Envious Exusiai

'Oh, Ozpin... If only you knew how you were going to die. I have something special in mind for you Ozpin.' Exu continues walking away and there is a sinister glint in her eyes. Today is the day for entrance exams for Beacon. Exu gets a call from Cinder.

"What do you want?" Exu says aggressively.

"We found the Fall Maiden... I figured you wouldn't mind going up against a creature of legend. They say magic is more powerful than Aura... But I have a feeling you will prove that wrong... Also, it would be easier if you were there." Cinder wants to see if Exu's Semblance can bypass Magic and if it does Cinder will continue to steer clear of Exu.

"On my way. Give me the coordinates." Exusiai asks.

"Sent. See you there." Cinder hangs up and breathes a sigh of relief.

'That assassin... Exusiai... I hate you... And yet I fear you more than I hate you... I hope the Fall Maiden kills you.' Cinder sets up an Ambush all the while thinking about Exu and how she seems to be a recurring nightmare to Cinder.

Exu arrives to see the fight already in full swing. She pulls out her new Anti-Material Rifle and shoots a single .50 caliber Bullet covered in her Aura.

"ARH!" The bullet blew off one of Amber's arms making her drop her staff. Exu's Aura already eating away at the rest of her body.

"Well, that was a successful test of my new weapon! No hard feelings eh Fall Maiden?" Exu comes out of hiding.

Amber responds by using Ice magic to seal up what's left of her arm and uses magic to turn some leaves into sharp blades with the help of Ice Magic and sends them toward Mercury Emerald and Exusiai. Mercury and Emerald are blasted back but Exu runs through the sharp blades dodging each one by a millimeter and grabs Amber by the throat and lifts the poor girl up and slams her hard into the ground breaking her Aura.

"Stop! Salem asked for me to take her power away! Don't kill her!" Cinder yells in desperation.

"Heh... Fine take the Maiden's power before my semblance kills her. She has about a few minutes to live."

Cinder quickly uses a Grimm made by Salem to devour Amber's Magic. Qrow rescues Amber but was too late.

"Well if it isn't Birdman! You disappoint me Birdman..." Exusiai points a pistol at Qrow.

"Right back at you! I can't believe you would work for Salem! You are the one that disappointed me!" Qrow barks back.

"I don't really have much of a choice in the matter... Creepy Grimm Queen used some strange magic to put this around my neck enslaving me." Exu lowers her hoodie and lowers the zipper and Qrow sees a transparent purple glowing Collar around Exu's neck.

'The crazy Grimm Bitch slapped this thing on when I tried to escape...' Exu breathes in and out to calm herself down.

"So... If that Collar was taken off you would betray Salem?" Qrow has a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Yeah if that were even possible! Salem said only she has the ability to take it off... It's nothing personal Birdman... I really don't want to do this but I have no choice." Exu shoots at Qrow while making sure she doesn't kill Amber. She released Amber from her Semblance since Cinder fucked up and couldn't finish the job.

Qrow escapes with Amber all the while having some gnarly bullet holes all across his body.

"You had one job! One job Cinder! And you managed to fuck it up!" Exu shoots Cinder in the foot making the already traumatized Cinder even more fearful of Exu.

Exusiai walks back to Vale on her own.

"So Salem enslaved her?" Ozpin swirls his coffee not liking the news one bit.

"Yeah... She had a transparent collar that glowed purple... And-"

"!!! That magic is called the Collar of Subordination... I can remove it but I will lose what remains of my magic..." Ozpin starts to weigh the pros and cons of freeing Exusiai.

Meanwhile, Exu she got some information from Junior and is spying on Ruby and Yang. their father Exu assumes is having dinner with them.

'Why couldn't I have this? Why was I born behind black Iron Bars? why...' Exu clenches her fists at seeing the happy family and curses her own past.

"Who are you?" A red blade is on her shoulder.

"Raven Branwen... You are worth quite a lot." Exu gives a side-glance at Raven.

"You know who I am huh? So you are a Mercenary..." Raven doesn't realize just how close to death she is. Raven might as well have just put her hand in the mouth of a tiger. Whether Exu bites the hand is up to her not Raven.

"I was spying on those two girls... They encountered me during a job. I was... Curious. But now that I see them... I wonder what it's like to be that happy. They look so happy and yet... the Happiness of having a family is denied of me." Exusiai sends a wistful gaze at the happy family.

"You don't have parents?" Raven is curious.

"I envy those girls... They were born with a roof over their heads and didn't have to give themselves names. They have always known the love of a family. They have people that love and protect them. They are not like me... I have been alone from the very beginning. That Blonde Bimbo said a hug makes the pain go away... Heh... She knows nothing of my pain... I even nearly killed her and yet she didn't resent me and even tried to hug me after that. Were it not for her uncle she would be a cold corpse and yet... And yet... She still tried to show someone as unsightly as me warmth... I pushed her away... Someone like me doesn't deserve that kind of warmth no matter how much I envy it. I'm destined to always suffer in the cold." Exu walks away.

"..." Raven contemplates about showing herself to Yang but transforms into a Raven and flies away deciding not to even try. If Raven actually tried and knocked on the door perhaps her life would be better but she is just a coward.