Half an hour passed and Yue Ge walked out of the auction hall slowly.

The auction was over, and all the auctioned items were sent to her. At the same time, 100,000 spirit crystals were also expended from her storage ring.

In the blink of an eye, a small half of her assets had been lost to herself ...

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

It's time to improve your smithing skills so that you can earn spirit crystals. Otherwise, it's not a long term solution to be inactive.

The street outside the venue was bustling with people, diluting the depressing feeling brought by the dark auction.

Yue Ge stood in place for a moment and walked along the street with unhurried steps.

At the same time, her spirit was tense to the extreme ...

Someone was following her.

The auction grounds are guarded by great powers, and the taking of treasures by force is forbidden, so vicious people would not dare to fight for them.

But outside the venue, no one cares ...

In the eyes of some casual practitioners who are used to looting,..., Yue Ge, who is alone and has a weak breath and spends her spirit crystals on flashy magic clothes and jewellery, is a rich young lady who is not familiar with the world.

Despite this, not many casual cultivators actually went to wait, and their cultivation levels were not very profound.

More people just chose to wait and see.

Who knows if this girl has any guards to hide her scent? Or maybe she is a great power herself and just likes to pretend to be weak and eat tigers. ... Anything is possible.

The most important thing about robbing is that you need to have a good eye. Compared to spiritual crystals and magic treasures, life is more precious and should not be taken lightly.

The first thing you need to do is to pretend that you don't know, and you're not slowing down.

Not long after, he turned into a remote alley.

Behind them, the scattered cultivators passed messages to each other, saying.

"Vigilance is not too ... bad."

"What are you sighing for - isn't this just the right time to act?"

"We'll rob and kill her, then leave town for another country! Even if she has power behind her, it will be difficult to catch us-"

The rest of the cultivators adjusted their expressions and left one of them to guard the entrance of the alley. The rest of them adjusted their expressions, smiled and approached Yue Ge.

I don't know why they had to put on a grimace to steal an attack.

Yue Ge had eyes behind his back and turned around abruptly, saying with a smile, "What do you want?"

The scattered cultivators looked at each other and their fierce smiles intensified as they swarmed forward.

"I've come to teach you a lesson - money doesn't come out, little girl!"

All at once, the spiritual techniques and magic weapons came together.

Blood splattered everywhere.


Auction venue, VIP reception room.

"The Second Prince has come here to seek Heart too, and Heart is not honoured."

Meng Xinya, the auctioneer who had been tongue-tied on the stand earlier, was currently sitting on her knees in front of Sikong Yangwei, the second prince of the Saint Lan Empire.

The curve of her smile at the corner of her mouth was perfect, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

"How have you considered what you said to you last time?" The second prince smiled an imperative smile, and his royal handsome appearance made him look like a proud son of the sky who was intent on winning.

A human being.

Meng Xin also said to herself.

But she made a shy face and said, "What does Second Prince need Xinya for now that he has the fox girl?"

The silver cage where the fox girl was kept was also in this room, and Bai Haun's eyes were constantly tearing up, looking pitiful.

Sikong Yueying sat by the side, her eyes closed and her mind wandering, but her back was tense.

Not to hear, not to see, not to think more.

... must not be impulsive.

"Words can't be said like that." Sikong Yang Wei smiled back. "It is true that she is charming, but how can she compete with your style? There is no need to be presumptuous."

Meng Xin also gave a start and smiled again, "... Thank you, Second Prince, for your appreciation, but ... is not good, is it?"

"What can it be?" Sikong Yangwei did not think so. "Or ... do you feel aggrieved?"

Meng Xin was also startled and hung his head, "Naturally not."

"Then come with me."

"... yes."

Sikong Yangwei took the lead and walked towards the door of the room, leaving behind a sentence without looking back: "Yue Ying, you can wait here."

Meng Xinya hesitated for a moment at first, but still followed.

Before leaving, she swept a glance at the fox girl, her heart saddened.

What was the difference between this and the fox girl who had been auctioned off?

They were all just playthings that could not control themselves.

The door of the room with the small pieces of spiritual jade closed with a soft thud.

Sikong Yueying opened her eyes and remained silent for a moment.

The walls of the VIP reception room were extremely well insulated, but the five senses of a cultivator were keen, and Sikong Yueying had the cultivation level of the Empty Human Realm ... because of this, the suppressed screams outside the door could still reach her ears.


"What are you crying about?" She suddenly said coldly. "What's the use of crying?"

Bai Ha was already sobbing low, and at those words the tears flowed even harder, breaking like crystal beads across her white cheeks.

"I'm afraid you don't know what kind of person that royal brother of mine is, do you? The harder you cry, the happier he is ..." Sikong Yueying's tone was mocking, his voice so soft that it seemed to be talking to himself. "The more miserable you will be."

White Haunting did not say anything, but only shed tears and made a sound similar to a wailing, dainty sob.

The snow-white fox tail rested on her calf, trembling.

Sikong Yueying felt that there was nothing to say, and she fumed for a while longer.

It was just that, she was just relenting her anger.

This little fox's spiritual power was sealed, far away from the herd, alone and miserable ... and being brought to the auction as goods. Apart from crying, what else can you do?

On the contrary, he ...

You can act, but you don't dare to act.

It's just an accomplice.

At this time, Princess Yue Ying, completely without the usual appearance of showing people with a bright smile.

