9. Divided We Stand

Akamu returned to the Village. It's been a painful 6 years of staying away from the Whispering Heights.

Akamu and his family stayed in the nearby Mallow Village whenever they came back, not allowed to enter their Village as clean up was in full effect.

The people doing the work were using it as a Temporary home for now. Along with a few villagers.

Many refused to return from Mallow Village the other villages they had settled in. Calling Whispering Heights a Death trap.

And rightfully so.

The Ash clouds formed on the Village gave it a snowy look. With mostly makeshift houses and tents set up for temporary residence.

The Keahi Volcano was deemed semi active, coughing up Ash clouds at regular intervals.

The Clean up activity undertaken by a Voulantary organization.

Akamu watched the Village come into view, running to the front seats in the bus, jumping out immediately as the doors opened, running towards the Village. Shouting

"I'm back!!!!!!"

He was excited to show off his newfound strength and everything he had learned. 

He ran through every nook and corner he could find. But he couldn't find anyone.

After 5 minutes of searching, he was only greeted with an almost ghosted town. 

Akamu felt let down, hanging his head down as he returned to his Mom. 

Albert took him to their newly rebuilt home. It wasn't as spacious as before. But it would do for now. 

He let Akamu in to explore while he went to meet the ones who loaned him. He was asking for some extension in the repayment window. 

Some agreed, but some questioned how he could repay such a big amount in time. Given he has no farmland left or any buyers other than the Industry to buy it. 

"I know your doubts. But I assure you. I'll repay you. This land has provided us in the past. Now it's resting.

Soon it'll rise to provide. 

I only ask u time till then"

They half heartedly agreed. Leaving. 

*A few days passed*

Akamu and his Grandfather soon reached the Z Saga, getting introduced to Vegeta and finding out Goku's alien Origins. 

Akamu seemed a little disappointed knowing Goku wasn't a pure human but of an Alien Race. 

Albert however was reminded of the Industry when he saw Vegeta introduced and how they sold planets to a galactic dictator.

The Industry, now going by the Name of 'THE FOOD SAMARITAN' was enriching the barren farmlands and employing the farmers on a salaried basis. 

They branded the Rice, vegetables and other products grown from the region. Selling them back to the ones who produced it. 

"Grandpa. Can humans never be strong ?"

"Huh. Why ?"

"Goku is an Alien it seems Grandpa. That's why he could grow so strong. "

Akamu pointed at the Manga panel that revealed Goku's backstory. 

"It's not like that Akamu. We have…

Um. Superman"

"But he's also an Alien"



Albert had no answers, looking at Akamu who looked Dejected. 

"Was I fooling myself believing humans can be strong like that? 

Are they only limited to lifting 400kg for now ?

Goku could lift tons Grandpa. Superman could lift trains"

Akamu was referring to the then year's World Record in Deadlift, held by Lee Johnson. 

Albert didn't have any words of comfort to say to Akamu. He was processing it all as well. 

While Akamu was believing he could surpass the 400kg weight limit in the future, Albert was worried if Akamu could even lift 40kg without exerting himself. 

He didn't want to call the child Fragile. But his condition had rendered him to be like that. 

He gently patted Akamu.

Sharon came in with Akamu's lunch. Seeing him down. 

"What happened dear"

"Mama. Look at this"

*Showed her the manga panel and repeated what he told his Grandpa*

"Awww dear. You're worried about that ?"


"Don't stress yourself thinking about the future Akamu. 

Think about the present you.

How much were u lifting last year"

"F… five kg"

"And how much are you lifting now ?"


Sharon smiled, taking the food in the spoon and feeding Akamu

"The doctors said your body can't handle that weight at that stage.

But look at you now.

Lifting 10kg, putting up muscles"

*Sharon lifted Akamu's shirt sleeves, making him flex his arms*

"See Akamu. You may not be the Strongest Man in the World right now. 

But You are the Strongest Kid in the World"

Akamu's eyes lit up as he heard it

"I am ?"

"Yes you are. You're my lil superhero"

Akamu smiled hearing it

"You can do whatever you want. You think fictional superheroes are strong because they're not from our world ?

Become your own hero. 

Surpass them. 

Become the Superhero humans can look upto and say



Sharon tickled Akamu, hearing him Laugh. 

