The Shura woman finished nibbling on the entire string of candy canes, licking the sugar stain from the corner of her lips in retrospect and sighing contentedly.

"Now, can we talk, senpai?" Yue Ge kept her smile.

"Is this the young master's way of forcing us to show our faces?"

The Shura female opened the door.

Yue Ge did not move, "Senior is joking, Yue Ge thinks she can defeat them, why would she talk about taking risks?"

The Shura woman grunted and laughed.

"What do you call me senior, just call me Light Colour." Her eyes darted around and she fished out another box of cloud cake and said, "What, is the young master unhappy?"

"Why not?" Yue Ge smiled more and more sincerely. "I should be flattered to have senior Asahi to protect me."

This was true.

Judging from the chaotic fight just now, this Shura woman named Asahi was a high realm power, at least four or five realms higher than Yue Ge at a rough glance.

Asahi covered her mouth and laughed, "Don't be so gloomy, who doesn't know that the young master has a big temper and doesn't even want people to follow him when he goes to play in the neighbouring sea, let alone on land?"

"Now I've been discovered by the young master, but it's my duty to follow, however unpleasant you like."

She said this and took a bite of the cloud cake.

Yue Ge: "..."


That was how it was.

The only daughter, the young master of a clan, had to leave her clan to venture into human territory - how could the Asura King feel comfortable with such a big deal?

A young girl from a large clan would have to take an escort with her when she went out to play in the nearby sea!

Yue Ge had asked to leave the clan, so she could not return at will without an escort.

So, the Asura King, with a snap of his fingers, summoned the two strongest members of the clan and sent them to follow Yue Ge and protect her at all times.

"However, you have hated people following you since you were a child, and when you saw the guards accompanying you, you lost your temper ... The patriarch was unable to do so, and after thinking hard, he had to make the two of us follow secretly." Asahi said so.

In order not to be noticed by the young master, the two of them are hidden day after day, always on the lookout, and they have to be careful when eating a snack - there is no dignity in being a strong member of the community!

However, as long as they can leave the clan in name only, they can eat human delicacies ... What is all this?

The first thing I want to do is to get to know the people who are in charge of the company.

"The first time I saw you, I was in the middle of a shopping trip. Asura said.

A companion, an asura hanyou, buying good things for the human race?

Yue Ge imagined the appalling appearance of the asura man, with his big green and black head and big bronze eyes ...

Senpai are you serious?!

Can they really walk around with their little monster looks without being treated like horrible demonic beasts ...

When Yue Ge Xin was surprised, the light-colored look abruptly moved and she turned her gaze towards the alleyway entrance, beckoning, "Shen Yan, my sugar-steamed crispy cheese!"

At the entrance of the alleyway, a voice echoed, "No hurry, you can buy two boxes."

Another Shura woman came, seemingly at a leisurely pace, but not slow, and in the blink of an eye she was standing beside Asahi.

She nodded slightly at Yue Ge: "Young master."

Yue Ge: "..."

The impact of the two Shura women standing in one place, their beauty doubly stacked, was simply overwhelming.

Racial talent is truly terrifying ...

"Yue Ge has met Senior Shen Yan ... ..."

Echigo paused and watched as the Shura female, famously known as Deep Yen, speared a piece of sugar steamed crispy cheese on a stick and brought it between her pale, red lips.

Then, slightly lowering her head, she dropped a kiss on the side of the light-coloured face.

A short silence followed.

"Asahi-senpai, the mate you were talking about is ..." The smile on Echigo's lips stiffened slightly.

"Naturally, it's Shen Yan! Speaking of which, I have to thank you for choosing a Shura female of the Leaves as your mate ..."

Asahi graciously returned a sweet-smelling kiss to Shen Yan, and turned her head to smile, "The clan chief thought that the two of us might have something in common with you, so he sent us here."

"The food of the people is intoxicating, young master, why don't we all stay outside? Why not go back to the clan - even if the clan chief tells us to!"

Who wants to go back to eat raw sea fish and tangle with water plants after having tasted cloud cake, steamed cheese and sugar gourd, crystal cake, candied fruit and golden dates ...!

Yue Ge: "..."

This is the true hime friend of the mysterious world!

Yue Ge had not met many true hime, but it was not unheard of either.

Even though they hadn't crossed paths much, when they thought about it, they were all cute girls, no different from the norm.

So it seemed that the two pretty young ladies responsible for stalking-style protection ... seemed to be having a bit of fun?

"My father he, is he okay?" After a moment of silence, Yue Ge took the initiative to ask.

"All is well with the patriarch," Deepan took up the conversation when Asahi was busy eating crisp cheese. "He is in good spirits and has a good appetite, he can eat twenty giant spirit fish raw in one meal."

He was catching all the giant spirit fish that grew in the Asura lands!

Asura swallowed the cheese and laughed lightly, "The matriarch is still crying in the crystal hall every day, he can hear it clearly from a hundred feet away, he misses the young master very much."

For some reason, Yue Ge's heart sank.

Was that cheerful, chattering old father missing his daughter so much?

But his real daughter, already ...

Shen Yan nodded helplessly at Asahi's head, "Asahi loves to fight, she was talking for fun. The matriarch is most concerned about image, how could she be?" She added with a straight face, "Although this is the case, the patriarch's longing is also true."

