Loyal to the end, Arriving at Vale and Exu's Mischievous side is cruel

"To the people of Atlas and Mantle! All of the things on the net are indeed true... I have killed all of the corrupt officials and nobles. All that is left is me. I ask the world to be merciful to the citizens of Atlas and Mantle! And goodbye." Ironwood in the holograms across the world shoots himself through the temple.

Exu jaw-drops... 'The motherfucker stopped the war that was going to happen by killing those pieces of shits and himself... But he made sure Ozpin remained clean. He focused solely on Keeping Ozpin's secrets kept Secret.' Unknown to Exu or the rest of the world of Remnant her actions coupled with Ironwood's sacrifice were what caused the Civil War to happen between Mantle and Atlas.

"Foolish man was loyal to the end," Arthur says with disdain.

"Wow... He personally made sure that Ozpin would be clean... The man was smart enough to fight against my codes or at least a small part of them to prevent Ozpin from being caught up in this shit-storm..." Exu is astonished at such loyalty. She whispers why couldn't the rest of the prisoners be loyal to her? Salem is the only one that heard her whispers.

~Sobbing~ "Mother I'm hurt." Tyrian sends a hurt gaze at Exu.

"The fuck!? I can survive a fall like that just fine! Why the fuck are you crying like a little bitch for Scorpion?" Exu sends a disdainful glance at Tyrian.

Tyrian wants attention from Salem and views her as a Goddess and Mother. Exu and Tyrian have had many fights the whole month and Exu always kicks him off high places. Mostly kicking the poor man through windows and balconies.

'Crazy motherfucker... You got way too many screws loose!' Exu sashays away.

Exu has been in this dour-looking castle for a month now and has her own room. She has been creating new and improved guns when she has time. Arthur Watts admires her genius intellect and has helped the young Exu create weapons that have never been seen before on Remnant.

Exu walks into Arthur a few hours later.

"Oh hey, what's up old man? Wanna make a sniper rifle that can blow a person up from two miles out? It's an idea I've had recently. It combines fire and gravity dust and the fire is supposed to be the explosion. Gravity dust is supposed to help rip apart the person into little pieces from the inside. Good idea right?" Exu leans on Arthur's Arm.

"That is indeed a good idea for a weapon but we would need to test it. And stop leaning on me you brat!" Arthur Watts has taken a real liking to Exu and starts to see her as a mischievous daughter.

"Ah, I almost forgot! I gotta go to Vale with those punks. I swear one of these days I will fucking kill Cinder and her little posse! They get on my nerves all the time!" Exu turns around and sees Cinder and her 'Posse'.

"What you want some of this!?" Exu points her silenced pistol at Cinder lightning fast. Cinder flinches in fear... Cinder used to only fear Salem but now she fears a whole different version of a tyrant. Exu has hammered the fear of death into Cinder. Cinder fears Exu's semblance and avoids Exu when in the castle as if the young assassin is the deadliest plague to ever exist on Remnant.

Emerald and Mercury also fear Exu. Mercury fears her for a more obvious reason because she actually nearly succeeded in killing his father and she was much much younger at the time. His father was unable to steal her semblance which baffled Mercury at the time. Emerald fears her because she saw up close what Exu's semblance does to a person's body and Exu constantly sees through her illusions upping the fear factor.

"Whatever let's go!" Exu walks toward the landing space for the bullhead and tells the pilot to fly to vale along with the threat of death from a cocktail of poisons. In reality, it's just water that is imbued with her semblance making it a sickly black color. The semblance-imbued water activates within twenty-four hours and kills the victim within seconds.

"Good job pilot number 4. Well, I'm off to get some information. Don't fuck the operation up got it Cinder?" Exu doesn't wait for Cinder's reply and jumps off the bullhead from heights that even the crazy scorpion would fear.

Exu lands in front of Jr.'s Club and walks in.

'If you want information look for an Info broker' Exu sits at the bar.

"Been a while, Junior. Hey, red bitch and white bitch how ya doin?" Junior sighs while Melanie and Miltia huff as they sashay away.

Yang arrives to hear Exu insult the twins.

"What the hell are you doing here Exu? You know you are wanted for 600 million Lien for killing those councilmen. I could turn you in for a lot of money." Junior's words astonish Yang.

"Heh... Yeah, but do you have the guts Junior? anyways enough bullshit Junior I need Info... Help me find this bastard I have uses for the ugly ginger." Exu shows the picture of Roman Torchwick.

"That's gunna cost ya Exu. He is a business partner to me and if I sell him out to you then I'm missing out on a lot of Lien that comes my way. Whatcha got for me Exu?" Junior narrows his eyes.

Exu transfers a million Lien to Junior's private account.

"Pleasure doing business Exu. You can find him at this apartment complex room number C7. I pity the bastard now." Junior sends a strawberry sunset a much stronger version of strawberry sunrise to Exu.

"Strawberry Sunrise no ice Oh and one of those little umbrellas." Yang's words make Exu lift an eyebrow. Junior chuckles at Exu's expression. Exu mouthes 'Your funeral' Junior mouthes 'I got this'

Exu down the Strawberry Sunset in one go and leaves the club. Exu steals Bumblebee and rides away after jury-rigging it. Yang offered to take Ruby home only to see her precious Motor Cycle gone and in the dirt is a smiley face that says I'll drop it off into the ocean tomorrow you can fish it up later. Yang Explodes.

"I think I know who took your ride blondie... And I gotta say I really pity you despite what you have done tonight. All I can say is you were unfortunate enough to enter her sight. Go to Zemal Street Apartment Complex number 3456 and you will find her in Apartment C7. Knowing Exu she probably made sure you wouldn't be able to move your ride a single inch so just go into the Apartment and deal with her yourself." Junior walks back into his club with sagging shoulders not the least bit fearful he sold out Exu.