I don't remember how the night passed.

Maybe it was a night of training, or maybe it was a night of random thoughts ... or maybe it was just a night of pure blankness.

The first thing she thought was: this guy, Zhu Yu, didn't he say that he wanted to keep his manners and never break the rules before marriage?

But then she thought about it, and realized that it wasn't really a transgression.

After all, he hadn't even touched her physically, and he was still calling it a punishment ...

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money for the purpose of the actual money.

Although it was a punishment, I must say...

It was too comfortable!

The word "shinjin" means a friend who is of like mind and knows each other well, or a friend who has never met each other in person.

But in fantasy, it has been given another meaning ... that is, the intermingling of spiritual awareness and spirits, the art of dual cultivation that brings great pleasure.

Last night, she and Zhu Yu did not have a true divine encounter.

It was just a touching of souls, not a full blending. Well, at best, it was an exchange of spiritual awareness?

The first thing she could not help but think was, if spiritual communication was this comfortable, what would real divine intercourse feel like?

... wasn't interested in what she was thinking about here alone!

She shook her head gently, and raised her eyes.

The first thing she noticed was that Zhu Yu was looking at her, his eyes were gentle, and he didn't know how long he had been looking at her.

Yue Ge gave a start.

She then looked as normal and said with a smile, "... Good morning, Zhu."

Zhu Yu seemed to feel there, also slightly hooked the corners of his mouth: "Good morning."

Recently, is Zhu Yu smiling more often?

The next day, he was in the middle of the day, and he was obsessed with Zhu Yu's beautiful face.

Now that the earthbound jade piece had arrived, there was no reason for the two of them to stay in the barracks.

What's more, Asahi had sent a message saying that something big was going to happen to the clan. Even if the time limit is one month, the sooner they return to the clan, the better.

Yue Ge did not want to leave straight away.

If they did, they would not be able to use their current status - wherever they were, human deserters would not be treated well.

Although the substance of the way out of the battlefield was no different from being a deserter ... it was a bit hypocritical to still want to earn a good name.

But in any case, they are asuras.

To the human race, if it is not my race, its heart will be different.

If Asura's true identity is known, these comrades who once fought side by side will not treat them much better than they do the demons.

... deserters or not, they are not part of the same tribe, so how can they be afraid of life and death and betray their tribe?

It's just a matter of each having their own interests.

The only thing is that if you want to leave, you have to choose a good reason.

Right now, there's a good one. ...

"Now the battle is stagnant, our human race and the demon race are each winning and losing, and it is difficult to tell the winner from the loser." Sikong Yueyi stood on the stage and raised her voice. "But as far as I can see, the demon race's actions have been very cautious and careful recently, and there seems to be some monstrous conspiracy brewing ..."

"The reason why you are all here is to guard the land of Saint Lan and the billions of people in it!"

"The generals of the foreign battlefield have been born and raised here for generations, and have not enjoyed the comforts and prosperity of ordinary towns. Yet with loss comes gain, and the empire has tilted its cultivation resources heavily towards this place to help you cultivate to a higher level."

As he spoke, his eyes turned slightly and took in the expressions of the generals on the stage.

All of them looked frenzied and determined, without exception.

"Raising an army for a thousand days is a time to use it. This is the time for us to do our part, to guard this foreign battlefield and not allow the devils to run amok..."

"Who is willing to go to the Devil's camp and find out what they are up to?"

The response to this impassioned and impassioned pre-battle rally was extremely enthusiastic.

The soldiers enthusiastically raised their hands and said.


"Battalion Commander, we are willing to go!"

"I've been wanting to go to the devil's nest for a long time! Let me do it!"

Most of those who said so were cultivators who had continued in this place for generations.

The newly arrived cultivators ... such as the Caveman students, on the other hand, were very hesitant.

Exploring the Devil's Camp ... with a little thought, one can know how many trials and thrills it has.

How many strong people are there in the devil race?

What is the situation in the devil camp?

What are the chances of being discovered?

If they are discovered, they will be in the midst of many ferocious demons and will not be able to escape.

The students of the Cavemen are all proud students, and there are many of them who are unparalleled geniuses, and they are always held in high esteem.

Who would be willing to take such a risk just to find out a piece of information ...

The first time I heard a woman's voice, I was willing to go!

Turning his head, he saw that it was the woman from the first team, called Yue Ge.

Zhu Yu followed closely behind, "Me too."

Turning his head again, he saw that the woman who had just been promoted to the first team was called Zhu Yu!

Jiu Fang Jie was not to be outdone: "How can a man let a woman get ahead of him, I'm going to explore the enemy camp too!"

I will also go and explore the enemy's camp!" he said, raising his hand high in the air, showing how determined he was.

The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the best out of it.

The male lead, if he didn't take the initiative to precede others in such a big matter, what kind of Dragon Ao Tian would he be?

Sikong Yueying also echoed her imperial sister's call.

Xie Shangde also raised it.

Those who participated in the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Competition looked at each other and responded as well.


The cavernous scholars also felt enlightened as they watched each and every genius of geniuses going -

They are such rare geniuses that they are all rushing to go to the devil camp, what else can we say?

So they all took a stand, and they all wanted to explore the enemy camp and show their ambition.

As Sikong Yueyi watched the scene before her, she couldn't help but praise, "Good! Worthy of being my people of Saint Lan!"