Albert teared up hearing those words.

But It wasn't happy tears. 

It was the Tears of Realization that even if Akamu recovers, the cost of providing him with a Strongman Diet and Training will be impossible.

Given their current debt. 

Albert left the room, taking a heavy breath as he looked at the Sky, trying to keep the tears in his eyes. 

His vision became murky, tears welling up. 

Akamu's laughter reached outside the Room, Lee smiling hearing it. 

He was covered from head to toe in Mud, coming out to the cold night. 

He didn't know Albert was there.

Albert slowly opened his eyes, looking at a small trace of mist coming from his side. 

He turned his head as he saw Lee slowly breathing out his mouth, with a small but mild smoke trail following. 

"You bloody…"

Albert voiced his anger

"How dare u smoke here when ur son has that Condition

"What ?

I'm not smoking"

"Then what's that smoke trail"

"Ah that…

That's my breath heating up the cold breeze.

In short, it's a cold breath"

*Lee breathed out again, showing how his warm breath interacted with the cold air, creating a Condensation effect*

"Ahhh. Sorry"

"You never believe me, do you old man ?"

"Lee, it's not like that…"

Lee put his hand up

"I don't wanna hear it. What's done is done"

"Son… I know why you're angry"

"And you're not doing anything to repair the situation are you"

"Listen. I cannot. In Good conscience. Sell this land.

Keeping my beliefs aside. 



Arthur took a step back, hearing those words. 

Sharon came out hearing the commotion

"What happened? Why are u guys fighting now"


*Lee Sighed*


I know in the past I did some bad things. But now that I think about it. It all seems right"

*Lee was referring to his protests against his Father to make him sell the lands*

"Lee, what are u saying"

Sharon was confused

"Nothing. Just Take care of Akamu and this grown up man child for me. 

While i work my ass off to save our son"

"LEE!!!. Stop saying that"

Sharon defended Albert from his harsh words. 

"He's your father. Remember that. 

This man got loans from everyone he knows, paying for Akamu's treatment and stay in the City when you couldn't.

He donated one of his eyes so we can have additional funds for the Future. 

You cannot say he hasn't done anything for Akamu or us"

"And for what!"

*Lee stepped forward in anger*

"It's not for our Son.

It's for the fucking Barren land he holds so dear. Thinking he's protecting some God given treasure.

It's just a piece of land"

Lee got down from their house to the Ground, picking up the Soil in his hands. 

"For this.

He's going through so much trouble to protect this. Not our son"

Lee threw it harshly in the ground again, kicking it down hard.


Sharon had reached her boiling point, shouting at Lee to make him stop.


Lee left in anger saying it.

"No. Stop"

Sharon ran after Lee, trying to stop him.

While Albert stood there. Frozen like a stone. Not from the Cold but from the Cold words his son threw at him 

*He clutched his chest, losing his balance and Falling to the wooden floor with a loud thud.

The Villagers, who locked themselves in their houses, peeked out the window, looking at what had happened.

While most of them watched him suffer, a few of them came to his aid.

One of them was Kai's parents. Akamu's future buddy. 

They carried Albert inside the home, checking up on him. 

Sharon rushed back to the house hearing the commotion.

Albert was getting treated by the good hearted neighbors.

They gave him some water after waking him up, checking on his condition.

Albert had fainted from all the stress that piled up on him. The old age catching upto him slowly.

Akamu had watched everything that was happening. From his parents fighting to his Grandpa falling from the Shock.

But the best he could do was comfort him. Which he did by running to his grandpa to check.

He touched his Grandpa's face, checking for any Injuries, worried.

"I'm sorry Grandpa. Our Family is suffering because of me"

"No noo. It's not because of you my dear. Don't think like that"

Albert slowly hugged his Grandson, crying. 

"It's not you. It's not you"

Akamu cried hugging his Grandpa, realising what was happening around him.

The night passed with Akamu sleeping in Albert's shoulders.

Sharon couldn't sleep, waiting for Lee.

They didn't know if deciding to return to the Village was a good idea anymore.

At Least in the City these fights weren't happening.

Each going about their Business. Taking turns in caring for Akamu.

They were Divided yet Standing

But here…

They were United but Falling