Poke, poke, poke.

Yue Ge poked the fox girl's tail and simply couldn't stop.

The pleasure of jerking off a fox was simply addictive ...

However, Yue Ge was not able to poke for much longer before the soft, white fluffy twin tails rose upwards and away from her.

It was Bai Haun who was lifted up by Zhu Yu's spiritual energy and sent lightly to an empty room where she lay on a wooden bed.

The ice spirit power was cold and the little fox girl was shivering in her stupor.

Yue Ge caught up with her and said, "I'll cast a cleansing spell for her first ..."

With that, he pinched a cleansing spell and threw it on Bai Haun.

The scattered blood and dust were removed, making the fox's tail appear whiter and whiter, and the fox's ears hung in her hair, soft and docile.

The fox's ears were hanging in his hair, soft and gentle. Yue Ge's fingers couldn't help but move, and he fell into a struggle: "..."

The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a couple of touches.

The first thing you need to do is turn around and go to your room.

"Zhu is going into seclusion?" Yue Ge asked as he turned back around.

"I'll go change and bathe myself." Zhu Yu didn't even look back. "Go ahead and keep petting your fox."

Yue Ge saw that Zhu Yu's white robe was also stained with blood and dust, and immediately thought of the magic clothes and jewellery he had bought at the auction at the cost of ten thousand crystals.

Apart from his obsession with food and drink, Zhu Yu has always been indifferent and does not care much about his clothing ...

A simple wooden hairpin to tie your hair and a plain white robe is all that is needed.

Even so, the style is unmatched.

But ... well, I really want to see what she looks like in these exquisite robes.

The next step was to follow Zhu Yu to the door of the room: "Zhu, shall I come in?"

"What are you doing?"

"I bought some magic clothes at the auction, I think they suit you very well." Yue Ge told the truth.

Zhu Yu tilted his head and didn't say anything, acquiescing.

Yue Ge rarely came to Zhu Yu's room, the last time she came in was a few months ago to bring food to him.

The last time he came in was a few months ago to bring food to Zhu Yu, but now that he was here again, he saw that the room was still as simple as before.

A cold stone table, a set of white wooden tables and chairs, and a pool, both ten feet long and wide.

Other than that, there was nothing else.

"Look." Yue Ge took out that Xueshengliu Immortal Garment and unfolded it with a smile. "Although this vestment is not very useful, it is better than your ordinary garment ... What do you think?"

Zhu Yu lowered her eyes to look at it, and swept her gaze over the layers of ice rosettes, dazzling crystals and embroidered dark patterns, and immediately frowned.

She was about to say something, but when she met Yue Ge's expectant eyes, she swallowed the words "something flashy and unrealistic".

"... is fine, but don't get caught up in the superficial beauty, it's not good for your practice." Zhu Yu turned his back and said.

"I naturally understand." Yue Ge smiled more and more happily when he heard this.

Before Zhu Yu could say anything else, he saw Yue Ge set the Flowing Immortal Clothes on the cold stone platform, and took out several more pieces of clothing.

"This is a Yun Luo jade hairpin ..."

"These are Ying Yu Spirit Boots ..."

"And the Mist Hidden Bracelet ..."

"And look at this Ruyi silk inner armour ..."

Zhu Yu: "..."

Zhu Yu watched Yue Ge take each piece out, he couldn't help but have a headache and said, "How many pieces of clothing have you ... bought?"

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

She said, she tapped her head again, "This way, Zhu, you try this set first, if you don't like it, then you can say something else."

Zhu Yu: "Wait..."


The door to the room closed.

Yue Ge barked at the door, "Just get dressed and call me again!"

Zhu Yu stared at the neatly arranged set of clothes on the stone table, her expression grave.

After a long time, she shook her head and sighed.


Half a quarter of an hour later.

Yue Ge buttoned the door of the room and asked with a smile, "I'm coming in?"

After a few moments of silence, Zhu Yu's voice answered, "Enter."

Yue Ge pushed the door open and entered, but when he looked up, he was stunned.

The white snow of the vast plain, the white moon in the sky ...

Even if the Moon God were to appear here, it would be no better than this.

She thought that Zhu Yu was the most beautiful and elegant young lady she had ever seen before ... but now, Zhu Yu has broken her own record!

The more song came back to her senses extremely quickly, she walked up and exclaimed, "You turn a mirror of ice, take a look for yourself ... I officially declare you the number one beauty of the Asura tribe!"

She originally thought Zhu Yu would not pay attention to that second half of the sentence, but who knows Zhu Yu looked into the mirror, looked flat and said, "Hardly, it was not before?"

Yue Ge: "... Naturally, I used to be."

It's just that people depend on their clothes. In the past, they only wore plain white robes, which was beautiful, but it didn't match their looks and temperament and fell short.

Now change into the elegant and endlessly beautiful vestments, more set off the appearance of glittering snow bright moon like clear and beautiful.

If ... could take pictures and put them online, how many girls would leave comments saying they were bent!

The actual ice mirror will be transformed back into ice spirit energy. Yue Ge was busy calling her back: "Wait first!"

"There are still two more sets, try them out one by one and then take it back?"

Zhu Yu: "... Good."

These two sets of clothing, one in ink and water style. Zhu Yu put it on, the coldness was slightly reduced and more elegant.

The other is a strong suit for martial arts fighting, and as expected, this suit makes Zhu Yu look more handsome.

"So handsome." After looking at them all, Yue Ge sighed with satisfaction. "These are all very suitable ..."

