The name of the Immortal Warlord is a thunderous one.

He was a great general of the human race ten thousand years ago, a dominant figure.

He was the youngest Immortal, the one who had never been seen before or since, the one who had accomplished a great deal in weapon making.

He was also the hero who died with the Ghost Emperor of the Ghost Race ...

But for Yue Ge, the only thing that mattered was one thing - he and his twin brother.

He looks exactly the same as his twin brother, Yue Wu.

... or even, most likely, the same person.

Now, suddenly he heard the news about the Immortal Emperor Wu Yue, from the consciousness of a person who knew the plot well ...

The actual fact is that you can't help but be shaken, and you can't hide the look on your face in time.

Zhu Yu slightly turned his face sideways and said through his voice, "Don't be careless, don't lose your composure."

He smiled and said, "I know, don't worry."

Zhu Yu was silent for a moment, and nodded his head.

He then raised his eyes to look at the man in the green shirt without moving a muscle, his eyes as harsh as a blade.

It was only for a moment, then he withdrew his gaze.

The green-shirted man felt the chill and shivered: "Tuanzi... Tuanzi, did Consort Xiu Luo glare at me?"

The system said indifferently in an undulating mechanical voice: "Yes, the host's senses have risen to a new level, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host."

The man then wailed.

The man's wails included "What did I do wrong to be glared at", "What does Princess Shura see in me that I don't like?", "Help, is she trying to kill me with a blue moon?" ... and so on.

The first thing you need to do is to listen to his shouting, grit your teeth and think as calmly as possible about the connection.

The biographies in the Book Depository record that Immortal Wu Yue's body and soul were clearly scattered, and there was no trace of him anymore.

But since his body and soul were scattered, how could there be a tomb - were the biographies of the immortals not true, or did the plot not match the reality?

And the so-called ... can open the tomb of the Immortal Emperor Wu Yue with the Five Elements Jade Piece, does it have to be opened by the main character, Jiu Fang Jie? How can it be opened? And what are the secrets of its heritage -

Could it be related to Yue Wu?

One thing led to another, and the mystery was unresolved, so much so that Yue Ge's head hurt from thinking about it.

Her spiritual sense had long since entered her storage ring and wrapped the golden jade tablet she had obtained at the auction firmly in it.

At that moment, the head judge finished his long speech and replaced him with another heavyweight on stage.

Yue Ge continued to mull it over, his mind heavy with thought.

He himself held the gold element jade piece, and vaguely remembered that at this time, the fire element jade piece was in the Nine Square Slag.

The other jade pieces ... must be sealed in those locations mentioned, waiting for the protagonist to go and gather them all together one by one.

She still knew too little.

To find a way to get the words out of this book wearer's mouth.


After watching each of the heavyweights speak, and seeing a few songs and dances that had no real meaning, the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Competition finally began.

The first thing to do was to draw lots to determine the pairs.

Generally speaking, the captain of each team came forward to draw lots to decide the fate of his team.

There are exceptions to this rule, for example, if one of the team members is very lucky. ... At this time, who will go if she doesn't?

Yue Ge at the moment, is this exception.

The team unanimously said: let Koshigoe go, let her go!

Only Yue Ge can take up this heavy responsibility!

The only one who could do it was Koshi.

So Koshigoe leapt up onto the stage with a smile on her face and took a stick out of the bamboo tube.

At first glance, it was a blank.

Yue Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly: "..."

Now, it's probably safe to assume that you're not an upgrade stream heroine.

... After all, what sand carving author would let their protagonist live so comfortably that they didn't even get a fight?

It's too absurd -

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not interested in the same thing.

Having been given a blank, Zhu Yu's team sat leisurely in the audience, watching the others' fights.

The process of the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Arts Tournament is to group two by two, with individual matches followed by group matches.

There are six single matches, with each winner receiving 50 points, while there is only one team match, with the winning team receiving 200 points.

The team with the higher total score at the end will advance to the next round.

Yue Ge stared at the stage, still a little distracted.

At this moment, Zhu Yu came slightly closer and said through his voice, "What is on your mind?"

Yue Ge gave a start, showing just the right amount of surprise: "Ah, indeed."

Then he laughed, "I was just thinking about what I would do if I were to go up and draw lots, and then I would be left out. With a round like that, I'm afraid we're not going to make the other teams think ... we're a team with vain luck but no corresponding strength."

And slightly blushing said, "I did not expect that it was really a round of blank straws, it seems that this period of time, my qi luck is very good."

Zhu Yu stared quietly, "Is that what you think?"

Yue Ge nodded her head in a good and innocent manner.

"... lies." Zhu Yu said softly.

She said this, yet she didn't seem the least bit angry, and even a little bit helplessly amused.

Yue Ge didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhu Yu turned her head, no longer looking at her, her gaze fell on the martial arts platform directly opposite, and said, seemingly carelessly, "Actually, seriously speaking, I have no right to ask you about your personal affairs."

"Yue Ge, there is no harm in you hiding it, but at least ... don't lie to me."

Yue Ge only felt something knocking at her heart, like a warning, it didn't hurt. But the peculiar feeling that could not be described, just could not be dispersed.

In the end, one could only say back sarcastically, "Yes ..."

