chapter 8

Yue Ge officially began her life at Cave Ming Academy.

She was placed in the Golden Spirit class and chose to study alchemy.

Although Yue Ge was very interested in alchemy ... naive talent was not here. The first thing you can do is to learn how to refine rare pills on your own, hide your identity and wear a hood, and go out to the major auction houses. The main character well! How could he not know how to make money by making pills?

The teachers at the academy are almost always the standard for mystery novels - either a lecherous old man or a sexy, mature woman. On top of that, there are a very few muscular men and a very few handsome young men - the latter would probably be cannon fodder.

As luck would have it, it wasn't long before the news broke that some handsome young teacher had lost a bet with a senior named Kiu Fang and had to leave his job with regret.

The news was that a certain handsome young teacher had lost a bet with a senior surnamed Jiu Fang and had to leave his job in disgust.

In the end, Dongming Academy was the most prestigious academy in the Saint Lan Empire, and Yue Ge, as the top new student in Dongming, was treated extremely well, including a small independent courtyard. However, she did not accept the small courtyard assigned to her by the school, and stayed in Zhu Yu's courtyard, working hard on her training while taking care of the food for the two of them.

Whenever she untied her apron and handed Zhu Yu a bowl full of food, she felt like she was feeding a cold, condescending white cat who allowed herself to be petted along the fur when she was full.

Ah, or is it a big white lion? The strong and beautiful kind.

When it comes to cultivation, Zhu Yu is a great guide, with full marks for both theory and practice. She also gave Yue Ge great help, despite cultivating a different lineage of spiritual techniques.

While answering difficult questions about her cultivation, Zhu Yu still often suppressed her realm and sparred with her, leaving Yue Ge with bruises and battering wounds without mercy, although these wounds were less frequent than once.

Yue Ge was progressing at an incredible rate, and she had an unusual adaptability to a world where martial arts were the norm.

Wasn't it just a case of going from doing daily questions and studying and practising martial arts to dealing with interpersonal relationships to daily cultivation and martial arts training? There was no need to bother with interpersonal relationships. As the core student leader of this year's class, Yue Ge didn't have to worry about being criticised, even if she kept to herself and ignored people all day long, and was arrogant and cold-tempered.

How nice.

However, the comfortable days did not last long. One day, Yue Ge was happily eating dinner with Zhu Yu when a silk-folded crane-shaped spirit talisman came flying in.

"Fire Spirit Class Jiu Fang Xuan Ling of the Year of the Eternal Star, please meet!" A somewhat familiar voice emanated from the spirit talisman.

Yue Ge: "..."

Day yo, what's with this Jiu Fang slag's shadowy soul!

Zhu Yu also raised his eyebrows and said, "He's actually here again."

Both sisters expressed surprise, who knows how this protagonist who had already identified Zhu Yu as a femme fatale came out again.

Zhu Yu took the last piece of fried meat into his mouth and with a wave of his sleeve, the meal on the table went into his storage ring. After doing so, Zhu Yu said coldly, "May."

Jiu Fang Jie entered the small courtyard with great strides.

He looked as if he was ready to die and gave Zhu Yu a deep look, "Zhu ... senior."

Yue Ge almost laughed out loud. She cleared her throat and leaned towards Zhu Yu's shoulder, pretending to be puzzled, "Is this ... Jiu Fang senior? Here to see Zhu?"

Jiu Fang Xuan Ling's expression was as if he had swallowed a thorn, straining his throat: "I just came to seek peace of mind!"

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he stared intently at Zhu Yu, his eyes cutting through a stream of light ... that's right a stream of light, looking similar to a sparkling cat's eye stone special effect.

The more song creeped out, flying back to the novel appeared in the main character skills. Is it Medusa's Gaze? The Burning Moon's Eyes? It can't be Eternal Nightmare,..., but the second one seems to be the killing move of the protagonist of another novel...

No, it doesn't matter if it's the same, what matters is that the main character's skills related to the eyes are all killer moves - a surefire way to kill when you encounter an enemy or a strong foe! I can't believe that Jiu Fang Jie used a killing move on Zhu Yu... has love become hate!

Shock! Is this the fall of a practitioner or the erosion of his conscience?

A thousand thoughts in a flash, Yue Ge steps in front of Zhu Yu's body and looks back -

Zhu Yu was unharmed.

There was no unbearable headache, no bleeding, no unconsciousness in place, Zhu Yu was sitting there, looking coldly at Jiu Fang Xuan Ling.

She felt the prying of spiritual energy, and although there was no malice in this probing, ...

Without permission, spiritual probing from a low-level cultivator is originally an affront to the dignity of the powerful.

Zhu Yu immediately waved his sleeve and threw out Jiu Fang Xuan Ling, who was four people's major realm away, incidentally attaching ice genus aura into his body. The ice genus is already incompatible with the fire genus, and Zhu Yu's spiritual energy is extremely pure and solid, so sending it into Jiu Fang Xuan Ling's body would not be too much of a problem, but it would make him suffer for a while, so it was a small punishment.

The pain of the ice energy flowing through his meridians was endured, and he shouted happily across the courtyard, "Sister Zhu, I knew you wouldn't be a man-"

Zhu Yu: "..."

Yue Ge: "...?!"

Wait! What do you mean you won't be a man ...

Thinking about Jiu Fang Jie's inexplicable spiritual probing, a strange thought suddenly occurred to Yue Ge: Jiu Fang Jie didn't have an extra golden finger that could tell the gender of others, did he? It wasn't in the original ... and there's no way she doesn't remember such an odd golden finger!

