5. From the Ashes

As The Grandfather begins his explanation, we look back at Akamu's life through his eyes as he watches his Idol Lee Johnson lose the Title to 'The Professor' Mr. Moriarty. 

Akamu watched his hero shake The Professor's hand, congratulating him on the win. But only Akamu could notice the pain his Idol was going through. 

A year's worth of Hard Work just to get on stage and show the fruits of their labor. 

But they also carry the Burden of all the expectations from their fans and themselves. But sometimes get heartbroken by an untimely Injury.

Like Zayn did today. 

Or Carry people's expectations on their shoulders, trying to turn that chip into Gold around their necks. Only to realize it weighting them down, lowering their heads as Gold turns to stone. 

Akamu knows it real well. Today's win was formed from 20 years of Setbacks for him. 

And it all started from the Day he was born. 

*20 years ago*

Andisols, formerly known as Whispering Heights Village was a quaint town situated near the foothills of Hibernating Heights. 

The people in the Village talked in Whispers, not making any form of sounds. 

The only ones allowed were the cries of pain when a woman goes into labor and when a child lets out its first cry. 

The Reason was associated with The Hibernating Heights Volcano itself. An active volcano that was slowly building pressure, ready to erupt at any time. 

The Village chief had ordered People to maintain a Code of Whisper. Thinking even the mild vibrations formed from their Voices could create a butterfly effect in hastening its eruption. 

It seemed like a superstition, but pushing the prediction of its eruption from 2 years to 10 with their Silence was enough proof for them to continue their beliefs. 

The Village followed a Semi-Western culture woven into their culture. Hence the names in English. 

Their ancestors were nomads who settled down in the foot of a young volcano. Some were displaced during the war when they were offered a helping hand by the Village. 

Hence the English Names and some multicultural names with different cultures being followed there.  They also found the names quite fancy and thought it'll make the future generations pursue higher education to find the meaning of their names and bring in development to their Village. 

Akamu's Grandfather, Albert, was a Farm owner holding nearly 40% of the Village farming lands. 

They didn't use machineries in their farmlands, only manual labor. Toiling away day and night on the farmlands. 

It was due to Alberts suggestions and also due to the Whisper Code they followed. 

But the poor quality of the soil and the impending danger of the Volcano erupting, people were trying to move out of the Village.

The soil was getting barren from years of constant cultivation without much break. It needed a reset, but the Village would come to a standstill if it did. 

So the people were trying to sell their farmlands to a nearby Industry specializing in food processing. With them offering a handsome sum for their lands and employment in their processing plants.

The Allure was great. With many deciding to sell their lands.

But Albert remained Stubborn, not allowing them to.

"We roamed these lands as Nomads

Till this place gave us a Home.

A life

If you give it up. You will again become Nomads

Or worse.

You will be working on the same farmlands you sell to them.

But not as owners, but as their slaves!"

His words rang true, but fell on deaf ears. People just wanted to leave the village.

Albert was forced to use underhanded tactics. Since his farmland was laying between the others, they needed his approval to make the sale go smoothly.

Albert's Son Leo was in disagreement. He called the Place a ticking time bomb, leading the charge to get his father to sell his lands.

Even going to say he'll wait till his Father's dead so he can get the lands.

This created a rift in the family. 

The Village people began conducting protests outside Albert's home, raising their voices for the first time in years.

They didn't care about the Code anymore, they were willing to risk everything to get the Stubborn old man to agree.

With Leo leading the charge.

Albert held his Ground, with her daughter in law, Leo's wife Sharon supporting him in his struggle.

She was 9 months pregnant when this all happened.

Albert went through so much pain because of the revolt, but never talked bad about his Son, saying he's only doing it for his Soon to be born Kid.

But his motivation was in the wrong place.

Sharon tried reasoning with Leo, but failed to get through him. 

The Protests lasted for a week, tensions boiling over.

So was the Volcano's pressure. 

The People requested the Industry to interfere, bringing their heavy machinery to the farmlands.

The Industry was more than happy to oblige, sending in the heavy machinery. But not for farming.

They brought blast hole drill machines, to cause Tremors large enough to wake the Volcano from its slumber.

Each hit shaking the Village buildings. Day and Night.

It worked, Albert finally relenting as he opened the doors to his house for Negotiations.

But before the Industry Representatives could finally enter his house, the Volcano let out its first smoke cloud. Signaling the Eruption.