Ruthless Exu, Place of Origin And reason for the darkness inside Exu's Heart.

"I'm going to beat up that damn girl!" Yang bursts into the apartment and the first thing she and Ruby see is Exu cutting open Torchwick's Mouth causing him to have a permanent smile.

"You think you're funny! Good, now you will always smile! That's what you get funny guy!" Exu cuts the other side making Torchwick scream in pain. Neo is cowering in a corner and has her clothes torn a black eye and bruises all over.

(A.N: What Exu did is what Joker's dad did to him. Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face of yours...)

~eep~ Ruby's little eep draws Exu's attention. "This is a private party. I suggest leaving if you know what's good for you." Exu points a silenced pistol at Yang and Ruby.

"What if I defeat you and turn you in for that sweet reward?" Yang glares with red eyes at Exu.

"If you do intend that you will just be another body that will feed the rats in the Sewers. You want my blood! Come then whore!" Exu shoots. Yang decides to tank the bullets which is a bad decision.

Yang is already very angry and Exu is unreasonable and starts to fight. Yang slams the pistols out of Exu's hands only to get a kick to the face, and temple, and finally sufferers an axe kick.

'She is too fast... I can't win...' Yang is on the ground and her consciousness is already blurry.

"I have experience killing even the greatest of hunters! What makes you think you have a chance against me!? You are no different than a child still using training wheels!" Exu doesn't use her aura for this finishing blow and decides to kill Yang. Ruby is being restrained by Roman as a sign that he submits.

Qrow arrives and uses his weapons sword form to block the bullet.

"Well if it isn't the birdman... So why are you here?" Exu matches his glare.

"You need to leave my nieces alone." Qrow almost growls this out.

"Well, then they should learn to mind their own business and not try to play the hero," Exu says with a sigh.

"Take your nieces and leave."

"I've been to your place of birth... I know the choice of being a criminal wasn't your own. Come with me and leave the darkness." Qrow smiles while holding his hand out.

"Heh... Do you think you know me? Bullshit. I was born in the worst hell on Remnant. Every person who has rotted in that place over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst many have died trying.

I learned there that there can be no true despair without hope. I grew up in vast darkness while the only source of light was 4 feet in width. Only a child and no one came to save me. Imagine a place where it's always dark and you are holding hope for a dawn that never comes... I don't have to imagine I've been there. I was surrounded by nothingness. I tried escaping hundreds of times... My life and death were separated by the smallest stumble. I awakened my semblance with no one's help through nearly dying from falling a hundred feet in the air. Over and over again I fell... Over and Over again my hope diminished. Once I escaped I noticed... I had no name... So I gave myself one... Exusiai. It is from a dead language and it means... One who devoured the sins of the fallen... Birdman I have no goodness left it was taken from me, stolen! My darkness was not born... It was forged in that prison! You don't know me." Exu breathes in and out from pouring her feelings.

Yang comes over and hugs Exu clearly forgetting Exu nearly killed her and were not for Qrow she would be dead.

"Get off me, you blonde bimbo!" Exu tries pushing Yang away and notices Yang has more physical strength than her and that is really saying something.

"No! My mom said a hug helps the hurt go away. So I'm going to hug you so you forget!" Yang feels the poking of the pistol on her abdomen.

"You will release me or so help me I will make you die in unimaginable agony." Exu's threat made Yang shiver so she stopped hugging the Dark Exusiai.

"Take them away birdman and never appear before me again." Exu narrows her eyes at Qrow.

"Why do you keep calling me birdman!?" Qrow couldn't take it anymore and asked the million-dollar question.

"You are named after a bird... So I call you birdman. How do you not understand that?" Exu lifts an eyebrow at Qrow making the poor man choke on air.

Qrow shakes his head realizing that Exu is too far gone and might never be free from the darkness so he takes his nieces and leaves.

"Oh before I forget... Take this. It will let her drive her bike." Exu's action of giving the piece back to Yang wasn't an act of kindness but an act with the hope she never comes near her again.

They left and are long gone. "Now smiley man... I need you to steal all the dust in Vale. Well, that is too hard for anyone... So just steal enough dust that Vale won't have enough to defend against a horde of millions of Grimm... This will allow you to contact me. If you try running or betraying me... I will find you later and I will inflict unimaginable torment upon your body and mind and after weeks of torture, I will then give you permission to die. If you succeed in this endeavor you will be so rich you will want for nothing and all it costs is the destruction of this capital city. Well, it was pleasant meeting you Mr. Torchwick I do hope your permanent smile doesn't sour your opinion of me. Well until next time." Exu vanishes into thin air freaking Roman out since he thought only Neo could do that.