Hear possessing demon

Sango shook his head when he was done going through most of the memories, although he may have lost all his powers and mighty immortal weapons, however, there was one thing he didn't lose that was his whole life experience as a powerful and almost invincible God-king. His only failure had been when he faced the unknown expert and was then captured, although he resented the fact he was held as a prisoner considering how powerful he was then.

With him being imprisoned for millennials this had led to him, losing his zeal in life and the ambition to constantly grow stronger, although the old man was an oddity and a very big surprise to him after he had realized who he truly was, it became too late.

The years where he had spent as a little boy, wanting a father was long gone. As a child, he grew up being without a father, he didn't even know what having the affection and care of a father felt like, he always watch his mother suffer the absence of a husband in silence, no matter how much he tried to put a smile on his mother's face she would always end her words by wishing his father and her husband was there to see how strong their son was becoming.

It was to the point it almost became a heart demon during his ascension as a God-king, he hated the fact when other children were playing with their fathers, he was alone sniffing his mucus and training his a*s out just to prove to his mother how great he was.

Having grown up with no father to praise his efforts, he longer cared about it. This was one of the major reasons he had refused to marry and even birth any child, he was afraid of doing the same thing his father had done to him and his mother.

That was why even after finding out the old b*stard was his father he was only surprised for a moment but had quickly become cold again there was no feeling of joy or warmth from having known the old man was his father.

After organizing his thoughts Sango was once again on the matter regarding his current body, he didn't want to continue living the life of the previous Chen but a new and fulfilled life of his own regardless of if he had a family or not.

This was a new person and the previous one was dead the moment, he took over and that was it. At most, after regaining some of his strength he would protect the previous owner's parents and make them a force to be reckoned with in this mortal world.

'The affairs of mortals have nothing to do with me.'

Sango thought and shook his head no longer dwelling on it, the previous owner was not him and he had no obligation to help them. To the current him, the entire mortal world was nothing but ants to him.

Not that he was trying to look down on the mortal world, however, it was needless to say he wasn't so bored as to save a mortal except there was something to gain from doing it.

He had barely thought to this point before his heart suddenly course with both shock and pain, although he was bewildered Sango tried to remain as calm as he could at this moment. The pain gradually tensed, it made him clench his chest.

He felt as if his heart was about to burst its way out of his chest, if not that he had begun to cultivate yet he would simply have thought his cultivation had deviated. However, if his cultivation had deviated he was sure it wouldn't be as he was feeling at the moment.

After a while of suffering an excruciating amount of pain, it soon left as it came.

Sango at this moment had a deep frown on his face, his intuition as a God-king told him this feeling wasn't something good, as he couldn't make sense of it he was left puzzled and in a complete fluster.

He began to think, about what the root might be as he thought to himself, he began to trace back his previous thoughts when he thought about the old man being his father his heart was as cold as it could not even sense of pain could be felt. However, when he thought up the Kalamas family he felt something click inside of him, but it wasn't much finally when he thought up to the parents of the previous Chen.

The pain that had once disappeared suddenly came back, all of a sudden striking him in the heart again.

'No this isn't a cultivation deviation but… a heart-possessing demon.'

After he realized this, he began to make assumptions about what the heart-possessing demon was drawing its power from, Sango couldn't ignore it, if not he wouldn't be far from deviating and becoming a real possessing demon.

As he continued to make assumptions, Sango soon found the source the heart-possessing demon was drawing its power from, however, after realizing what it truly was he was feeling a bit troubled.

Before being possessed, the previous Chen considered his parents as his life and was devoted to them with nothing but love and affection. Feng and Yun had being so caring and loving to their son, even in sudden death the emotional attachment towards them was still there.

It was then his God-king resentment and the previous Chen emotional attachment fused together, possessing his new soul unbeknownst to him. This fusion of resentment and emotional attachment became a contract that gave birth to the heart-possessing demon turning into shackles.