It dawned on me.

It's a good laugh.

...'s heart was filled with an indefinable feeling, a delicate one.

If one were to describe the mood of Yue Ge at this moment, it would be like this.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

If someone else was here, they would have thought that the iceberg beauty of ... was on the verge of anger and would probably have unleashed an icy move to dispose of the person in the next moment.

The actual fact is that you will not have to take it personally, it's only normal to have such thoughts."

Zhu Yu tilted his head away from her and moved slightly sharply, showing some annoyance.

Yue Ge: Pfft.

There was something else, but that strange feeling in her heart grew and spread, spreading out across the entire ocean of thoughts.

Ripples and circles.

Or perhaps they have always been there?

But at least for the moment, the answer to that question is unimportant.

All that mattered was-

"Ah Zhu." Yue Ge called to her softly.

Zhu Yu's eyelashes twitched, but she still had no intention of turning her eyes back, and even seemed to be trying to turn her back.

"It's already the eleventh hour, so we should practice meditation tonight in preparation for the second round in a few days." Zhu Yu stared at the blank wall panel across the room and said stiffly.

Yue Ge smiled, "Is that so?"

Zhu Yu nodded his head and said seriously, "Qi luck is only temporary, so naturally you shouldn't rely on it, otherwise it won't help your cultivation and will be harmful to yourself ... so you shouldn't relax."

After saying this, he took a step forward and went to cultivate.

Yue Ge: "..."

Are you shy?

You're shy!

This is a very clever turn of phrase!

Yue Ge simply stood still and pretended to be hurt, "Oh, that's difficult. I was thinking that there was something I wanted to say to you ... and now it seems to be a bit of a coincidence."

Zhu Yu was silent for a breath, and abruptly turned his head.

The pair of silver eyes that were always cold and clear to the bone widened slightly, meeting Yue Ge's gaze and meeting the diverse emotions of the slightly curved amber pupils.

A little teasing.

A little blush.

More than that, it was the open generosity that came from finally thinking clearly and understanding.

The brightness was enhanced by the slightest hint of red on his face.

Zhu Yu was slightly distracted, but somehow, at this moment, he was reminded of the small, delicate YUKON flower cake.

It is magnificent, sweet, delicate but with a grand taste that can take over the mouth in an instant, as if the whole person is immersed in it.

It's a little sweet, but with a naughty astringency.

... but one can't help but hold it longer, thinking: if it is fully cooked, it will be extremely delicious.

I think it's what she thought it would be, right?

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal more than just a few of these.

Zhu Yu turned around and said calmly, "Well, speak up - I'm listening carefully."

Yue Ge rolled her bright eyes and said, "It's already the eleventh hour, so I must not let my guard down because of the daytime luck. Otherwise, what will we do in the battle in a few days?"

Zhu Yu: "..."

What do you mean by lifting a stone and smashing your own feet!

Yue Ge cleared her throat and said seriously, "I've been a bit busy lately, so I'll tell you more about it when the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Competition is over."

Zhu Yu then stared at her, trying to make Yue Ge change her mind with the pressure of her gaze.

She was so eager to hear what this man had to say.

However, the gaze did not have the slightest deterrent effect, but was rather less dignified than usual.

She narrowed her eyes pleasantly and walked towards the bathing room, saying, "I'll go and bathe first, then! Once I'm done, I'll train for the challenge ahead!"

A clap.

The door to the bath room closed.

Zhu Yu's breath fell: "..."

There was a sense of helplessness that there was nowhere to use her strength.

Despite this, the curve of her mouth was incredibly gentle.

In the bath room, Yue Ge leaned against the door and let out a heavy breath.

The heart in her chest was pounding so fast that even though she was not in front of Zhu Yu, it did not tend to slow down.

The fingertips of Yue Ge touched the side of her face, and she was a bit worried ...

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal on this.

It should not be particularly red, right? Even if it was, it would seem to be a calm and calm red...

How can that be?

Who can blush calmly and calmly? She couldn't do it herself anyway, could she?

The screaming chicken that had been in the back of her mind for so long came back to life.

She had never even noticed her ... fondness for Zhu Yu before.

It was clearly such a vivid and vibrant emotion, no matter how much she thought about it before, it just seemed like pure sisterly love on the path of cultivation ...

The actual sisterly love is to cultivate together and spar together, beat up all kinds of spirits and monsters, and finally carry on laughing in the cultivation world!

But how is it that in just half an hour, the likes that can be stamped as "love" are springing up faster than the rain ... What is this all about?

Is he going to say to Zhu Yu.

I've always thought we were just a couple.

I always thought we were just good teachers and disciples, good sisters and good friends, very good friends.

But when I looked at you, I suddenly felt the sacred flower of love sprouting in my heart, and in less than half an hour, it took over my whole heart!

So, I will confess to you with passion -

It's a coincidence that you've confessed to me before, isn't it? Let's be together!

Echigo shivered at this thought.

If she had dared to say that, Zhu Yu would have frozen her into an ice sculpture ... that would not thaw for hundreds of years.