Zhu Yu said in a cold voice, "If there is nothing else, I will go and bathe."

Yue Ge responded, "Nothing, nothing ..."

The first thing that I want to do is to make a hundred sets of clothes and spiritual weapons for you when I become successful in the art of smithing.

Zhu Yu gave a start and asked in a low voice, "Is that so?"

"That's natural!"

How many girls, when they were young, had dreams of being a costume designer!

Yue Ge was no exception, when Yue Wu was playing with Ultraman and she was playing with Barbie, matching clothes to dolls was a big fun wow ...

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense to her, as she could earn spirit crystals from smithing and fulfill this little dream.

Zhu Yu was silent: "It's good to have such determination. However, smithing is not a lifelong path, so don't let it affect your training."

"I know, don't worry." Yue Ge replied with a smile.

Zhu Yu took a few steps forward and then said softly, "I'll be waiting for your work then."

After saying that, he did not turn around and went to the bath at the back of the house.

When Yue Ge heard this, he was so proud that he rushed to her back and said, "I won't let you down!"

When the time comes, she will have to take care of all the pots and pans and furniture, not to mention the clothes...

And if she's good enough, she'll even make the house too!

These are the things that a loving and righteous woman should do for her best friend!


The next day, Zhu Yu began to close the door on his death, refining and absorbing the Jade Dew Snow Lotus.

The next day, Zhu Yu began to close his deathbed, refining and absorbing the Jade Dew Snow Lotus.

On the carriage pulled by the spirit horse, Yue Ge sighed quietly.

A day ago, she thought she would finish this training alone, but ...

Across the way, the old married couple, Deep Yen and Light Colour, were feeding each other pastries as if no one was watching.

Next to them, the little white haunted male was hunkered down in a corner of the carriage, staring silently at his own twin daze.

And as soon as he turned his gaze towards Bai Haun, the little wretch would turn his head with a twitch of his fox ears and swish down his tears.

Snapping away, there was no time to prepare at all.

Then Asahi would be overwhelmed with motherly love, condemning Yue Ge, "Young master, you are also a Shura with a wife and family, don't think of touching the tail of a young fox in her flowering season at every turn - not even her ears! Look at you making people cry again ..."

Yue Ge aggressively put down the stupidity.


If you don't want to touch it, you don't want to touch it.

At this point, Bai Ha then flashed a strong smile with tears at Asahi, took a hanky to wipe away her tears and continued to stare at her paws and claws.

Yue Ge: "..."

Before departure.

"You are going with the two seniors to the land of adventure," said Zhu Yu.

Yue Ge disapproved, "The two seniors are both at the Immortal realm, and it's not like I'm going to a place of great danger, there's no need to bother them so much to go with me."

"It's you, and this White Haunting ... that will be dangerous if the Second Imperial Slag - the Second Prince's people find their way here."

Yue Ge insisted: "Two seniors, at least one stay here, so I can experience at ease!"

Zhu Yu said without haste, "Listen to me. You and the two seniors, take Bai Ha with you and leave together."

Yue Ge objected without thinking, "No..."

"I don't think Bai Ha would want to stay here for long, her injuries are not serious and she will be well in no time. At that time, she can leave on her own on the way."

Zhu Yu analyzed the advantages and disadvantages: "The two seniors came to the human race to protect you. If you stay here with me, you would be failing in your duty."

"I have been alone in the human race for several years. Now I am only in seclusion, so why should I bother others?"

Zhu Yu was very stubborn and did not intend to change his mind.

Yue Ge was thinking of not telling her first, and then leaving a senior at the Cold Moon Residence when Zhu Yu started his retreat.

She wouldn't know about it.

But Zhu Yu said, "That's it, Yue Ge ... don't make me angry."

That gaze was so sharp that Yue Ge gave a start, and a chill grew behind her back.

Asahi was on the side, taking the hibiscus cake and propping her chin up, "Don't worry, even if the young master told us to stay, we wouldn't listen ... after all, we have a life to live."

She also turned to Yue Ge, covered her lips and smiled, "Young master ah, is also hard-hearted ... we two like glue, a good pair of partners, you actually intend to break up can not?"

The more song is silent for a moment, still smiling: "Okay."

The actual fact that you are all higher in cultivation than her, what you say is what you say, she is a little empty human realm can still refute?

After saying that, she brushed her sleeve and got up, directly boarding the courtyard's carriage.

"Ah Zhu must be looking forward to closing up soon, right? Then I will not disturb you, and today's breakfast is also free." Yue Ge said calmly. "I'm not sure when I'll return, so farewell."

Seeing this, Asahi also followed her and got into the carriage: "Young master's wife has a good retreat, I will remember to bring back cakes and snacks from all over the world."

Shen Yan got on the carriage in silence.

Bai Ha sobbed twice and also got into the carriage.

Zhu Yu stood alone in the courtyard and frowned: "... Be careful."

Yue Ge didn't even raise his head: "Oh."

The light colour used spiritual power as a lasso and tied it around the necks of the two spirit horses.

The spirit horses are spiritual, and when they feel the intention of the harness, they lift their front hooves, and go on their way with grey and gray neighing.

Zhu Yu: "..."

It feels, a bit bleak.


This is why there are two female Xiu Luo seniors and a little fox girl, who will travel with Yue Ge.

The more the more the more she sighed.

She changed her position and sat down on the soft fur cushion.

Cultivation, cultivation, strength is the right way!

Zhu Yu can't be trusted! I can't rely on you!