Yue Ge's heart grew sour.

The Asura Patriarch was indeed the father of her own body.

But to Yue Ge, he was a stranger whom he had only met once - not to mention the fact that the Asura man was so green-faced and monstrous that Yue Ge, who had been a human for eighteen years, could hardly identify with him.

Even so, Echigo could not let go of the old father.

It was probably because of his childhood obsessions.

Wondering why my father had is still better than no little girl, is already in the past.

... can really envy Xiu Koshigoe, having a father who thinks of her like that.

Just, if you can, go back to Asura clan land to see.


The young master had already found out, and the deep color was not willing to hide any longer - after all, Yue Ge had made it clear that she did not care, or rather was extremely grateful for the protection of the two Immortal Realm powerhouses.

Leaving the badly wounded and unaware scattered cultivators in the alley, he immediately headed for Dongming Academy.

To say that they were "in a hurry" was an exaggeration.

The two bigwigs were as leisurely as if they were on a trip, and when they passed a stall, they bought a snack and fed each other when they felt like it.

"That's life ...," exclaimed Asahi.

Deep Yen agreed.

Echigo, who had to crash on the sidelines, "..."

Sorry, maybe I'm not a golden spirit root, I'm a light spirit root.

Bright, bright, big and shiny.


Soon Yue Ge didn't feel bright anymore ... she felt sour.

"Ah Zhu, aren't you in seclusion ...?"

In the Cold Moon Residence, Yue Ge feigned composure and looked at Zhu Yu, who was still dressed in white but stained with blood, in front of her.

As soon as she entered, she saw Bai Ha lying pitifully on the courtyard stone platform, in a comatose state.

But even though she was unconscious, her eyes were closed tightly with tears and she was moved by them.

The little white male who escaped from the auction arena ... It's great that she didn't fall into the Jiu Fang slag, but why would she appear in their courtyard!

Zhu Yu's finger was still on her wrist!

Zhu Yu expressionlessly retracted.

"I established contact with the Jade Dew Snow Lotus first, and Hades learned that there must be a sufficient amount of ice spirit crystals on hand to make it easier to make mistakes." Zhu Yu said coldly. "So I went out of the gate and went to that spirit crystal exchange place to exchange for some."

She paused, her silver eyes turned to the two bigwigs behind Yue Ge, and her eyes were cold: "What do these two seniors want?"

Asahi could only feel the coldness of those eyes piercing her bones, and could not help but praise, "Not bad, you've practised your ice-cold imagery very well!"

He said, "Not bad, you've practised your ice-cold imagery very well!" He said, "I'm excited to spar with this youngster.

Shen Yan looked at this and then at that, and reluctantly pulled Asahi back, "Stop talking!"

She then said to Zhu Yu, "This one of mine is naughty and warlike, don't pay any attention to her."

Asahi said discontentedly, "Naughty?

Zhu Yu's expression cleared a little and he nodded his head, "No problem, I should thank you for protecting Yue Ge."

"It's my duty, it's my duty, don't worry about it."

After listening for a few moments, Yue Ge realised that Zhu Yu had always known about the existence of these two great men, but had only kept them from her.

However, at this moment, she did not want to bother with Zhu Yu about this ...

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the two of them and say, with a smile, "Where is this girl?"

Zhu Yu said flatly, "On my way back, I sensed a strong blood aura, so I went to check ... and found this fox girl collapsed in a hidden place, her breath weak. I saw her injuries, and this was not unusual, so I took her back to the hospital."

The first thing I did was to ask the question, but I hadn't expected her to explain so clearly, so I was stunned.

... She thought that Zhu Yu would simply give her a few words: "I saved her on the way."

The first thing you need to do is to tell them what you saw at the auction, and when Zhu Yu heard this, his expression became more and more serious: "If this is so involved ..."

She waved her sleeves and placed several ice spirit boundaries outside the Cold Moon Residence.

As if that wasn't enough, Zhu Yu added, "I would also like to ask for your help."

In a flash, the small courtyard was sealed off by a series of boundaries.

With a smile, Asahi also snapped out a magic spell, and these boundaries became transparent and invisible.

The Second Prince was not going to give up easily, so it was always better to be careful.

"I've checked the fox girl's pulse, and it's not serious, but it's also damaged the bones." Zhu Yu mused.

Yue Ge crouched down and poked Bai Ha's two snow-white fox tails.

Yes, for Bai Ha, this was both a dangerous disaster and an encounter. Between life and death, she had awakened the hidden bloodline of the fox people - the two-tailed fox bloodline!

Don't ask why it wasn't a two-tailed fox, a tail fox or a nine-tailed fox, it had to be called a two-tailed fox ... Maybe the author of that The Nine Squared Emperor had a rather strange aesthetic.

The tail feels too good, smooth, warm and soft, upside down and fluffy to touch without sticking.

"I'll put some medicine on her, let's see, that ointment ..."

The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and most popular ones. I have a spiritual elixir, just give it to her."

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

Zhu Yu took out the elixir and used his spiritual power to put it into Bai Yu's mouth.

Bai Ha was in a coma, still trembling, not knowing if it was from the bitterness or the ice.

Yue Ge continued to poke his tail and confessed while touching it.

I'm sorry, but ... it's too good to touch ...