Chen Kalamas

Sango lowered his head, as he closed his eyes still trying to figure out what he should do with his new life and body, however after a while he calmed down since he had just arrived in this world he needed to take his time and figure things out slowly.

After a while, he continued sorting out the memories of his current body. It was needless to say how important these memories would be to the current him, who had no idea of this world so he might as well digest them first before thinking about what to do.

After a while Sango realized the situation of the new body was quite unique, the name of the previous owner was Chen he was nothing short of ordinary just like the rest of the people he had seen the boy had no cultivation as well, meanwhile his father Feng was barely well to do in the Jin Ji city of Hua province.

However, his mother on the other hand could be said to have a powerful and influential family background in a famous city called Yan Dong.

The two just like any ordinary couple, met on the second day of entering college even though their love story didn't begin immediately needless to say they quickly fell inlove with each other after a while. However, something happened when their love was just sprouting, his mother's family after realizing his father had no amazing background opposed their union.

It was to the point where the whole society frown upon their marriage with the parents fuelling the flame, this was particularly made possible due to how influential the gangsta family such as the kalamas was.

After falling out with the family, the previous soul owner of the body grandfather was angry to the point of stripping his daughter of every penny as well as denouncing his own in public surprising many with his action.

Although she loved her family, she had still chosen to leave after what they did, it could be said it was newsworthy incident, Yun Kalamas left her parents with her husband and went to another place to settle down.

Feng out of consideration for his wife, tried to prove to them he was worthy of their daughter, instead was humiliated time and time again, with no other choice but to relocate to where the Kalamas family had less influence. After moving to Hui County he started as a low-ranking public servant of the county.

This continued for a long time, as Feng worked harder and harder for several decades, and never for once as he stopped trying to elevate their family situation from the way it was. Gradually as time passed he worked his way from his previous position to the overall management position.

However, even though he could be said to have gained riches in comparison to the super colossal family such as the Kalamas family, he was still be seen as a poor man.

However, as years passed the couple finally settled down to bring their child who was Chen to the light of the world, with the birth of cute little Chen the two sides secretly came to a profound consensus to ease their tension.

With that the couple was allowed to come to visit them during the New year, however, things quickly took a new turn at their arriver instead a welcoming ceremony.

It was a public humiliation from the family once again, the entire family had said the couple was nothing but a speck of dirt on the Kalamas noble reputation. They all spoke all manners of words on their lips, their faces were filled with gloating looks as they accused them of defying the family patriarch to flee with a nameless nobody and even giving birth to a son who had brought nothing but shame to their family.

As for Feng's achievement in a county, it was even more laughable to them and sounded ridiculous when mentioned.

Sango shook his head and sighed for the poor soul of the body's previous owner, as he tried to summarise the story of the body he was now possessing.

'A bunch of ignorant mortals who think they own the world because of their wealth and reputation, and a dumbstruck love couples who are defying the heavens by getting married. In the end, they are just going around in circles with nothing but chasing after vanity.

'The kalamas family views others who are not up to them as insects, how pathetic can a bunch of mortals be? Even the realms of the god's such narrowed-minded idiots constantly fell and become nothing but ruins with the sands of time.

'In the end, all these fights would have ended if they weren't braindead and proud.'

Sango thought to himself, there was a mortal boy Waang the previous owner of the body had considered his rival, this was to the point he was doing everything he could to catch up to him, however, the gap couldn't be bridged no matter how hard he tried, even he felt a bit of pity for his foolishness.

From his memory, the mortal who was called Waang was egoistic, and saw others to be beneath him, and wherever he went he would always want to be the center of attention, this was just like the rest of the Kalamas family, they wanted everyone to bow their heads and give them the utmost respect, regardless of who it was or where they were.