Zhu Yu stood quietly by the tent door, her head slightly bowed because the roof was not high enough.

Her face was calm, and her white clothes were still intact, but they were stained with blood, so red that it stung her eyes.

Yue Ge was still embarrassed, but when she saw her like this, she stood up and said, "Are you hurt?"

Zhu Yu usually fights with people, but is extremely clean, clothing does not stain blood, rarely have such a wretched time ...

Zhu Yu raised his eyes, calmly and indifferently: "I am not hurt, this blood is all from the demon captive."

The blood was all from the demon's captive." At these words, Yue Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the shame and embarrassment that had been suppressed by her worries rose up.

Yue Ge was all smiles and calmness. But in fact, she carefully carried the book behind her back and closed it quietly.

She also turned it over on its side.

Only after she had done so did she realise that this book belonged to Zhu Yu, and she knew exactly what was written and drawn in it.

So what was there to hide?

Zhu Yu came closer, his eyes on the thin booklet.

Immediately, Yue Ge smiled with pure innocence and pretended that nothing had happened.

Zhu Yu pondered for a moment, then suddenly spoke in a serious manner, "Do you like this book?"

After a pause, he continued, "When I came in, I didn't deliberately restrain my breath. You did not notice it for a long time ... but you were absorbed in reading it?"

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

Yue Ge: "..."

She is not mistaken, right?

When she looked again carefully, Zhu Yu's expression was still cool and clear, and he did not look like he would hit anyone.

Yue Ge just pretended that what she saw before was her own illusion, cleared her throat and said seriously, "After all, it's a love story, it's inevitably mesmerizing, it's normal to be fascinated ..."

After a bit of nonsense, she couldn't resist asking, "How long have you been standing at the door?"

Zhu Yu said slowly, "Not long..."

Yue Ge had just put her mind at ease when she heard her say, "It was only a cup of tea."

That's not long!

Yue Ge gave her a resentful look, and couldn't help but start to scratch her head at her own alertness.

Zhu Yu shook his head, "You should indeed be more vigilant, especially since this is a battlefield of foreigners and there are many variables. It is not advisable to be as careless as you are."

Yue Ge nodded his head frequently, humbly accepting the lesson.

However, Zhu Yu changed his tone and said calmly, "But since I am also here, you can read through it without worrying, and I will keep watch for you."

Yue Ge was speechless: "..."

But thinking about it, this Mo Niang seems to be far from the erotic part, focusing on going for the plot.

It's okay to look at it in front of Zhu Yu, right?

So Yue Ge took a deep breath, sat back down, and found the page he had just finished reading earlier.

That is, the part where Fairy Xie Ayana, after saving and avenging her beauty, suddenly said she wasn't going to leave.

By now, Zhu Yu was already sitting cross-legged, with her eyes closed, cultivating.

She had changed into a new vestment and had cast a cleansing spell on herself, still properly groomed and untouched.

Her dark eyelashes were on her eyelids, not moving at all - a quiet tranquillity that was all the more striking.

Yue Ge watched secretly, and when he saw that Zhu Yu was not looking at him, he breathed a sigh of relief inwardly and turned backwards with a calm expression.

At first glance was an illustration, extremely clear, taking up a whole page.

On the illustration, the two girls on the cover are still there.

If there was any difference between them and the cover, it was that ... they were not wearing any clothes.

The two girls were still in the same pose, their bodies were close together, and if there was any difference between them and the cover, it was that they were not dressed.

She was so shocked that she subconsciously raised her eyes and met Zhu Yu's smirking gaze ...

Her face instantly turned red.

Zhu Yu looked at there and shook her head, "What are you panicking about."

When she said this, the corners of her mouth seemed to have an upward curve, stunningly beautiful.

Yue Ge drew a breath of cold air backwards, practically leaving her shyness and embarrassment behind her.

It was only after a long time that she gritted her teeth and said, "Foul!"

Zhu Yu tilted his head, "Huh?"

Yue Ge was speechless for a moment, so she spread the book out again and pretended to ignore Zhu Yu's gaze.

Her attention, however, seemed to have been taken away from the book.

He said something about never crossing the line before marriage ...

And also rules and regulations, living in a tent are to sit and cultivate ...

This cold looking bad guy!

The spirit of teasing is not teasing?

But if she did, it would look like she was so horny that she had to go and flirt with someone else's iceberg asceticism.

Or, in case you are pushed away by Zhu Yu and earnestly admonished to observe etiquette ...

That would be too embarrassing.

Yue Ge's mind was scattered and her brain was in a tizzy.

She gambled, her eyes fixed on the textbook, but did not want to look at Zhu Yu.

Unbeknownst to her, Zhu Yu's eyes were smiling as he watched her blush and look down at her painting.

--She was becoming more and more prone to reveal her true emotions in front of herself.

If this keeps up, it won't be long before ...

It will allow Echigo to show her sweet and delicious insides with no more scruples.

That must ... be an even more appealing taste than the honey-filled jade cake.


The next day, Sikong Yueying took the little fox to the training ground as usual.

The fox was in a good mood this day and let her play with his tail.

When Sikong Yueying was having fun playing with her tail, she bumped into her younger sister Yue Ge.

