, the last trace of her dead mother left in the world - the Demon King, a sister-controller, has to spoil her.

The young lady overhears the conspiracy between the Demon King and his inner circle, so she takes it upon herself to conceal her identity and disguise herself as a human to come to the Cave Academy to get information, vowing to impress the Demon King's uncle.

Of course, as you can see from the original story, not only did the girl fail to spy on any important information, she instead gave herself and her many precious treasures to Jiu Fang Jie, and ended up helping Jiu Fang Jie to subdue the demon race.

... The Demon King probably did scowl at her, scowling at his niece's elbow.

Chiyonmai glared again. This time she met Yue Ge's gaze squarely, froze, grunted angrily, and turned her face away. As if that wasn't enough, she turned back around and raised her eyebrows in protest.

Yue Ge kept his smile: "..."

All right, you can watch if you like, as long as you are happy.

The rules of the selection are simple: first, the new students will challenge the pride and joy of the stage, and if they win, they can occupy that person's stage and wait for others to challenge them; if they lose, they have nothing to say and will remain on the stage.

Four hours later, the challenge between the 28 people on the stage will take place, and if the challenger wins, he or she will be able to step up to the front of the stage. In another hour, the core students' names will be decided according to their positions at this point - the top students will be the core students and the remaining 25 will be the elite students.

During the challenge, no one is allowed to take a life, take pills or summon a spirit animal. ... Once you are knocked off the stage, held at a fatal point or voluntarily admit defeat, you have lost.

The most important thing is that the game is similar.

The first thing you need to do is to stop staring. You're not comfortable staring. ...

The first four hours of the competition were for those on the martial arts stage to challenge, and Chiyonmai would have been the first to jump on her stage.

She didn't have long to ramble on, only to hear a sharp whistle and the challenge began.

At first, no new student challenged the previous performer. Yue Ge was happy to be free, running her spiritual energy while watching the others fight.

Yue Ge looked at this stage and that stage, and she was amazed at the various segments ... Wow, there is a man holding a heavy sword of one man's height over there, and wow, there is a girl over here who started dancing with a big flag ... no more dancing! When the song was watching with pleasure, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhu Yu, who was standing not far away on high.

Zhu Yu came to watch the battle?

Zhu Yu and she looked at each other, and for a moment, her lips opened and closed.

Yue Ge reads her lips: Mo - lost - my - face. -face.

Echigo winced inexplicably.

I won't lose your face, sister! Please don't look at me so straight and cold!

Suddenly ...

"I, Lu Ren Ding, challenge the First Martial Arts Stage, Yue Ge!"

Yue Ge gave a start, only to see a tall, thin man leap onto the stage, his eyes shining, eager to fight.

"..." Yue Ge turned her head to look to the side, where the second and first name still stood peacefully on the stage, no one dared to fight. Thousand multiplication dance noticed her sight, and deliberately sneered.

Yue Ge was a little depressed.

Did she look like a good bully?

Actually it was true, the Asura female already carried her own confusion bonus, Yue Ge also had a gentle and soft temperament, and with that blue dress ... most people thought she was a water spirit root cultivator.

The water spirit root is recognized for its lack of attack power, while Lu Ren Ding, who intends to challenge Yue Ge, is himself the main earth spirit root, earth can overcome water. Even if Yue Ge is not a Water Spiritual Root, she is certainly not an aggressive attribute, as you can tell by her temperament.

Lu Rending felt that he was the leader, so he naturally came for Yue Ge.

Both sides nodded and saluted, and went out in unison.

Lu Rending was the first to put a layer of earth armour on his body, and then Yang used his spiritual technique, Sha Qi Qin Zhou, with a look of determination in his eyes. The so-called Sand Rising Qinzhou is to raise countless sand and earth ... Although not very pretty, it is extremely useful against water spirit techniques.

The more the song smiles faintly, lift. The golden qi instantly condensed into thousands of blades, hanging in front of her body. With another wave, all the blades went towards Lu Ren Ding. At the same time, another golden qi formed into a barrier, blocking the rising dust.

Lu Rending put up a wall of earth to block it, while shouting at the top of his voice: "... You are a gold spirit-rooted cultivator?

Yue Ge replied calmly, "I never said I cultivated water spirit root."

Lu Ren Ding: Shit!!!

Yue Ge's strike was as biting as the straightest gold weapon, the sharpest sword blade. Even though Lu Ren Ding's defence was not bad, it didn't take long for the sparring match to end.

A golden blade was placed against his throat, and knowing that his earthen armour could not withstand the sharpness of the blade, Lu Rending had no choice but to admit defeat.

"I'm sorry, Lu Renjia." Yue Ge spoke politely.

Lu Ren Ding said angrily, "My name is Lu Ren Ding!"

"Well, accept let la Lu Ren Ding ...," and whispered, "Almost."

... How could he have thought this person was gentle and lovely before!

The defeat of Lu Rending obviously hit the confidence of many people, and no one dared to challenge Yue Ge for a while. It was not until the last hour that a person who cultivated fire spirit root came on stage to challenge.

Against this person, Yue Ge still won easily. Her cultivation level was already high, and Zhu Yu's guidance had benefited her even more. She would have had trouble with some of the higher ones, but she was invincible against these new students who were just starting out.

After four hours, ten of the twenty-eight people on the stage had been picked off the stage and replaced by newcomers. When the teacher in charge gave the order, Chiyonmai leapt up and landed on the martial arts stage where Yue Ge was.

"Come, let's see who is more suitable to be the leader!" Qian Chengmai's battle spirit was high, she was a practitioner of the devil's technique, and while she was certainly somewhat constrained by not being able to use the devil's set of fighting in the Cave Academy, she thought she was strong enough to take on Yue Ge.

"You will be my next defeat!" Chiyonmai raised the corner of her mouth.

Half an hour later.

Chiyonmai, who was knocked off the stage: "...?!!!"

A great shame! The grand lady of the Demon Race, the Demon King's own niece, had been defeated by a human girl!

Yue Ge went out and won every time, and after that she was challenged by others, and she took them all one by one.

When the challenge ended, the number one position still belonged to Yue Ge.