10. Akamu Roadworks

*The Truck which Akamu was in came to a Screeching halt. Bringing Akamu's attention from his past to Present. 

The Patrol vehicles that were going before them were reporting a block in the path they were headed*

"Come in Unit 01.

Detected a Obstacle on the way. Please confirm visual and advice us on the next action"

"Copy That"

*The Policeman exited the Truck, looking at the surrounding area, thinking if they should reverse.

They had picked the Forest path to avoid Rush hour traffic.

Covered by a Mountain pass on the left and Trees on the right, it provided a perfect cover for them to move without anyone noticing nor disturbing the rush hour traffic. 

But unfortunately a Landslide minutes before the arrived had sent a Boulder crashing in the middle of the Road*

The Officer surveyed the Scene, confirming it was natural.

"Command. This is Officer Connor.

Requesting Clean up on Route 132.

Seems like a Boulder has crashed into the Middle of the forest path. 

And Advice on possible Redirection"

"Officer Connor, this is Command.

The Clean crew can't arrive there for the next 1 hour. Advice you to reverse back and head to The Highway to continue the Journey"

"But Command. We'll miss the Allotted Time to reach there

Plus there is no space for us to turn around. 

Our left side is full of Trees"

"I'm afraid there's no choice. We will try to move up the time a little further to facilitate your arrival"

"Thank you. Connor out"

The Officer got back into the Truck, informing everyone of the Situation. 

"Alright. We'll reverse back to the Highways. Then re-route to our destination"

"But that means we would be going all the way back to the Highway for 5kms and taking the long route instead"

Another Officer said in an Concerned tone.

"I'm afraid there's no option left" 

Office Conner lit a smoke as he said it, looking out the Truck window.

The other officers got out to convey the message, Leaving Akamu and officer Connor inside the Truck.

"I can help"

Akamu said

"No need. We can do this ourselves"

"Think about the fuel and time wastage because of the Re-route"

Akamu tried reasoning with the Officer, now wanting to waste anymore time.

"It's unavoidable"

Connor blew out the Cigarette smoke in the direction of Akamu.

"I prefer you not blow the smoke my direction"

Akamu said in a slightly threatening tone.

"Or what. U think I should respect you just because you're big and popular ?"

Connor leaned forward, blowing the smoke towards Akamu.

"What's that supposed to mean ?"

Akamu asked him as moved away from the smoke trail coming his way

"We aren't serving you today. Understand that. We're just escorting you because of an Order from higher ups.

No one deployed in today's duty is thinking they're escorting a Celebrity. 

No. We're escorting a Criminal. So you don't get to say what I should do or don't."

The officer dropped the cigarette outside the window, without even extinguishing it. 

Akamu was clearly pissed off hearing those words, lunging forward towards him as the Officer's eyes widened. His basketball sized hands coming towards him began flashing his life before his eyes. 

Officer Connors closed his eyes, accepting the Inevitable. Before opening it to see Akamu outside, going towards the Forest. 





Connors exited the Vehicle, pointing his Gun at Akamu. 


*The other officers from the Cars in the front got out, pointing their Guns at Akamu, slowly circling around him*


Akamu slowly turned back towards him as the Gun cocking sounds were heard. 

"I was just getting something"

*Showed the piece of lit Cigarette Officer Connors had thrown away*

"You threw it in a surrounding with dry leaves and figs. Be more careful will you"

*Akamu threw it down the Road, lifting his legs and stomping it*

*The Stomp alone created its own shockwaves, sending the Officers back a few steps, the Cars and trucks shaking from the Impact*

He slowly walked towards the Front. The area where the Boulder had fallen. 

The officers slowly stood up in shock, looking at the Road that showed cracks from the area where Akamu stomped.

"So the Stories about him are True ?"

"Yeah... I thought everything about him was staged to look like he's invincible"

A shocked officer exclaimed as he looked at Akamu. 

Akamu slowly walked and looked at the Boulder. 

