The site of the earthwork jade tablets is a sacred platform in the desert.

It was built a thousand years ago by the indigenous people of this area to worship the Earth Mother, and is not visible on ordinary days, but only on the nights of the new moon.

According to local mythology, the Earth Mother and the Moon God had always been at odds, and the Yang God, who was in charge of the power of the Great Sun, was a wife-bearer who favoured the Moon God.

Therefore, when worshipping the Earth Mother, one is not allowed to see the sun or the moon, but only on the night of the first moon ...

If not, the Earth Mother would be furious and sinned against!

The earth mother's setting was too careful to complain about.

That was all she could remember about the earthwork jade tablets. As for the exact location, the way off, whether there is any danger ... she does not know anything.

But it would be rare, so even if it was dangerous, she should go and find out.

... remembered it so well, I wonder how many times he had read The Nine Directions.

There are still more than half a month to go before the next new moon night.

In the meantime, the devils were attacking from time to time, and they were persistent.

The demon general, Consort Yum, is extremely difficult to deal with, and it's fine when there's a big man watching her, but if she's left free ..., there's a raging demonic sound that resonates through the battlefield, causing the soldiers to lose control of their minds and be killed by the demons who catch them.

This is only for those who are at a higher level, but for those who are at a lower level, the moment they hear the sound of her flute, they will already think of destroying themselves.

So, Princess Yum is too suitable for the battlefield, she can weaken the enemy group very well!

Qian Qian Mai did not appear again, not knowing whether she was gambling at the demon camp or settling down to improve herself - Yue Ge guessed it was the former.

Training, fighting.

Training, fighting.

And so on and so forth ...

Half a month had flown by, and this night, it was the night of the new moon.

It was a rare occasion that Yue Ge did not wear her blue vestments, but her dark night clothes, and she silently sneaked out of the tent.

And behind her, the tent was empty.

Originally, Zhu Yu was to go with her, however, the plan could not catch up with the change ...

The day before, when the demons came to attack, Zhu Yu fought to the death with a demon of the Cloud Ascension realm. In the end, the demon died and Zhu Yu was caught in a breakthrough on the battlefield.

Before settling down, Zhu Yu clutched Yue Ge's hand and told her not to be impulsive, not to risk her life alone, and to wait until next month before going to the altar with him.

A struggling look appeared in Yue Ge's eyes and she did not answer.

When Zhu Yu saw this, she looked aghast.

She was about to say something else, but she could not resist the process of breaking through and reluctantly slowly closed her eyes.

... did not let go of Yue Ge's even at the end.

The thought of this, Yue Ge gritted her teeth and concealed her breath to avoid a human scouting team that was patrolling the camp.

At this moment, Zhu Yu is still in the camp dedicated to the soldiers breakthrough of the tent to settle, that place is a great power responsible for guarding, security issues naturally do not have to worry.

Zhu Yu, sorry ...

The first thing you need to do is to do nothing and just watch the night of the new moon pass.

Tonight is only to go forward to check out some, encounter a dangerous situation will retreat, must not be a problem.

... Wait this is not Rikugo ah hey!

The more the song raises its vigilance to the highest point, tumbles out of the camp's fence and heads straight for the vast desert.

The desert is terribly silent at night when the war is not burning, and the only thing you can hear in your ears is the harsh wind whistling, and there is only winding white sand under your feet.

In such an open place, it was almost an impossible task not to attract the attention of the scouts.

This is where the other spiritual weapon she obtained from the Book Depository comes in handy.

This sarong, which Yue Ge had named "Chameleon", could make the person wearing it blend in perfectly with the surroundings, just like a chameleon.


It only lasts for half an hour, after which there is a two-hour cooling period before it can be used again.

So Yue Ge had to get out of the scouting range of the human scouts and the demons within that half an hour!

That's like that hundred miles ahahahahahahaha.

That's a big challenge ...

Yue Ge thought, licking the corners of his lips unconsciously.

If the human scouting team had caught him, it would have been fine to see if he was collaborating with the enemy or not, and then to criticize and educate him about the military rule of "not leaving the camp at night without a reason", and the matter would have been over.

But if the devils find out ... it's a matter of nine lives and no escape.

The speed and concealment must be ensured...

Yue Ge's gaze flashed and he looked towards the tall cactus not far away.

It's up to you!


Devil scouting team.

An equal devil with spiral horns suddenly winced, and then looked behind him suspiciously.

It was still a silent desert, nothing half out of the ordinary.

"Captain, did something go past ... the party?" The demon pawn asked hesitantly.

The leader of this scouting team was a High Demon.

He looked around and didn't find anything suspicious, so he turned back and said impatiently, "Suspicious all day long, maybe it's something like a desert demon rat, what are you fussing about?"

"Yes ..."

Having been admonished, the demon minions hung their heads absentmindedly, their tails dragging on the ground in a shriveled manner.

Not far behind them, Yue Ge stood behind a cactus and breathed a sigh of relief.

