chapter 24

Two hours later, Yue Ge silently counted how many items she had auctioned for sale, then lowered her eyes in contemplation, "..."

The auction items listed under number six are getting more and more, from magic clothes and spirit pearls to spirit liquid and pills, to demon beast cores and spirit plant extracts ... She has already spent some 200,000 spirit crystals in a very defeated manner.

Don't get carried away, the main event is still to come ...

So, Yue Ge sighed regretfully and used her left to press her right to hold up the sign.

I'm afraid.

The more I live, the less self-control I have.

In a proper mystery, such a silly trench without any semblance of self-control would be used as a cannon fodder control group to show how determined the protagonist was!

Not long afterwards, the auction was declared over.

The cultivators left the venue one by one, while Yue Ge sat in the same place, sweeping twice, and there were dozens of people who also did not get up.

After the rest of the guests had dispersed, a waiter came forward and said in a warm voice: "This guest, please follow me."

Yue Ge nodded haughtily, "Thank you."

Yes, this was the legendary Dark Line Auction!

Only those who spent over 100,000 spirit crystals at the auction were eligible to participate in the Dark Line Auction, where there were many rare and precious items, as well as things that could not be known to the outside world.

If she remembered correctly, this time's Dark House Auction ...

The auction was held at the same time as the auctioneer's, and the auctioneer was able to get to the underground.

The underground auction hall was not very big, and naturally could not compare with the large scale auction hall above it.

But because the number of participants was so small, it was even more empty and secretive than the previous public auctions.

The booths in this room take up a fraction of the space, and dozens of wooden chairs are scattered irregularly underneath.

Some of them were already occupied, others were empty.

The waiter guided Yue Ge to one of the seats and just as he sat down, he heard a cold woman's voice from nearby: "Brother, please don't be rude."

When Yue Ge looked at the voice, she saw Sikong Yue Ying sitting on the nearest wooden chair, looking impatient.

And beside her sat a yellow-robed man who was staring straight at the voluptuous auctioneer woman on the stage.

When this man heard Sikong Yueying's words, he didn't move and said unconcernedly, "How can you talk to your brother and not even look at him?"

Princess Yue Ying laughed coldly, "Second minister-"

The yellow-robed man changed his expression, resentfully withdrew his eyes, and gave his sister another vicious glare.

Sikong Yueying was cold and unmoving on the surface, but after he withdrew his gaze, she untraceably sighed in relief. She then turned her head and looked around warily, her eyes skimming over Yue Ge without a pause, as if she were looking at a stranger.

In fact, at that moment, Echigo should have been a stranger in her eyes.

It would be unrealistic to think that by wearing a hood, one could walk around the world without fear and not even know one's own father when he came. Therefore, Yue Ge not only wore a hood, but also wore a mask and a wig, and incidentally, wrapped his waist to increase his height and change his figure ...

Can recognize, count the moon surplus princess is a wolf extermination.

A little more ruthless than a werewolf then.

Since the beginning of the examination, Yue Ge has also met Sikong Yue Ying a few times in the academy, nodding to each other, exchanging a few pleasantries, and then going their separate ways.

She was so easy-going that people who didn't know she was a princess wouldn't really be able to tell she was a princess.

But it seems that the man beside Sikong Yueying is her half-brother ..., the second prince of the cannon fodder scum.

In the novel, this is a bottomless abusive lover who especially likes s pretty girls.

He even tried to take out ... on his own sister, Yue Yi, and ended up successfully taking his lunch break after being exposed for the sin of having abused and killed dozens of virtuous women due to his bargaining with the protagonist.

The more song private thought, this is nine square slag did the most beautiful thing, no one.

At that moment, a man and a woman entered the room.

The more song raised his eyes to look: "..."

... ah really only wear a hood eh.

A red hood and a purple hood.

One was tall and one was delicate and well proportioned.

Both showing the lower half of their faces.

The Jiu Fang slags - oh, and the Demon's Miss Chiyonmai - what's your misunderstanding of the word "disguise"?

However, no one really cared.

Princess Yue Ying looked at them with a strange and wary look.

All right, world view is a problem, the world is happy.

Once the crowd was full, the dark auction began.

The first item up for auction was still normal, an unknown ore used for making weapons. If it wasn't for the auctioneer's introduction, Yue Ge really wouldn't have known what it was.

It is really necessary to read more and more books ... to strengthen the knowledge base.

The last person to bid for this ore was a masculine man near the stand.

Yue Ge did not care much about it until she heard the tall, thin man beside the man say sourly, "Congratulations to the Jiu Fang family master for winning this item." ...

Ninefang Family Master ...

Isn't he the same old father who spoils his son like his life?

No, wait, I remember you looking around just now - you didn't recognize your son either?

Buddha, Buddha, maybe people in this world have the full face syndrome - not surprising, not surprising ... calm.

The more the song sits at the end, trying not to move like a mountain.

The second auction item was a bit heavy-handed, a bloodstained stringed zither with a skull and crossbones on it, which at first glance was an evil cultivator's object.

The stringed lyre ended up in the hands of a masked woman.

Next, the evil demon sword was slapped away by a tall man, the tough whip was slapped away by a petite woman, and the divine treasure pill was slapped away by Sikong Yueying's scum brother ...