The first thing you need to do is to think seriously as you dip yourself into the pool.

In order not to be frozen into a block of ice ... no, in order to better express her budding fondness to Zhu Yu, Yue Ge felt that it was necessary to outline a confession plan.

Something unconventional, something original, something romantically ...

The Perfect Confession Plan.

There was at least a month to go before the end of the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Arts Competition.

That's plenty of time to prepare.


The next day, the first round of battles was still in progress.

The members of the remaining teams sat dry in the audience for another day. ... Instead, it was the team of the Second Imperial Scum that took to the field on this day to fight the young talents of a small affiliated country.

The result was, naturally, a victory for the second royal scum.

Although he was not able to defeat Yue Ge and the girls, the second royal scum was a real genius and had strong resources to provide, so he had no difficulty in dealing with the teams from the smaller countries.

Standing on the stage, he looked up from the crowd and cast two malicious glances at Zhu Yu with smug and provocative eyes.

But Zhu Yu wasn't even looking at the stage.

She was leaning slightly to her side, looking as coldly as ever, as if she were watching the fight going on to her left.

The Second Imperial Scum was furious.

Fine, you ordered your team members to injure me, I understand the nature of beauty.

But how dare you ignore me!

How can you ignore me?

This was even more unbearable to the Second Imperial Scum than being seriously injured.

Yue Ge, who was sitting to Zhu Yu's left, noticed the unconcealed anger and could not help but glance at him.

He looked very angry at the sight.

The second royal slag was a very serious person, as he thought of the episode about the second royal slag.

The Second Imperial Slag, the slag, was fond of capturing beautiful women and abusing them extremely badly.

When does he usually capture people?

... When he was in a bad mood, and when he was in a good mood.

The city is not under the jurisdiction of the empire, and the city owner's power is not to be underestimated. The second royal scum has ambitions, so he probably won't be here.

Otherwise, if the people of the city found out, they would not die, but they would definitely lose their skin.

Having said that, it is better to be vigilant ...

The first thing you need to do is to be careful.

I don't know if I'm watching the martial arts battle on the stage or looking at the person in front of me.


The first round of martial arts fights ended later.

Some of the eliminated teams departed for their small countries, while others stayed in the audience to continue watching the fights.

The winning teams, too, were jubilant and went on stage to draw lots.

This time, the first team from Saint Lan was still Yue Ge on the stage.

... Sure enough, it was a blank round again.

Yue Ge took the blank draw and smiled indifferently in the face of the shocked and envious gazes of the cultivators around him.

In fact, she was feeling a lot of pressure inside.

She teased herself: if this luck was used in the game card draw ... tsk.

How come I didn't have this kind of luck before I came here?

The result was that when she stepped down from the stage, the Huang Long Immortal Spirit Coronet sent by the royal family came to her like a breeze.

Twirling his beard, the Yellow Dragon Coronet said, "You are Yue Ge?"

Yue Ge bowed and replied calmly, "Yes."

"Such qi, I have never seen it in my hundreds of years of life, indeed the young are fearsome, the young are fearsome ..." the Yellow Dragon smiled amiably.

The two of them are the same.

The two of them talked politely for a while, before Huang Long nodded in satisfaction and let Yue Ge go back to his seat.

Zhu Yu frowned, but did not move much.

It wasn't until a few moments later that the Huang Long Coronation's aura withdrew from the area ...

The first thing that happened was that Zhu Yu didn't move, he reached up and put his hand on Yue Ge's sleeve, probing his spiritual sense to check if there were any traces of footwork on Yue Ge's body.

"I have heard that there are some evil spells that can extract other people's qi for their own use." After checking, Zhu Yu did not notice anything wrong, so he transmitted his voice over, very cold and solemn.

"You should be more careful."

Yue Ge Xin rather felt that that Huang Long Coronet did not mean that, but she still smiled and replied, "I understand."

Zhu Yu's eyes slowed slightly as he heard this.

It was only after a few moments that Yue Ge realized that Zhu Yu's arm was still on her arm, wasn't it?

It's still cool,...

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.


The second round of the martial arts competition took half the time of the first round, and was over in just two days.

Again, it was the delightful draw of lots.

The teams that had failed in the previous round were the last ones to go up and draw lots. This time, however, the Yellow Dragon coronet waved, stopping Yue Ge from going up to the stage.

"Yue Ge has very good luck, and in a sense, it is also a blessing for my Saint Lan Empire." Huang Long said leisurely. "However, if you and the others do not go on stage to participate in martial fights and sharpen your skills, it will not be beneficial to yourself."

The crowd found this reasonable, so Yue Ge sat back down and replaced Zhu Yu on.

Zhu Yu's long, slender fingers squeezed a stick.

Yue Ge suddenly had a vague sense of foreboding ...

The next moment, Zhu Yu took the stick out and lowered her eyes to look at it.

"... number ten." She said.

The crowd: "..."

Number ten.

Fang just now.

The second prince drew the lot ...

Isn't it number ten too?!