Best Duo

Ruby asked Qrow about Exu and so Qrow knowing she won't stop asking told her what he knows about Exusiai and Ruby cried her eyes out. Exu didn't tell Qrow everything in her moment of hysteria.

Ruby and Yang go to sleep and both dream about Exu and start to see everything she went through in that prison deep underground. Magic was at play here. The god of Darkness saw the world of Arknights and decided to bring the one he liked the most into this world. He didn't bring a savior he intentionally put Exu in that hell he wanted not a bundle of joy but a dark Exusiai. It's truly only for his amusement but even he didn't predict that she would work for that wretched woman and he really hates Salem so he decided for Yang and Ruby to be Exusiai's Light and smiled in contentment at his achievement.

Ruby and Yang see how Exu was abused raped and neglected they saw how she had her food taken and water taken away by prisoners. They saw everything she went through. Exu fueled by hatred and despair kept trying to escape over and over again. Ruby and Yang noticed the moment she escaped they saw how her body was so weak and so thin and yet the broken body of Exusiai managed to escape.

She was born in that prison and it forged her into a fierce monster... But this Monster had no name... So she gave herself one. Exusiai yelled back when she heard the thunder she fell to her knees hugging her malnourished body and sobbing. She dragged her broken body to a cave only to see horrors beyond her imagination. Creatures of Grimm attacked her... The Apathy attacked but Exusiai's rage was too great her hatred for the world negated the Apathy's ability and she tore them to pieces with her bare hands.

Exusiai saw spoiled food and dirty water but to her, that was life, given form and so she ate the spoiled food and dirty water... It was better than anything that prison gave her. She saw that this was an abandoned mine and so with her recovering body she mined minerals over and over forging herself into a weapon like no other. She saw all the metals and minerals and saw blueprints and decided to make these weapons and bullets.

She learned to read all on her own piecing together letters and learning English on her own showcasing her genius mind. She finally was able to read the journal and it was the story of a man that was reborn on remnant with wishes but he died of apathy and so Exusiai decided to honor him in the only way she could... She created these strange weapons and bullets with the help of blueprints and carved his name on all of her creations.

She also trained her body using the second journal that showed strange forms of fighting and became a deadly girl even if she was unarmed. She clutched the bag of Lien like it was her lifeline but she was naked when she escaped and so she found Jason's body and used his clothes. She fashioned his clothes into what she thought she liked to wear. She sowed the name Jason on her jacket.

"I never knew you but you made me wish I had. You have given me a real chance of survival even though it was not your intention. I will remember you always Jason!" Exu buried Jason and visited his grave every year and laid a bullet on the ground near his grave the bullets had his name on them it was her own way of honoring him.

Unknown to Exu the spirit of Jason gazed at Exu kindly the young man was glad his death helped this child. Jason decided after the third year that he would always follow this girl and so Jason has always been by Exu's side helping her to the best of his ability despite only being a ghost. Over time Exu's presence gave Jason sustenance and he grew with some power he would clean the home of Exu and always wait for her to come home.

Later Exu noticed the house never got dirty and someone always put a blanket on her. She asked if anyone was there but no response because Jason was unable to talk with the living so Exu brought home some pencils and paper and wrote to Jason. Jason responded... Exusiai was very happy! She finally had a friend even if it was just a ghost. Ever since then they have been a duo that went against the world. Jason became capable of touching people and things and helped Exu all the time. On missions, Jason watched her back and defeated people that tried to harm her with sneak attacks.

Even now Jason is with Exu and always follows her. Jason is in vale with Exu always by her side. He changed his size and is always inside the pocket of Exu's jacket. Exu says he's the world's best pocket ghost. Later on, they could communicate with telepathy thanks to Jason getting telepathy powers. But Exu always talks out loud with no one, in particular, making people think she is crazy but she didn't mind as talking with her voice instead of telepathy felt better and it made her happier.

To the present.

(Exusiai did you really have to go all Joker on that guy?)

"What is Joker?"

(Ah right, you aren't from earth. anyway did you have to cut open his mouth making him have a permanent smile?)

"He got on my nerves and was mocking me too much for my liking... So I gave him a smile to compliment his winning personality." People were creeped out that Exu was talking to herself.

Ozpin who walked by to go buy his favorite Coffee brand was stunned. Since he saw a tiny little ghost inside her pocket. And he also noticed that she was the girl that he had Qrow investigate.

"Excuse me little girl why are you talking out loud to no one?" Exu's attention was drawn to Ozpin.

"I'm talking to my pocket ghost. His name is Jason." Exu walks away with a smile. She likes to let people know about Jason whether they believe in his existence or not.