For a while, the air seemed to come to life, the atmosphere was overwhelming and the bidding was incessant.

The first half of the Yue Ge was as quiet as a chicken until a more slender looking riding outfit with gold trim on a white background compared to a vestment was displayed.

Zhu Yu must look good in this ... pretty and heroic.

But I had previously made up my mind not to buy any more ...

Within a breath, Yue Ge raised his card and called for bids, "Number six, twenty thousand ..."

What a fragrance.

The crowd of cultivators all paused, and some simply turned to look at her with wondrous expressions.

It seems that this girl really loves beautiful dresses and jewellery, she's got it all for her ...

The next item for sale was a piece of jewelry.

The next item for sale was a thin, pale golden jade sheet.

"We found this item in a secret place, and although we don't know how it works, it contains pure and majestic spiritual energy .... Perhaps this jade piece contains the secret of some ancient great power." The auctioneer said. "The starting price is only 5,000 spirit crystals - honored guests, please place your bids!"

Her tone of voice was so well captured and so incendiary that people couldn't help but want to auction off the jade piece and explore its hidden secrets.

But no one was stupid, and it was not worth spending a lot of spirit crystals to bid on something that was not certain.

So the atmosphere was suddenly awkwardly quiet ...

Soon, however, Jiu Fang Xuan Ling, who was wearing a red hood, bid: "Six thousand spirit crystals!"

Yue Ge raised his eyebrows and followed the bid, "One thousand."

Originally, some of the cultivators also pondered whether they should try to bid. But after Yue Ge opened her mouth, they cried and laughed a little: "This girl is not looking at this jade piece.

This girl is not looking at this piece of jade and wants to make it into jewellery, right ...

The cultivators couldn't help but laugh as they imagined this, and they couldn't bring themselves to bid.

After a few rounds of bidding between Yue Ge and Jiu Fang Xuan Ling, the price of the jade piece had risen to 15,000.

Jiu Fang Xuan Ling gave up after a brief evaluation.

Although this jade piece looked very similar to the one he had gotten at a certain stall before, he also vaguely felt that it was not simple ... , but there would be little point in using too many spirit crystals to auction it off.

Yue Ge put down the number plate and felt relieved.

A few more auction items passed, and finally, the dark line auction was nearing its end.

"Our final auction item can be described as priceless, possessing an irresistible charm." The auctioneer said in a loud voice.

The crowd of cultivators on the stage held their breath, their eyes burning as they stared at the tall object covered in black cloth on the stand.

From the outline of the object, it looked like a bird cage, a bird cage nine feet high - and it was the last item to be auctioned.

Yue Ge's face dropped cold.

Even though she already knew what the cage was, she still felt ridiculous when she was confronted with it.

In every auction, there must be a grand finale item, and this time the grand finale ...

It was the little orc princess.

The auctioneer violently lifted the black cloth.

On the stand, in a huge silver cage, a delicate and moving young girl was sitting on her knees, blindfolded and bewildered.

"This is the rare orc - a beautiful foxgirl!"

The auctioneer picked away her blindfold to reveal tearful, bright red eyes.

Her features were delicate and beautiful, and her eyes were tearful. Snow-white fox ears dangled in her hair, her large tail quivered gently, and there were two more tied behind her back... simply nowhere that were not moving.

Yue Ge lowered his eyes.

The princess of the orcs, White Haunted.

Generally the beast women of mystery novels are hot beauties of great wild beauty, especially the fox women, adding more charm than the average beast race.

But not Bai Ha, she is a little pathetic.

The author of The Nine Directions has put far more thought into the setting of the female protagonists than the plot, and does not follow the formula.

For example, the Asura girl, who is supposed to be a seductive beauty, but Zhu Yu is a high-spirited representative.

Another example is the Heavenly Maiden, who is supposed to be a gentle and holy angel, but the Heavenly Girl here is a sultry beauty.

Another example is this white haunting ... she is a little pathetic little pathetic, tears never stop, easily shy, when shy, her little face is red, and she speaks softly.

But if you underestimate her because of this, it will be a big loss ...

She will let out a wooing, weak sob while tearing people to pieces with the sharp claws and paws she inherited from her father, the most powerful white tiger beastman of the beast race!

White Haunting really is a little pathetic ...

But the person she's fighting is even more pathetic ...

The nearby cannon fodder Second Royal Prince ... Yue Ge decided to call him Second Royal Slag.

The second imperial slag looked excited and gasped disgustingly, and Princess Yue Ying sighed and gave up the intention of reasoning with him.

After all, reasoning is for people.

As soon as the auctioneer's words "Open the bidding" fell, the Second Imperial Scum raised his sign and shouted, "I bid 20,000 spirit crystals!"

There were bids one after another, and the white haunting on the stage trembled even more.

Yue Ge was a little intolerant, but ...

Bai Ha really didn't need others to sympathise with her, don't look at her crying now, but in her heart she was thinking how she should slit the guards' throats and escape even if she had to die.

And she did.

White Haunted, of all the Beast King's children, was the only one who had inherited the ruthlessness of the White Tiger.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was a fox girl along with her mother, if it wasn't for the fact that she was a girl ... the current Crown Prince would be her ah.

In the end, it was the second royal scum who shot Bai Haun.