"Yue Ge, how do you feel about training here?" Sikong Yueying waved with a smile.

Yue Ge looked a bit dazed, and when she saw her, she immediately raised a warm and lovely smile, "Senior Sister Sikong."

Then she replied, "The training was very good, I feel I have improved."

Sikong Yueying looked closer and wondered, "Are you ... not well rested last night?"

This is a bit awkward to say, after all, for cultivators, practicing meditation is also a segment to relax the spirit.

Even if you don't sleep well, as long as you meditate for one night, you will still be refreshed the next day.

But what was wrong with Yue Ge's trance-like appearance?

The smile on the corner of Yue Ge's mouth was a little bit.

Then she said with a smile, "I'm just thinking about something, it's no big deal."

Last night, she had finished reading all of Mo Niang's books.

Looking back on last night, Yue Ge wanted to curse herself for being stupid...

How could she have actually flipped through the entire yellow booklet to the end in front of Zhu Yu?

That's right, the yellow booklet.

Don't look at the seriousness of the plot at the front, but after a page it becomes Love at first sight, Love at second sight, Love at second sight ...

This is followed by-

Non-stop muffling.

And so on.

A wide variety of muffled voices.

As if the word descriptions weren't enough, they had to be accompanied by graphic demonstrations of muffling and muffling ...

And she thought this one was the most serious!

It's no different from the other two books that made her blush!

And it actually ends with Xie Ayaya giving up one of her dual spirit roots to Mo Niang?

The two of them will never be separated again and will walk the path of immortality together?

How can they both become single-rooted geniuses?

The author really has no common sense, right?

If you can separate one person's spiritual root to another, what's the point of playing? If you can separate a person's spiritual roots to another person, then what's the point of playing? Just create single spiritual root geniuses in bulk ...

Thinking about this, Yue Ge felt even more tired.

So what kind of wind did she have to take in order to turn this book to the end in front of Zhu Yu, which was full of silenced words and had questionable logic?

... She had a feeling.

This will be her black history for the rest of her life!

Sikong Yueying is also understanding, seeing that Yue Ge did not answer positively, so she snorted to divert the topic.

The two of them walked to the training ground, and before they could warm up, they saw Peng Jin rush to the training ground proper, shouting loudly, "Everyone, gather-"

Only when the cultivators were standing in unison did he say solemnly, "The devils are coming, follow me! Kill them all!"

"Newcomers, stay close to the veterans and watch out! If you're not careful and you fall, don't blame God or others!"

Again, the veterans answered in unison, "Yes! Yes, Captain..."

Peng Jin's eyes widened in anger, "Where are the new recruits? Where are your voices?"

The young cultivators looked at each other before they said loudly, "Yes! In accordance with the captain's order!"

The crowd responded equally loudly to Yue Ge: "..."

It felt more like military training eh.

Peng Jin's image matched the image of Instructor Gao Shi, and Yue Ge felt more comfortable looking at him.

Peng Jin led the first team up to the large open space in front of the camp gate.

Sikong Yueyi was already there, and when she saw Peng come in, she nodded slightly: "Captain Di, is everyone here?"

"All together, as soon as you give the word, I will lead them forward!" Peng Jin said with his head held high.

Sikong Yueyi smiled, her gaze flickering over Yue Ge and Sikong Yueying, then moving away as if nothing had happened.

Yue Ge sensed her worried emotions.

It is also true that despite being separated since childhood, they are still sisters, and it goes without saying that they care about them.

The more Wu ...

The second team arrived.

At this time, the second team arrived.

Zhu Yu was among them, with a cold and solemn look.

No one dared to stand within a one-meter diameter around her.

It wasn't that Zhu Yu was being ostracised by her teammates, it was just that the icy coldness was natural and the murderous aura was condensed but not dispersed, making people stay away from her.

Yue Ge thought, calmly meeting Zhu Yu's gaze, pretending that nothing happened last night: "..."

Zhu Yu also did the same, her lips moved slightly and she transmitted a voice: "Follow me later."

Yue Ge frowned and spoke with the same voice transmission, "But I'm from the first team ..."

Zhu Yu added, "The battlefield is chaotic, it won't take long for a melee to start."

At that time, naturally, there will not be any rules about low realm human beings fighting low realm demons and high realm human beings fighting high realm demons.

If they were of high cultivation, it would be fine.

If it is a low cultivation level and it is in front of a high realm demon ... that is a sure death.

Zhu Yu could not imagine that possibility.

She said in a cold voice: "No matter what, stay by my side and don't run around."

Yue Ge gritted her teeth, "Okay."

Soon, the first team also arrived in the clearing.

Not long after, the first team also came.

Around Sikong Yueyi, there seemed to be some kind of dangerous aura that appeared from time to time.

This was the army of great powers, powerful cultivators of the Cloud Ascension Realm and above.

All those involved in the war had come here.

The war was about to begin.


War is always cruel.

Even if both sides are of the same race, they can still fight without any goodwill ...

Not to mention the human race and the demon race.

He knew that a cultivator of the Empty Xuan realm was nothing in the battlefield, and that a big man on the other side could kill several Empty Xuan realms without mercy.

Therefore, it is all the more important not to let down your guard ...