At the order of the big man, the human cultivators showed their skills and made many changes to conceal themselves.

Some transformed themselves into a cactus thorn, blown by the strong wind of the desert, and rolled into the gate of the demon camp with a grunt.

Some suspected that the devils' plans were in the ground, so they made a magic trick to disappear into the earth and headed for the camp.

Some people simply took out their demon armour from their storage devices, put it on their bodies and pretended to be demon warriors who had returned from their disappearance ...

The more he looked left and right, the more he was amazed.

They are all geniuses with big brains!

And there was that nine-fanged scum, bewilderingly confident.

His body, suddenly emitting the aura of a noble demon, while his feet flew to install himself with two demon horns and a long tail - which also moved.

At first glance, it was clear that he was going to disguise himself as a demon nobleman ... er, to inspect the military situation in the demon camp?

It is possible to look at a plot like this and think that the protagonist's calm and collected attitude in the face of danger is amazing.

But in the real world ...

It's too sandy!

The demon soldiers and demon generals won't be suspicious if a demon noble suddenly appears?

The actual fact is that you can't get a lot of money from the marketplace.

And do you even know how the demon race lives and speaks?

But there is no way out, the protagonist is the protagonist, the protagonist is confident that he will not be recognized, then he will not be recognized.

At the same time, nobles need to have followers.

So those who changed into ordinary demons stood behind him, pretending to be guards ...

The group of people just strutted around, heading straight for the demon camp

The corners of Yue Ge's mouth twitched involuntarily: "..."

She shook her head and turned to Zhu Yu, "Come on."

Yue Ge took out her chameleon sarong.

It was called a sarong, but it was actually a whole piece of gauze that could completely cover the two women in it.

Zhu Yu frowned: "This item is only useful for half an hour ..."

"No harm, just leave within half an hour." Yue Ge whispered. "Besides, I know where to go."

Zhu Yu's eyes showed an unexpected look, "..."

There was a pause before he said, "You're not hiding it?"

Yue Ge smiled: "Not really ... I'll tell you more after this."

Zhu Yu's eyes were distant, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After a moment, he said, "Okay."

The two Shura women concealed their breath, covered under their sarongs, and cautiously entered the demon camp.

From the outside, the demon camp did not look any different from the human camp.

And from the inside, there was not much difference either.

There were rows and rows of tents, lined up in a clean and orderly manner. The demons look serious and their words are very clear and emotional.

When ... saw this, everyone knew that the rumours that were widely circulated among the people were true or false.

The so-called devils are savage and cruel people who like to eat flesh and blood, and the so-called devils are tyrannical by nature, do not understand emotions and do not know what is going on ... are just words of incitement.

In front of a tent, two devils were talking in devilish language, and their body movements were quite rich.

The two are talking in magical language, and their body movements are quite rich.

I don't understand.

If the upper tier demons can still communicate in the common language of the continent, then these lower tier demons can only speak in magic ...

At this point, instead, Zhu Yu transmitted, "They are discussing the casualties, and one of the demons is heading to the medical camp to find some wound medicine."

Yue Ge: "You know magic language?"

"When I was a teenager I always wanted to learn more, so I am not proficient in the demon language, but I can understand it without much difficulty." Zhu Yu said plainly.

The more songs in respect, as if to see a unique learning bully's confident light ...

The women then followed one of the demons and headed for the demon medical camp.

The two of them were in the same room, under the same veil, and their bodies were close to each other, without any gap.

Yue Ge's face is serious, and his heart is also serious ... but inevitably a little apathetic.

The body of Zhu Yu, although close to always feel a trace of coldness, but soft and ice spirit of the genus of half a point is not compatible.

If it wasn't the wrong time of year, I would like to be closer ... to her, for example, and stay in her arms?

These thoughts were just a flash of light, and were left behind by Yue Ge.

She was on a rather dangerous mission!

What a nonsense!

Zhu Yu then said, "What are you thinking about?"

Yue Ge turned serious in a second: "I'm thinking about whether our plan will go well."

Zhu Yu didn't seem to notice that her heart wasn't in the right place, and only paused for a moment before saying with certainty, "It will go well."

Yue Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

She then continued to keep her mind steady, making sure that her breath didn't give away even a hint.

The demon they were following was oblivious to the fact that they were walking along, muttering something in demonic language the whole way.

Yue Ge was curious: "Zhu, what is he saying?"

Zhu Yu frowned, his eyes flashing sternly, "It's just some vulgar cursing, you don't have to listen to it, lest it stain your ears."

Yue Ge pondered: "Oh ..."

The devils came straight to the front of the medical camp.

With a twinkle in her eye, Yue Ge looked for the cleanest one in this camp ...

That's right, that magic pill refiner, night something or other, is exactly a magic race that is extremely concerned about cleanliness and tidiness.

That is, a cleanliness demon.

It was actually very easy to find.

At a glance, there is only that one camp tent, which is not only clean, but also blindingly snow white.

The tent was not only clean, but also blindingly white.

Naturally, the devilish man was not heading for the pill refiner's tent, so Yue Ge and the two of them stopped following him and turned to the snow-white tent instead.

