On top of the altar, the long-lit lamp burns steadily.

Yue Ge was holding his arms, staring at Qing Jianhan with a blank expression.

Qing Jianhan was still bound by the golden spirit net, and he could feel the pain of the golden threads tightening, as if they would cut through his clothes and flesh if he got any closer.

The thoughtful gaze of Yue Ge also sent chills down his back and made his heart tighten.

This situation lasted for a long time before Yue Ge pulled out a standard smile and spoke coolly and quietly, "Qing Gongzi, it's quite a coincidence that I met you here."

Qing Jianhan did not dare to move, and laughed dryly, "Oh, yes, what a coincidence ..."

At the same time frantically communicating with his system cranially, "Tuzi - is this what you mean by the plot having, somewhere, out, in?"

You can even go in and out to the location of the male lead's edge?

This Xiu Yue Ge is actually a wearer, isn't he?!

The system said, "The host should remain calm and wait for the system to analyze the situation."

"How long are you going to analyze the situation?" Qing Jianhan broke down.

The system played dead and didn't say anything: "..."

Yue Ge's thoughts were also racing.

In the current situation, she had the upper hand, but in reality, she was the one who had no idea.

The system is a collection of golden fingers bound to a system that gives points for a large number of tasks, which can be described as omnipotent.

You want to look good? Do a task for points!

Want to be a millionaire fan? Do a task for points!

If you want to become a top genius in a certain field, then of course you have to do tasks for points!

As long as you have the points, you can die and live, change your identity and body, these are all regular operations.

So it's hard to do ... don't look at her now to tie people into dumplings, maybe the next second it will be their turn to control the battle!

Thinking about this, Yue Ge gently narrowed her eyes.

The good thing is, being able to hear their intracranial communication, there is the meeting with the strain.

Qing Jianhan was helplessly waiting for the system to give a reply when he heard Yue Ge smile and say, "What is your mission?"

Mission ...?

Qing Jianhan subconsciously looked up and met Yue Ge's smile that seemed to know everything.

Cold sweat seeped on his forehead and he did not speak.

At the same time, he poked the system, "She knows about the mission - I told you she was a book wearer too!"

The system said, "It is highly likely that the other party is a book wearer, but it is not yet known if she is the system host. I do not sense a corresponding form of system energy from the other party."

Yue Ge smiled darkly and continued gently, "I know that you are also the System's host, and likewise, I have learned of your mission."

"Our purposes do not conflict, we can even be said to complement each other, we have the conditions to become allies ..."

Qing Jianhan recoiled and asked, "Why should I believe you when you have no proof of your empty words?"

"You can also choose not to believe." Yue Ge said dryly. "The alliance I spoke of is only a proposal, and as far as I am concerned, I have nothing to lose whether you agree or not."

Speaking here, Yue Ge arched her eyes, "But what about you? You're pretty clueless about the quests issued by the system, aren't you?"

Qing Jianhan frowned, and after a long time, sighed, "Please allow me to think about it for a moment."

After a pause, he said with difficulty again, "... Can you loosen the rope first?"

"It's not a rope, it's a golden spirit net." Yue Ge said seriously.

Qing Jianhan wanted to cry: "Whatever it is, can you loosen it first ... this is dangerous ..."

Yue Ge smiled: "No."

Subtext: why would I let go of a guy who knows my identity and could be a threat to me?

#Have you ever heard the saying that peers are enemies?

Qing Jianhan gave up helplessly and asked the system, "Tuzi, do you think she's trustworthy?"

Armament Voice replied, "The system cannot judge, the host should make his own decision."

"You said earlier that you couldn't feel her form of system energy ..."

"That's not surprising, there are twelve ways of masking the system's presence, the other party may have only used one of them."

Echigo, who was listening in, "..."

Good, she didn't even need to find her own reason.

Qing Jianhan struggled for a moment more before cautiously asking, "What do you think, what is my mission?"

Yue Ge laughed lightly, "To demolish the harem."

"Then what is your mission?" Qing Jianhan said skeptically. "And to match my target ...."

Yue Ge pondered for a moment.

"Raiding Zhu Yu," she said with a smile.

Qing Jianhan was dumbfounded, "Raiding Concubine Zhu Luo? No way, you're not fooling me?"

Yue Ge tightened her golden spirit net slightly, her expression unchanged: "Who are you calling Concubine Xiu Luo?"

Qing Jian Han hissed in pain, "No, didn't call anyone ..."

Yue Ge on slightly loosened, still smiling, "It's rude to call so, remember, Zhu Yu is not some Nine Fang Slag's Xiu Luo Consort ... she is mine, my empress."

Qing Jian Han: "... Okay Empress, I understand Empress."

Inwardly but to the system: "Big brother are so two?"

The system was serious: "In the course of the book wearer's long mission, there is indeed a certain possibility of being assimilated into the world's mainstream thinking, manifestations of which include being two, indifferent, forcefulness, etc."

Qing Jian Han was thoughtful: "Oh ..."

Yue Ge perfectly performed the image of a profound big brother and former book wearer.

After her heartfelt performance in Cave Ming Forbidden Land, she had once again exploded with her Oscar-winning acting skills!

Qing Jianhan didn't hesitate for long, but still gritted his teeth and agreed, "I promise you an alliance!"

Yue Ge looked at him with a smirk.

"We're all allies now, so just let go of me." Qing Jianhan laughed dryly.

Yue Ge shook his head rightfully, "That won't do. Can you say "alliance" and then take off your guard? Then you are underestimating me too much."

Qing Jianhan: "... Then what else do you want to do?"

Yue Ge returned a smile.

A chill ran down Qing Jianhan's spine.