It was bigger in height than Akamu, who measured at 6'2. 

It was round in shape with a diameter exceeding even the big man's reach to properly carry it.

And Akamu was definitely big. A mountain among men. But even looked smaller compared to the Boulder.

Akamu looked back, looking at how close the Cars were. 

"Hmmm. Punching it would just cause debris to fly everywhere. 

My best bet is to"

Akamu took a deep breath, slowly opening his arms wide open, concentrating. 

The Cops filmed what he was doing. 


*Akamu punched both sides of the Boulder, digging his hands into it as far as possible*

*The sound produced from the punch sounded like an Explosion, causing the Cops to take shelter in their cars.

The Shockwaves was also felt. Akamu's speed displacing the Air in front of him, giving him a greater impact force*


*Akamu's feet slowly dug into the Ground as he began doing the impossible*


"IS HE…."


The Officers were in disbelief at the Majestic display of Strength. They were in shock and Awe. 

The Boulder must've weighed at least 3 tonnes. Based on its size, thickness and diameter. 

But Akamu lifted it like a Small rock, lifting it above his head, beginning to walk towards the Mountain pass. 

The Road was cracking under his feet at the immense pressure put on it, the cars slowly shaking with each step.

It was like a Modern day Atlas Statue coming to life. Carrying a piece of Landmass back to where it belongs. 

The onlookers focused on Akamu's spine and legs, which were under tremendous pressure. Thinking he would break one or both if he continued. 

Akamu however, didn't show any signs of Discomfort, walking off the Road and slowly placing it down on an even surface, where the Clean up crew could arrive and break it down. 

*Akamu took his hands out of the Boulder, the whole section of it crumbling as he did*

*One of the Officers went to see if his hands were hurt, only to find them perfectly fine without any injuries*

*Akamu grabbed the Car in front, lifting the front side up as the Cops were inside, shrieking in fear.

He slowly pulled it using one hand as he walked past the damaged Road, letting it down there. 

"Go ahead and clear the Route. I'll make way for the others to come through from here"

*The Cops nodded, punching the Gas pedal and accelerating as fast as they could to go ahead*

Akamu went back to the boulder, placing his hands on both sides, gripping tight as the boulder slowly broke, the sounds of cracking feeling so satisfying for him to hear. 

It reminded him of his dream in the Village. Carrying a boulder like this to make way for the people. 

He smiled, grabbing a big chunk from the Boulder, walking back to the damaged Road. 


*Akamu held his breath, crushing the big chunk of rock into tiny pieces, filling up the Cavity formed on the Road from the Boulders fall.

The process of Akamu style Road building began with a stomping. His already torn custom made Midas shoes went into pieces. 

Next was the process of turning the pieces of rocks into gravel, the stomps filling and sturdying up the dents so the Cars could pass through. 

The process was complete as Akamu got into the Truck, dusting himself up as he looked at the Officers escorting him. 

They were sitting distant from him, his every motion keeping them on Edge. Especially Officer Connor, who threw away his Pack of Cigarettes as Akamu looked at him.


Akamu smiled as the Truck moved forward. The little bounces they had came from some of the unnoticed dents. But overall, it was a smooth Journey. 

These types of Displays of Strength weren't new for Akamu. 

But what was new was the People's reactions. Which was usually Surprise which slowly turned into fear. 

Who could blame them? 

As much as we admire strength, we equally fear it too depending on the situation. 

A man capable of breaking a Log in half will be praised, but will be feared when he's involved in a fight. 

That's how Human emotions work. And those were the same Emotions that had brought him into this situation. 

**Accused of killing his Fellow Competitor**

**The Event they were heading to was Akamu's court appointment. 

For causing the untimely Death of Shawn Davis. A fellow Strongman Competitor.

How he did it ?

Punching Shawn Davis in the Center of his Chest. Causing his Ribs and Spine to explode and tear through his Internal Organs from the Impact.

Why he did it ?

That's soon to be revealed**