"Dao'er, are you ... really unwilling to say yes to me?"

The two of you are going to be able to find out more about the actual tent, and you'll be able to hear a heartfelt male voice from inside.

Yue Ge pondered as her feet hit the ground: "..."

It was probably what she thought?

She bent down slightly and looked inside through the gap in the curtain.

Sure enough, inside the tent was none other than Chiyonmai, and a demon youth.

This would be Night What's-His-Name!

As the love interest of the original Jiu Fang Slag, Night Something Something was naturally not bad looking.

It was the white ah ... he wore from head to toe that was even more blinding than his tent.

"Night stop lord, my words have made it very clear, I have the devil of my heart!" Chiyonmai said coldly as she clasped her arms and turned her face away. "You'd better not make a useless effort, I won't accept it."

Night what what - Night Stopper sniffed and said sharply, "Why don't you want to accept? Because of your status? I know His Majesty will look up to you, but I am not unworthy of you ... Immediately, immediately I am going to make a great achievement in this battle! Even so, you still do not want to accept me?"

Qian Yanmai said with a headache, "Didn't you hear what my lady said? I have - the heart, the ritual, the devil! It has nothing to do with whether you are worthy of me or not, and I hope you will not be reckless."

Yue Ge Xin wowed and couldn't help but be the Hidden Breath crowd ... After all, being a crowd eater was dangerous, and Hidden Breath was not.

The night stop lord continues to be sad: "Well, then who is the devil of your heart?"

A thousand multiplication dance head: "has nothing to do with you."

The left side of Night Stopper's face had "stubborn" and the right side had "strong" written on it: "No, I must know who that demon is! Can it be that he is more qualified to own you than I am?"

Qian Chengmai laughed in exasperation, "Even if I had no love in my heart, you would not be qualified!"

Compared to the human race, the demon race's theory of the weak and the strong is even stronger.

In the demon race's concept, whether it was a man or a woman, as long as they were strong, they had the so-called qualification to own each other.

But ... their backstage is also counted among the strengths.

Who can be stronger than the demon king?

Just at this moment.

Zhu Yu suddenly reached out, swept Yue Ge under his arm and dodged to the side.

The movement was swift and silent, not even a breath of wind was brought up.

At the same time, the Breath Convergence Technique also worked with increasing urgency ...

Almost immediately, a woman's slightly husky, demonic voice sounded behind them.

This voice, seemingly carelessly laughing, said, "I wonder ... whether this general has this qualification?"

As soon as the night stop lord turned his eyes, it was a shock, then hesitantly saluted, said, "General Consort Yin ..."

It was the demon general Yin Fei, Su lifted the snow-white curtain and came into this tent.

Once again, Yue Ge let out a low wow in her heart.

What was she thinking just now, that the night stop lord's love rival was someone else?

--But that's what she thought.

Zhu Yu glanced at her and dropped her eyes.

I don't know why Yue Ge is here, listening to this love affair with great interest ...

The reason for this is that she must have a reason for doing so.

I'll just watch and see.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

She sighed as if with light sorrow, "So does Miss think ... I have the qualifications?"

Qian Chengmai could not help but hook up a smile, but her mouth said, "Hmph, your words, barely."

Even if the night stop lord was slow, he also sensed that something was wrong: "You, you ..."

Consort Tone gave a low laugh.

"Could it be that Night Medicine Master considers himself more qualified than this General?"

Yue Ge even sympathised with the Night Stopper.

After all, it was the object of bitter love for many years, only to learn once and for all that people were bent ... This level of misery did not seem much worse than that of the Nine Fang Slag.

But on second thought ... well it's still the nine-fold slag that's better.

Over there, the night stop lord endured a great blow and actually lost his voice and shouted: "General Yumfei! You are defying the royal bloodline -"

This sentence seemed to ignite the anger of the two demonesses.

Qian Yanmai's face was filled with anger, "Is it up to you to decide whether to scorn or not?"

Consort Yin covered up her mouth and laughed: "Night Medicine Master has a good life, how can this general be contemptuous of the royal family ... Then I would like to know if this is considered contempt?"

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and they've got a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

The night stop lord finger trembled: "..."

Yue Ge blinked: "..."

Zhu Yu was most calm, his breath not a trace of disturbance.

To be reasonable, this scene was a bit exciting.

Although it was just a kiss, no more deep and revealing than in the talking books ...

But this is a real person!

Two living, breathing beauties!

The more song is a little hesitant, should she continue to watch, or rush to turn away her face?

But was Zhu Yu too close to her ...?

The atmosphere at that end was heated, and I don't know how long it took before the kiss between the two magical girls ended.

I don't know why, but Echigo was a bit lost.

What about the "accidental" scenarios that are often found in comics?

Shouldn't Zhu Yu move slightly and then, with the corner of his lips brushing her face or something ...

Or maybe she moved slightly and her lips brushed the side of Zhu Yu's face ...

Yue Ge: "..."

Right yo.

Why didn't she have a surprise!

What a great meeting this was to miss!

Yue Ge couldn't help but stifle her wrist