A moment later.

"Now I'm always worth believing, right?" Qing Jianhan did not have a good temper.

"Well ... is still trustworthy, so I won't tie you up." Yue Ge's face was frank as he took back the Golden Spirit Net.

Qing Jianhan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Naturally, he would not know that Yue Ge had also put his lifted heart back into place.

They had entered into a pact to assist each other and not to have the intention of harming anyone.

If anyone tried to harm the other, as long as they were still in this world, they would be subject to the Heavenly Dao and would be struck to cinders by the Heavenly Thunder.

Therefore, the two parties are now in a friendly alliance.

"What are you looking for when you come here ... Eighteen Tribulations of Underworld Fire?" Yue Ge asked, pretending not to think about it.

Qing Jianhan scratched his hair in annoyance, "Of course not, I am not a fire system, what do I need the Heaven and Earth Wonder Flame for."

Yue Ge: "This is the Earth Mother Altar."

Yes, this place was a sacrificial platform for the Earth Mother. Except for the underworld fire, it was all earthbound spirits ... What is your wind spirit root doing here?

Qing Jianhan coughed lightly, "It's not ... to find some treasures so I can exchange them for points."

The system can use points to exchange for treasures, so naturally you can also use the treasures of this world to exchange for points.

The system can use points to exchange for treasures, and naturally you can also use treasures in this world to exchange points.

He has no choice but to rely on the treasures for a few dozen points to barely survive.

This Mother Earth altar still hid a lot of treasures. If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have come all the way from that end of the Northern Zephyr Empire to this side.

"Even if you've come, why not simply take this Eighteen Tribulation Underworld Flame with you?" Yue Ge smiled. "A treasure of the rank of Heaven and Earth Wonder Flame can probably be exchanged for quite a few points."

Qing Jianhan wavered a little, "The Eighteen Robbed Underworld Flames are the male master's things."

"The other treasures you want to scavenge are also his things." Yue Ge spread.

"It's not the same, those are all ordinary treasures that have been brought along for a ... while," Qing Jianhan faltered more and more.

Yue Ge inclined his head: "What's the difference?"

"If you are worried that down the road the Nine Fang Slag ... Nine Fang Xuan Ling does not have enough Heaven and Earth strange fire to form any ghostly cycle in his body, just leave a sliver waiting for him. A trace of fire and a ball of fire, both are heaven and earth strange fire, no problem in this worldview, right?"

Qing Jianhan: "..."

Seems so?

Yue Ge smiled but did not say anything.

Of course you, the one with the system to collect the strange fire ... otherwise this underworld fire, she can not take it out, and how to get the earthbound jade piece to it?

In the end, to take the edge is to take the edge, but it is for their own benefit related.

It is not so important to take more or less.

Qing Jianhan easily pocketed the Eighteen Robbed Underworld Flame.

Just as he wanted to part with a wisp and put it back, Yue Ge stopped him and let out his golden spirit net and poked it into the censer.

"You want to take the earthbound jade piece?" Qing Jianhan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Yue Ge finally relaxed as she watched the Golden Spirit Net roll out a warm, dark yellow jade piece.

At that, she shrugged, "I only want this one piece."

It wasn't a matter of just one piece!

Without the earthbound jade piece, how could the hero open the tomb of Immortal Martial Battleaxe, how could he fight against the ultimate SS, how could he save the entire Spiritual Abyss Continent from the fire!

Suddenly, Qing Jian Han's heart was startled.

No, there was only one use for the Five Elements Jade Piece - it was to open the Immortal Sovereign's tomb.

Then what did this book wearer senior ... want them for?

Qing Jianhan looked at Yue Ge's gaze, gradually becoming reverential admiration and some desire to speak.

Could ...

Xiu Yue Ge is trying to save the world?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, she must want to take up the burden of saving the continent!

Yue Ge was squirming from the look, so she pulled up the corners of her mouth coldly: "What is Lord Qing looking at, but are you missing my Golden Spirit Net again?"

Qing Jianhan: "... I dare not dare."

Ah ... this is still an arrogant hero who does good deeds without leaving his name!

Therefore, when Yue Ge asked later where the other jade pieces were located and what the details were, Qing Jianhan answered very readily.

Yue Ge even saw something crystalline in his eyes ...

Originally, she was suspicious that there might be a fraud - but based on the conversation between Qing Jianhan and the system, she was able to dispel that thought.

The two, who had reached an initial alliance, scavenged the buried treasures of the altar.

Then, they resumed their walk down the stone steps towards the ground.

Yue Ge wore an official manner smile, "Today's cooperation was pleasant, I will see you later."

Qing Jian Han: "You have been near the male lead, can you tell me about his current relationship status?"

Yue Ge pondered for a moment and said calmly, "Single, not chasing anyone and not being chased."

Qing Jian Han gave a start and said incredulously, "What about Qian Qian Mai?"

"With the demon general Consort Yin."

"What about the orc race White Haunting ...?"

"Oh, she's currently fighting with Saint Lan's Princess Yue Ying."

"Princess Yue Yi ..."

"They haven't even spoken a word."

Qing Jian Han held his forehead, "Is this the rhythm of the quest I'm going to lie doing."

Yue Ge laughed and didn't say anything more.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the stone steps became steeper and steeper.

Yue Ge then knew that the path was almost at the end.

Sure enough, further up, she could already see the stars in the night sky ... and the cold-faced Zhu Yu.

Yue Ge: "..."


It's only been two days, how come Zhu Yu is done breaking through?!

What happened to the promise that breaking through the Cloud Ascension Realm was extremely difficult and would take as little as five days or as much as a month?!!!