The words changed: "Although there are many generals who are willing to go and find out information, only those with the strongest ability to conceal themselves and the most adaptability can go. Otherwise, it will not only be of no use to the mission, but may also alert the demons, which will not be worth the loss."

It means that there will be a test.

Those who can pass will go, but those who can't will stay and improve.

Otherwise, if the one who is extremely easy to spot goes to ... not only does not get the news, but also may pull down all the people who go with them.

The ability to hide of Yue Ge and Zhu Yu naturally does not need to be said, the principle of their disguise as human, in fact, is to hide the racial scent to a minimum, and then simulate the human scent out, used as a confusion.

If you want to hide yourself, you only need to do the previous step.

If you want to disguise yourself as a demon, you only need to do the previous step and then simulate the demon breath to come out.

This is kind of how the plot opens up - no one except the bigwigs above the Immortal King realm will be able to dismantle it.

So the test.

The process of the examination was quite psychologically stressful.

A row of bigwigs sat in the tent, watching with great interest as the juniors used their concealment stances and whispered their comments.

Some of them shook their heads in disbelief and said, "You are not qualified. If you go to the demon camp like this, you will be skinned and eaten by the demons.

There are also some stern ones, who suddenly let out their pressure, so as to test the ability of the juniors to adapt to the situation ...

The two of them are the most important.

The two people, Yue Ge, passed the test as a matter of course.

Naturally, no bigwigs found out about their true identities as asuras under the human disguise.

In the end, the quota had been determined.

Yue Ge put everything away and put it into her storage ring.

This time, when she visited the enemy camp, it would be the deed that she and Zhu Yu would be hurt and disappear.

When the time came, one would disappear in the blink of an eye.

If they still want to come back to regain their human identity, just say: they both panicked and fled to the vicinity, triggering which ancient ruins ... were locked inside to cultivate for how long how long ...

No one will doubt this.

After all, how many times have they disappeared on the path of the nine party slags growing up, and no one has been seen to question a word of it.

Presumably, in the world of mystical illusions, disappearances were exactly the norm.

After the cultivators had made some preparations, a big man who was good at concealment led the group towards the demon camp.

Along the way, the cultivators each had their own section to hide their scent and leave no footprints.

With the big man looking after them, there was no trace of them at all.

In order not to cause too much trouble, when they encountered a scouting party of demons who did not notice their movements, they just quietly swept past them and ignored them.

But if there were any such alert teams, they had to be eliminated before they could send a message.

Eventually, the group arrived outside the demon camp.

Before they arrived, many of them had imagined this place to be a bloody cave, with blood everywhere and human skeletons hanging everywhere.

But after they came, they realized ... that there seemed to be no difference between this demon camp and the human camp.

Of course, no cultivator would be foolish enough to say this out loud.

"You and the others should sneak into the devil camp here, and make sure to remember all the abnormalities ...," the human big man instructed. "The old man will also keep an eye on the movements of the demon greats for you and the others, and hold them at bay when necessary to make you and the others retreat."

As he said this, he increased his tone, "Be sure to pay attention to any hints, what the devils are planning will certainly not be trivial!"

The monks all nodded cautiously.

Yue Ge thought naggingly ...

If there was no surprise, the devil race's plot was - to poison the human race.

It was a young pill refiner of the devil race who used the human race to experiment with living bodies to refine a poison pill that could exterminate human cultivators on a large scale.

Pill refining, well, who in this field is as good as the protagonist?

In ... although delayed a few years from the current timeline, it was also Princess Yue Yi who noticed the weirdness of the demon race and sent cultivators to the demon camp to probe for news.

Living up to expectations, Jiu Fang Jie discovered the devil's calculations and stole a bottle of poison pills back.

In a matter of days, he was able to concoct the corresponding antidote, which saved the human race from this great catastrophe.

The devilish pill refiner was furious.

Who is this devilish pill refiner?

Oh, and as you know, usually, the hero of a mystery will have many love interests.

When the author doesn't know what to write to move the plot forward, he will assign a love interest to the main character.

When the love rival comes out, the protagonist naturally has to hit his face.

Eh, the love interest is defeated and very unconvinced.

The protagonist, who is being suppressed by this powerful force, leaves a message: "I'll be back!"

After that, he meets some random fate, cultivates hard and upgrades.

By this time, the protagonist will have been able to beat the face of that powerful force and convince the love interest ... or simply neng the love interest to death.

Very good, more than 100,000 words just paddled through, congratulations!

The one who made this map cannon poison pills is the love rival of Jiu Fang slag in the demon race - the demon youth who is deeply in love with Qian Yan dance: night what what!

Cough cough, just according to the current situation, he and Jiu Fang Jie should not be in a love rival relationship anymore either.

Let's just say that they are the same people at the end of the earth, right ...?

Yue Ge suddenly wanted to laugh a little when he thought of the pair of love interests, Consort Yin and Qian Yanmai.


Wait a minute.

That said, at this point in time, the Jiu Fang slag, should not have reached the original pill refiner grade,... he can really refine the antidote?

But if this calculation was done, the Devil's Night something or other should not have reached the realm where he could refine a poison pill either.

Yue Ge felt a pain in his brain, and stopped thinking about it.

How the truth of the matter ... into the demon camp to see, will be able to know.