In the afternoon, the training is about fighting the demons.

There is a clear hierarchy within the demon race, with lower, higher, noble and kingly races.

Generally speaking, their bloodline determines the upper limit of their strength ...

Yue Ge stood on the dueling ground, looking serious as he confronted a demon of equal rank.

The demon had two horns on his forehead and a long tail trailing behind him, and was now panting heavily, intent on killing her.

These demons are used as "sharpening stones", captured by veterans and used as training for newcomers.

Win or lose, they are all dead.

To them, the humans on the other side are the enemy of life and death.

They are going to die anyway, so if they can bury one of their own before they die - that would be a great pleasure!

So, they fought in a ruthless, suicidal manner.

A black light flashed, and Yue Ge blocked her opponent's frantic attack, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

In all seriousness, her realm was still higher than this demon's, but now she did not have the advantage ... of being suppressed by his reckless and desperate aura.

The purpose of the training is to train the soldiers of the battalion to have this kind of aura?

After a fight, Yue Ge still won.

Yu Ge was withdrawn and the beads of blood fell, leaving no trace of blood on the glittering white beads.

The Demon's sturdy body, on the other hand, was full of blood holes and fell to the ground, silent again.

"Excellent!" Peng Jin sighed in amazement. "I didn't expect you, a soft and weak girl, to have such a segment, not bad! That's what you should do to the demons!"

Yue Ge: "..."

This attitude was so different from the morning that Yue Ge almost thought it was sarcasm ...

Peng Jin was originally watching the battle from another newcomer's place, but was attracted by Yue Ge's movement and watched until the moment of the Demons' defeat.

This captain has thick nerves and has long forgotten how he reprimanded people in the morning, now he only cares about appreciation - don't good seedlings deserve appreciation? Look at how ruthless Duan is, how relieved he is, that's what he should do to the demons!

Yue Ge hadn't thought of it that way.

She had no sense of belonging to the human race in this world.

She did not feel disgusted with the demons either.

The war between them had nothing to do with her or Zhu Yu.

Joining this second battalion was only to come to the battlefield of the foreigners in name only.

--When the earthbound jade tablet arrives, what do you care if you fight or not, it's only right that you vanish early from the wounded and die.

However, we still have to participate in training!

These are good methods that have been summed up by the warriors on the border for thousands of years, and it is rare that they can refine their killing spirit, so naturally, they should seize them.

As Yue Ge pondered, he had just stepped off the dueling ground when he heard a clear and beautiful woman's voice behind him.

"Are you Yue Ge?"

Sikong Yueyi had already stood on the dueling ring at some point.

Her long hair was sharply coiled behind her head, and she was wearing soft armour and holding a long halberd.

Her eyes were calm, but her domineering aura had not disappeared.

"Come up and fight on -" Sikong Yueyi said calmly. "Just fight me with the same vigour you used to kill the Demons."

Yue Ge smiled on the surface, while inside he was already confused.

Sikong Yueyi would go around the training ground from time to time, and would also pick someone out to spar with from time to time ... this she knew.

But only those who are at the same level of the Empyrean realm and who are not ruthless and "indecisive" as promised?

In the original story, the human-devil war broke out a few years later, when Jiu Fang Jie came to the foreign battlefield and was already at the Empty Sky realm.

It was with the idea that "the devils and humans are no different, so why do they fight each other" that he let go of the devil captive who was fighting him to the death ... and was attacked by the devil.

The nine square slag this time did not hesitate, face expressionless counter a strike, and will kill the demon.

... Then, the same day, he was approached by Sikong Yueyi, dragged to the dueling arena and beaten half to death.

The nine party scum are nine party scum, that way, being picked is deserved.

But Yue Ge felt that she was really ruthless enough.

She had poked that demon into a sieve! Blood flowed like water!

Wasn't that cruel enough?

When Peng Jin saw her standing still, he whispered, "What are you doing? The battalion commander told you to go up and compare!"

... In the barracks, orders from the officer must be obeyed.

The first thing you need to do is to get back into the dueling arena with a calm smile.

Sikong Yueyi waved her long halberd casually, making a cracking sound.

"Don't use your beads, just use that golden spirit net." She said, her eyes rising with battle intent.

Although Yue Ge was puzzled, she did not intend to be perfunctory and immediately released her Golden Spirit Net and stood ready for it.

They were both gold cultivators, but their fighting styles were extremely different.

Yue Ge preferred a sharp and biting style of combat, but was also quite cautious. Every strike is carefully designed and planned as the Golden Spirit Net weaves in and out ...

The other hand, Sikong Yueyi is wide open, majestic, sharp and overbearing, it is not clear which side is more powerful.

After a fight ... naturally, it won't be Yue Ge who wins.

There is a difference in realm, can a big female protagonist and an ordinary cultivator be the same?


Therefore, Yue Ge did not succeed in her challenge.

However, under Yue Ge's shocked gaze, Sikong Yue Yi broke through ...

After the fight, she broke through.

Yue Ge's face was expressionless as she looked at Sikong Yue Yi who was sitting on her knees and her aura was rising: "..."

Worthy of being a female protagonist.

After a fight with a cultivator of the same lineage, she could even sit down and have an epiphany.

It's much more impressive than Jiu Fang Jie who can break through just by eating some spiritual plants and pills!

Sikong Yueyi's breakthrough didn't take long.

About half an hour later, her eyes snapped open, and her phoenix eyes glowed with light.