After a few more rounds of competition, a team from the North Ze Empire took the field. Among them was the green-shirted man.

The female cultivator in charge of the host said in a loud voice, "Group 10, the first column of cultivators from the North Ze Empire, versus cultivators from the Laosha Kingdom."

"First match, Bei Ze Qing Jian Han, Luo Sha Shi Shu Sheng!"

Yue Ge watched the green-shirted man ascend the stage.

So his name was Qing Jianhan ...

While thinking this, she subconsciously glanced over to Zhu Yu's side quietly.

Zhu Yu was also staring at her in a dignified and open manner.

Yue Ge laughed dryly, "You and I really have a heart to heart haha."

Zhu Yu's lips opened and closed, making a gesture that said, "You're weak-minded?

Yue Ge was depressed, but there was no way to refute her.

Because she was really weak, even though she shouldn't be.

Everyone has secrets!

We have to talk about privacy!

Echigo tries to be reasonable.

Even Zhu Yu, didn't he-

... Well, Zhu Yu was really not hiding anything from herself, and her whole being was as transparent and clear as her aura attributes.

Yes, more fainthearted.

On the stage, Qing Jianhan fought against him.

It seemed to be quite a serious fight, while at the same time appearing to be at ease, all acting like a powerful yet not uncommonly strong practitioner.

Only Yue Ge could hear his leisurely conversation with the system.

"Every time I fight someone, I feel like you've got this golden finger open really well." Qing Jianhan was at ease. "You don't even need to fight and upgrade, the whole time is leisurely and painless!"

The system said coldly: "Thank you for the host's compliment, left and right this is all in exchange for points, thanks for your patronage."

Then there was an even more mechanical voice: "Tick - points minus twenty."

Qing Jian Han was sad: "You've been a patron so many times, can't you get a discount!"

"One price, no second thoughts." The system was indifferent.

Qing Jian Han: "..."

Yue Ge also: "..."

Inexplicably, she wanted to laugh.

Expecting that this pair of living treasures would not be discussing any crucial matters at this time, she only kept a trace of her mind over there and turned to lean towards Zhu Yu.

"I was wrong." Yue Ge transmitted, her eyebrows meek and docile, admitting her mistake in a very good manner.

"You are not at fault, in all seriousness, I am the one who is small-minded." Zhu Yu said flatly.

After a short pause, she continued, "This is not the place to talk, as there are many great powers here. Let's talk about it when we get back to the inn."

Yue Ge also understood this, so he did not say much.

There was no doubt that Qing Jianhan's battle ended in victory.

Yue Ge observed his fighting style carefully and guessed that the golden finger in his mouth seemed to be manipulating him and fighting on his behalf.

For there was just no style to his tactical style - disciplined, one-dimensional, and on the other hand, impeccable. Not to mention the fact that he can be so laid back when he fights, odds are he doesn't use his mind on the fight ...

The answer is self-explanatory when you think about it this way.

The team of Qing Jian Han is also the first team of this powerful country of Bei Ze, and its strength should not be underestimated, so naturally it also won.

During this period, Yue Ge watched the many scenes on the martial arts stage carefully and thought about them.

There was nothing to learn from Qing Jianhan's fighting style, but a gold practitioner from the same team in Bei Ze had his own understanding of fighting, which inspired Yue Ge.

It is generally beneficial to observe the fighting styles of others, whether they are of the same lineage or not. ...

In this way, the day passed.

At the end of the day, the hostess came out to announce that

The first round of the tournament has not yet been completed.

The first round of the competition has not yet been completed and will continue tomorrow.


The two of them went back to their room, closed the door tightly and set up a soundproof boundary.

The two of them went back to their room, closed the door and set up the soundproof boundary. After Zhu Yu had done this, he stood still and did not say a word.

The two of them were in a state of confusion, not knowing what they were feeling and not knowing what to say.

After a long time, they suddenly spoke at the same time, saying.

"Today I-"

"I also know--"

The former was Yue Ge and the latter was Zhu Yu.

Hearing the other's voice at the same time as their own, the two of them just gave a beat, and then fell silent again, looking at each other.

Yue Ge: "..."

Zhu Yu: "..."

It was Yue Ge who couldn't hold it together first, shaking his head and laughing, "You speak first."

Zhu Yu pondered for a moment, but said, "What I am going to say is not an important matter, and now I also think it is better not to say it - it is better for you to say it."

Yue Ge: "... Then I'll say it oh?"

Zhu Yu nodded his head.

Yue Ge took a deep breath: "It is true that I cannot speak plainly to you about today's matter. But what you said before makes sense ..."

"Even though every human heart has hidden secrets, I shouldn't make up some reason to lie to you."

"After all - after all, we are so close."

Zhu Yu was a little surprised: "So, it's all right?"

Yue Ge shook her head solemnly, "Nothing."

Zhu Yu lowered his eyes, "I thought that you would be angry with me."

"I also thought ... you would be upset." Yue Ge also lowered her head.


--Because I feel that I have no clear relationship with you now and should not interfere with your personal affairs. It is right that you should be angry.

--Because I thought that since we were so close, not to mention being betrothed partners, my deception of you was offensive, and you were right to be upset.

The two men looked at each other.

How could it feel, both seeing something silly in the other ...?