The screams outside the door diminished a little.


It was more annoying.

... Wait.

What was that noise, a rustling, barely audible mixed with the sound of the little fox crying.

Sikong Yueying got up abruptly, but in an instant, she noticed what was wrong.

The rope spell on the little fox girl had come off, but the creature was still pretending to be tied backwards, using her own body to block her view.

At the same time, she used her finger claws to scratch at the big lock on the cage, but without the infusion of spiritual energy, even the sharpest claws could only barely leave light white marks on the heavenly silver cage pillar.

And the finger claws were already dripping with blood.

"You ...?" Sikong Yueying didn't know what to say for a moment, and how to say it.

This fox woman, seeing that her escape plan had been detected, had actually reached out directly. The bloodstained, slender pair, through the silver cage, opened up to Sikong Yueying.

At first glance, it looked like a child who had been wronged and opened her arms to an adult for a hug.

Sikong Yueying froze in place.

Those tear-filled grey eyes were too clear, reflecting her own reflection, yet they looked blurred and distorted by the light of tears.

-- Ying, do not be impulsive.

--But I think that people, as long as they are human, can't bear such things!

---What you can bear, you can bear when you've seen more.

--I can't do it ...

--or, think of mother consort, think of your royal sister, one can always endure it.


--I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault, it's my mother's fault! I'm sorry ...

Not to look, not to listen.

Don't think much, don't be impulsive ...

I can always hold back until that day, when I can pay back a thousand times over!

... But it is hard to bear at this moment.

She was still a person after all.

"Come here." She whispered. Without waiting for the fox girl across the room to respond, she lifted and pressed White Haunted's right paw ... to send in her spiritual energy.

Bai Haun's eyes widened.

Sikong Yueying gritted her teeth, turned to the other side, grabbed her and swung her towards the top of the big lock -

The crossbeam on the lock broke silently like a lump of clay cut by a sharp blade, and the big lock immediately fell down.

Sikong Yueying lifted her toes and the lock landed firmly on her shoes without making a single sound.

The sound outside the door got lower and lower.

Sikong Yueying flew to open the cage door.

Bai Ha looked terrified, and just as he got out of the silver cage, he stumbled and fell into her arms.

Sikong Yueying whispered very quickly, "The fox girl from the Riddling Snail Auction House is wild and untamed, and she attacked me when I was not prepared. It is the merchant's irresponsibility for such an accident to occur..."

With that, she tugged up Bai Ha's left side and slashed the back of her shoulder without hesitation!

Five narrow wounds, more than an inch deep, and beads of blood rolled down, soaking through her robe.


White Haunted paused briefly, his grey eyes overflowing with tears staring at her without blinking.

Very slowly, very slowly, she lowered the other one against her rear end.

She rose slightly on tiptoe and let out a muffled syllable in Sikong Yueying's ear. Then she ran towards the window like a lithe, athletic silver fox.

Leaping out of the wide open window, she lost sight of it in a few rises and falls.


When the Second Prince and the dishevelled Meng Xinya re-entered the room, they were greeted by this gruesome sight.

The cage door was wide open, and Princess Yue Ying was lying on her back, her hair soaked in blood, which was still slowly spilling out from beneath her.

There was also a scattered line of blood leading to the window.

The fox girl was gone.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Sikong Yueying, who had finally awakened, looked at Meng Xinya with a pale face and resentment.

"Is this the fox girl you got from your auction house?" She said in a cold voice. "Didn't you say before that this fox girl's magic powers were all sealed and she was defenceless?"

"Why do I see that she still has her magic power and the tips of her claws are even dipped in poison?"

The man standing by was the auctioneer in charge of the items for sale. He said nonchalantly, "I also said at the Riddling Conch merchant house that orcs are rare and we don't know how long the spiritual seal will work on her ... We have also warned the Second Prince to bring this fox girl back and confine her as soon as possible. But the second prince did not listen, so what could we do?"

The second prince said angrily, "How dare you blame others? An empty human realm is so incompetent that you almost lost your life to a weak fox girl ... You are losing your royal face!"

The fox girl is not to be underestimated. At the beginning, a strong man of the Empty Human Realm of the merchant bank led a dozen people into the Empty Realm to surround and kill this woman, but she was also killed by the fox girl more than half before she was captured."

The second prince choked: "..."

This matter is not the responsibility of the merchant house, after all, there is an agreement that no responsibility will be taken after the auction is over.

The Royal Family would not confront it over a small fox girl.

Sikong Yangwei had no choice but to swallow his anger. The company also sent out guards to secretly search for the fox girl.


A dozen or so cultivators, straddling a dark alley.

A dozen cultivators fell to the ground, dark red blood staining the stone floor.

The song of Yue Ge retrieved the remaining song.

The glittering white beads were indeed unstained with half a red mark.

She tilted her head and smiled sincerely at the beautiful woman in front of her, who was gnawing on a sugar gourd, and said, "Senior, are you finally willing to show yourself?"

The woman did not say a word.

Yue Ge was about to ask another question when he heard the woman say in a vague voice, "Wait, ask later - I'll tell you more after I've eaten all the sugar gourds first."

Yue Ge: "..."

Come on, the Asura woman is solid.

#This familiar picture

#Hey, hey, you've got blood on you

#What's wrong with the Asura girl? She can't be hygienic.