She had already broken through a major realm, becoming the second Empyrean Realm practitioner under the age of ten in the Saint Lan Empire.

When Yue Ge saw her looking this way, she raised a sincere smile: "Congratulations to Camp Leader on her breakthrough!"

Sikong Yueyi paused and smiled, "Yes, and many thanks to you."

"That Golden Spirit Net of yours, it makes for a very good one."

When she smiled like this, she looked somewhat similar to her sister, equally bright and beautiful.

Yue Ge continued to smile, "I'm lucky to be able to help the battalion commander."

It was always a rule to answer politely, and one could never go wrong.

Sikong Yueyi pondered for a moment and said, "As a token of appreciation ..."

Yue Ge immediately lifted his spirits: was this going to be given to the baby as payment?

Then he watched as Sikong Yueyi's brow spread and took out a long, golden feather, wrapping it in spiritual energy and sending it to himself.

Yue Ge: "... Many thanks, Camp Leader."

Sikong Yueyi explained, "This is a golden phoenix tail feather, about some use, you still need to explore it yourself."

After saying that, she nodded and turned around to float away.

As soon as Yue Ge pondered, her eyes lit up.

She knew the routine well -

Naturally it was all about giving the protagonist heavy treasures!

This golden phoenix tail feather must be of great use, and it might be a contract for her to break through to the Empyrean realm!

The more song turned the long feather, looking at that flowing gold surface, can't help but think:.

If this is the case ...

The first time I saw it, I was able to see it.

Yue Ge was too lazy to ponder this question.

The talk of cause and effect was the deepest trope in cultivation.

It is so mysterious that no one can see through it unless they are beyond the mundane.

He was still a mortal, and could not see through it, nor did he want to look into it.


When Yue Ge returned to their mini tent, Zhu Yu had not yet returned.

The training tasks in the Empty Sky Realm were naturally much heavier than hers.

Yue Ge sat cross-legged on the ground bunk, took a moment to rest, and then abruptly opened her eyes.

No, she couldn't bear it anymore!

So, with a solemn expression, she took out the ...

The book she had hidden in her storage ring.

The one that Yue Ge chose was "Mo Niang is in love with Xie Ayaya".

She looked at the cover of the book and her face flushed a light red.

On the cover, two women are lying upside down on a couch, holding each other, their bodies overlapping ... and their mouths pressed together.

The more you look at it, the redder your face becomes.

To be honest, the painting style of this type of storybook is like most of the ancient paintings that I have seen before ... which are very realistic and evocative.

It is not like a real person,..., but it is like a god but not like a form.

But the song is unconsciously red face, there is a kind of school that time, in the classroom secretly use to look at the small yellow feeling.

The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you are doing.

The more the song was bored, the more he flipped through the pages and closed them.

But now ...

The more song inexplicably weak, again can not control the desire to read on.

The main characters of this talk book are, naturally, Mo Niang and Xie Ayaya.

The storybook was written by a mortal, and on the title page was written in small letters, "Mo Niang has a lingering heart for the immortals, Xie Ayaya enters the mortal world to tide over the red dust calamity."

The author's name was Shujiang Baiyu, a name that was immediately apparent.

Yue Ge's finger fell, and there was a slight pause before he turned the page.

At the beginning, it was written that Mo Niang was a young lady from a large family. She was a dexterous person, skilled in the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she also knew some kung fu.

In this world, where even mortals are valued for their martial arts, Mo Niang, who is not bad at martial arts, is naturally a hot commodity.

This is a prerequisite.

Mo Niang has a fiancé who has been betrothed to her since childhood.

They were a good match in every way.

When they were about to get married, an immortal came to the city and found out that the fiancé had spiritual roots.

Yue Ge felt that she already had a rough idea of where she was going after that.

Sure enough, the fiancé who found out that he had spiritual roots and could cultivate, became proud and puffed up, and wanted to withdraw from the marriage to become a disciple in the immortal clan.

Mo Niang was not surprised, she reassured her parents that there was a difference between immortals and mortals, and that not withdrawing from the marriage would only be harmful to both parties ...

The problem is, Mo Niang has thought about it, but the fiancé has not.

He was afraid that Mo Niang would pester him, so he used the silver money given to him by the immortal chief to call for a number of beatings and to go and destroy Mo Niang's door.

At the critical moment, however, a woman in white came down from the sky to protect Mo's family and got rid of all those beatings.

This woman in white is the other heroine of the story, Ayana Xie ...

At this point there is then an illustration of the very scene where Xie Ayaya descends from the sky.

Yue Ge: "..."

The author really doesn't know anything about cultivators, Xie Ayaya is only a low-ranked cultivator at this moment, how can she fly freely without the help of the Royal Sword Technique?

She is not a mutant wind spirit root ...

The first thing I did was to read it.

Although it was all a routine, the plot was smooth and very good, and it still inspired the reader.

Next, there is the story of Xie Ayaya who takes Mo Niang to her fiancé and hits him hard in the face.

It turns out that this Xie Ayaya is a genius cultivator with double spiritual roots, and the fiancé, a four-spirited one, is naturally not as valuable as she is to the immortal elder.

So, the fiancé was banned from entering the Immortal Sect to cultivate.

With this matter over, Xie Aya was supposed to leave.

But she suddenly said that she did not want to go.

Yue Ge was about to turn the page when she suddenly felt ... that something was wrong somewhere.

She turned her head in confusion -

and met Zhu Yu's gaze.

Yue Ge: "..."