The next moment, I heard him outside, putting his mouth together and shouting, "I've figured out why - don't worry, I'll be back in the future!"

Don't you come back!

Don't worry, damn it!

Emma has an extra golden finger just to determine whether Zhu Yu is a man or a woman? You're really the plot's own son!

Outside the courtyard, Jiu Fang Jie put it down with a sense of satisfaction, turned around and muttered to himself, "Sister must have had a hard time, it's okay, I'll help her ..."

A passerby walked by and looked at him with the eyes of a retard.

So Long Aotian's external template came online, only to see him grunt coldly and his expression changed to a wildly domineering, cool and cool look in seconds.

Passerby A: Tsk, I'm afraid he's not a psychopath.

In the small courtyard, Zhu Yu reappeared as if nothing had happened, taking out the bowls and plates containing the tempting meal and raising his chopsticks.

"Nothing, let's eat." Zhu Yu was completely unaffected, as if he was used to it. "Don't bother with him."

Yue Ge: "... Good."

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the right person. The main character of the little strong attribute was not expected to settle down, but the magic reality of the Golden Finger, where everything is safe and sound, really stirred up the competitive spirit in her bones.

Want to make Zhu Yu a harem flower?

You'll have to go through me first! Scum!

As for now ...

Eat and eat.


Day after day cultivation, no sudden events, no new strange characters appearing.

The cultivation routine is bland and monotonous, if in a novel, especially in the Eastern mystery novels where cultivation has no years to move tens or hundreds of years, it would be slightly written by the author as "n years passing by", "n years in the blink of an eye", right? ...

Yes, a year had passed and Yue Ge was already a qualified cultivator.

The reason why it didn't swing to more years later is because Yue Ge triggered the magical event - the legendary secret inheritance crystal of the Book Depository that only the protagonist can open.

On that day, Zhu Yu was in seclusion in the courtyard and did not know how many months it would take before he could come out, so Yue Ge went to the Book Depository alone to look for journals and hidden books about self-invented spiritual techniques.

She wanted to know if the self-created spiritual techniques were as she understood them, if they were ... she would have to open her mind and add skills to herself.

As a result, before she could find those hidden books, she was first locked into the boundary by the inheritance crystal.

Yue Ge hadn't really intentionally tried to steal the main character's edge.

She didn't even remember the main character's name, so did she expect her to remember the location of the Beyui Valley's Xuan Yue Guan mysterious realm, which had a high rate of renaming? Impossible, how long has it been serialized ...

But this inheritance crystal just crashed into Yue Ge on its own. The actual fact is that you can find out which book you took and which level you stepped on to trigger the inheritance task, anyway, this edge has come, still can let it run away?

In the boundary formed by the crystals, an ethereal immortal voice echoed: "I am Immortal Venerable Wuye, enlightened in the Cave of Bliss, and suddenly had a feeling, so I left the inheritance here, those who have the destiny will get it ..."

Special note: Human inheritance, do not disturb foreigners.

Yue Ge: "... Right oh, I'm not human now." Shit, it's really running.

... No, this voice is also too familiar, remove the ethereal echo sound effect, the tone of voice becomes cynical again, how so much like -

"Yue Wu?" The question was asked tentatively.

The voice made no response, still continuing to drift away: "... If it is another tribe, it is also fate, so I will give it to you with heavenly treasures, spiritual pills and divine weapons ..."

It was like a pre-set program, repeating unchangingly the words that the inheritance master wanted to express, repeating them as if.

"... Those who come from other clans may view my collection, and they may each choose one of the heaven and earth treasures, pills and spiritual weapons to take away, after which the boundary will open itself, and you may leave."

The voice that resembled her twin brother did not ring out again, so even though Yue Ge did not understand, she had to do as he said and look at the collection of this Immortal Emperor Wu Yue. Choose one piece each, which means she can choose nine treasures to take away ... The great power of a million years ago was really generous.

Well, the scatterbrain ... point is also very much like Yue Wu it huh.

Naturally, Yue Ge will not be like a native Xuan Phantasy person, who knows at a glance which treasures are what, what they are for and how precious they are ... She just relies purely on her aura sense, and then see if it looks good to her, and if Asura can use it - and just pick out nine pieces of the eye catching The treasure.

The first thing you need to do is to find out what is the privilege of the protagonist, she can't see it.

Six of them are of gold, for her own use. After Yue Ge had selected these treasures, the boundary automatically closed.

The inheritance crystals from the party also went to nowhere ... probably hibernating in some corner of the Book Depository, waiting for the real destined person - specifically the Nine Fang Slag.

Yue Ge hit a destiny for nothing and was in a bit of an excited mood, not staying in the Hidden Book Pavilion for long before returning to the small courtyard.

The pills are rich in fragrance and refreshing, and the spiritual weapons are full of spirit and power. ... Yue Ge happily tasted them one by one until the beautiful purple gold jade pot was pinned in front of him.

Yue Ge:e

Don't ask why you chose the pot, if you do, say it was because your heart was moved by a blessing.

Yue Ge hesitantly went to remove the lid of the pot, but it did not move at all. She thought about it and sent spiritual energy to the pot.

This time there was a reaction.

A wisp of white mist floated out from the mouth of the pot, slowly coalescing into a human form, like a ghost, and as soon as it took shape, it alaala lectured.

"The first thing to do is to correct the heart ..."

Yue Ge stared at him.

This ...

Wasn't this the same Yue Wu in a wig and ancient costume?