This was probably the last of the scouting party ...

The altar was still further away, and the piece was easy to identify, recognizing a small, bright red cactus that was near there.

The first time I saw it, I was able to see it.

She had now turned it into a spring-like object.

The transparent Golden Spirit spring stretched out into the distance, extending and stretching as far as it could under Yue Ge's control, straightening and straightening ... until it snapped around an innocent cactus.

Cactus: "..."

Echigo tugged expressionlessly, making sure the spring was as taut as it could be.

Then with a grimace, he released the control.


The wind whistled as Echigo allowed her body to be carried out by the inertia of the golden spirit spring.

At the same time, she poked out another Golden Spirit spring and extended her claws towards the cactus further away.

Echigo's face remained expressionless.

#Feels as if I'm a woman of the wind #

#Poor cacti I'm sorry #

#This way of marching is like Tarzan of the Apes

With that, Yue Ge kept up her amazing speed and it wasn't long before she found the little bright red cactus.

"Please meet the Mother Earth-"

Yue Ge bowed slightly and calmly said.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she saw the sand in front of her slowly sink, like dangerous quicksand.

Yue Ge hurriedly took two steps back without being affected by the ripples.

When the sand stopped flowing, what appeared in place was a black, bottomless hole, like the huge mouth of an abyssal beast devouring everything ...

Its, with a steep section of stone steps, stretched down into the unseen darkness.

Yue Ge took another step back, a little abashed.

How does this look like the rhythm of a horror story!

Wish Yu help qaq!

Calm down, this is an altar, it has nothing to do with any ghosts and ghouls, it's a sacrifice to the gods ...

I'm not sure if there's an evil god sacrifice sequence in horror.

I can't think of a way to be more afraid of how to break it!!!

That, that, that don't think about the weirdness, I'm the successor of socialism ...

No, her existence as an asura is not scientific, this world is not scientific!

Yue Ge didn't dwell on it in her head for too long, she still closed her eyes, clenched her fists and stepped onto the stone steps.

Just scouting the path, running back if she encountered danger -

Anyway, in the mysterious world, even ghosts and ghouls were classified according to their strength, so what was the point of being afraid of them!

On the dark underground stone steps.

A circle of lamps hovered around her, all of which were held up by her golden spirit net to provide a hundred and sixty degree lighting effect.

With a steady source of light, Yue Ge felt slightly relieved, but at the same time, she could not help but spit at herself: she was obviously an asura born in the darkness of the sea, but she was still so afraid of the dark!

Well, she was still here two years ago ...

The more song has been walking on the stone steps for a long time.

The stone steps, which were steep at first, tended to level off the further they went, and there was no telling when they would reach the end.

As expected of an altar dedicated to the Earth Mother, wasn't it hidden deep beneath the earth?

After walking like this for a long time, there was a faint light ahead.

Yue Ge became more and more cautious as she carefully stepped on the last stone step and paused before walking forward.

It was a huge underground space, and an altar stood silently on it.

The light source that Yue Ge saw on the stone steps came from the long-lit lamps at the corners of the altar and the large censer directly between them - the censer appeared to have a leaping dark yellow flame.

There it was, the scene had awakened a memory in Yue Ge's subconscious.

The flame of the big tripod was a kind of strange fire of heaven and earth, and also one of the edges of the Jiu Fang slag, which seemed to be called ... Eighteen Underworld Flames.

And the earthbound jade piece she was looking for seemed, perhaps, probably to be beneath this flame, and she had to collect the strange fire to get it.

Caught in deep thought, Yue Ge: "..."

How does this make her, a single gold spirit root, play?

The department does not discriminate is it, do everything to nine square slag that fire spirit root otherwise there is no negotiation right!

Yue Ge was already thinking very rationally about the feasibility of this operation - "Bring Jiu Fang Jie here, then the strange fire will go to him and the earthwork jade piece will go to her".

Just then, Yue Ge looked down without thinking, and saw ...

On the ground in front of her, there was a moving, human-shaped shadow.


Echigo swore that this was definitely the fastest reaction she had ever had.

She was so scared that she lost her voice, but her first reaction was a ferocious kill kill kill!

Turn whatever the hell it is into shreds and mincemeat before you do!

So, the golden spirit net surged up at speed, wrapping the thing behind it in a circle, about to strangle it like a python ...

"Stop, girl! You have to be merciful!"

A voice that sounded somewhat familiar rang out in terror behind them.

Echigo: "..."

Oh, she knew who it was.

Not only did the golden spirit net not let go, it tied the person behind it even tighter, directly tying the person into a dumpling.

"Underworld Winter Academy, Qing Jianhan?" Yue Ge asked coldly as she turned back to him.

"Yes, the girl knows me - er!"

Qing Jianhan looked at the side of Yue Ge's face and was speechless.

Only after a long time did he ask tentatively.

"Xiu Yue Ge?"

The atmosphere suddenly fell into an awkward silence.