17 Don't make me wait

Alice and Akamu spent the Night picking up the Rocks, Alice asking him about the life in City. If it looked like the ones they read and see in the books.

"Well. I've only seen it through the Windows of the Car and the Hospital. It's busy 24x7. Something happening every minute"

Akamu struggled to describe what it was like

"So you've never been outside the Hospital ?"


Akamu shook his head

"I needed to rest between each session. And I didn't want to spend any money outside treatment"

"Oh. I'm sorry Akamu"

Alice Apologized, holding his hand, continuing

"If it makes you feel any better, think of it like being in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

You're training your body to resist the sickness"

"I do think like that Alice. But i don't know how strong i would come out of it"

Akamu looked at Alice

"Or how much time i would lose"

"Heyy. Don't say that. You just promised you'll be back in a Year"

"I did. I was describing the past years that i spent recovering"

Alice couldn't say anything, remaining silent.

The cold breeze beginning to make them shiver.

"We should go Alice"

"Right. I got enough rocks for a week. Let's go"

They both made their way to the Village, as Alice began walking away from him. Towards her home.

"Hey Alice. Thank you"

"For what ?"

"After meeting you. My Dad and Grandfather made peace with each other. Feels like you led me to a Wonderland I was dreaming about"

Alice smiled

"Just returning a favor to my White Rabbit"

"That's my nickname huh ?"


Alice looked towards the Direction of her home and then towards Akamu.

"I should go"

"Oh. Yes. You should come to my birthday party"

"I'd love to. But your grandfather doesn't like me much

And the Village doesn't like your Grandfather.

I can't get stuck between both at a time like this"

Alice said in a worrying tone. Akamu's smile soon turned to Frown as he heard it.

"Oh.. It's alright i guess.

One more obstacle to overcome.

I'll see you soon"

"Yes my White Rabbit. Don't keep me waiting"

"I won't"

*The Breeze blew between them as they shared a smile with a promise, leaving towards their respective homes.

Akamu went to his Home, opening his Room door.


*The lights switched on, Confetti blasting around him, showering him with glitter and paper as he looked at his Parents and Grandpa in the room*

"Happy Birthday AKAMUUUU"

Sharon said it, hugging a surprised Akamu

"Happy Birthday!!!"

*His dad arrived with a Cake, a candle lit on top of it*


Akamu's eyes lit up with Joy as he saw the Cake. It was his first Cake for his Birthday. The previous years either plagued with Therapy or busy work. This year was everything perfectly coming together to make him happy.

They set the Cake on the Table as Akamu looked.

It was a Dragon Balls themed Cake. With Goku in his Kame-hame-ha Stance, releasing the Ki Blast with the Words

'Happy Birthday Dear Akamu'

Akamu pointed at it with excitement, not able to contain it.

His talk with Alice had made him respect Goku even more. Bringing back the Respect and Admiration he had for him.

His parents and Grandpa were defenitely surprised. As his Grandpa said how Akamu lost admiration for Goku.

But it was the most popular cake design available at that time, so they took a risk buying it. They were relieved it was paying off.

Akamu was going to cut the Cake before his Grandpa noticed the Bracelet on his hand

"Where did you get it dear"

"Oh this. I....*

*He remembered her saying his Grandpa not liking it, punishing her along with the Elders*

"I found it near the Volcano. I think it's a gift from Keahi to me"

"I see"

*Albert Stroked his chin*

"We should defenitely give something back to Keahi if he gifted you.

Why not give him a piece of Cake"

Akamu nodded in happiness, thinking Albert believed it.

"I willl. Soon after i cut it"

They sang Happy Birthday as Akamu proceeded to cut the Cake, giving it to his Mum. He gave the next one to his father and his Grandfather. They promised to give Akamu a gift in the City.

Akamu said ok, cutting two pieces of Cake. Running outside as Albert followed.

They first went to the Foot of the Mountain, where the Birds and animals mostly gather.

Akamu placed a piece there, thanking Keahi.

Akamu asked Albert to go before him, wanting to give the other piece to Alice. But Albert insisted they both go together.

Akamu was a little frustrated, but went with Albert, crossing Alice's home. He looked at his empty hand and her home door, feeling sad he couldn't share the Cake with her.

They went Home, Akamu going to bed with that thought, not able to sleep.

*He laid facing the ceiling, wondering what Alice would be doing. His thought soon interrupted by a ball of paper Falling on him.

Akamu got up, looking around in confusion, opening it to read*

'Waiting outside your home - Alice'


*Akamu quickly got up, sneaking outside.

Alice was waiting behind the Home*

"Alice. You didn't sleep ?"

"No. I saw you passing by my home, feeling down. So i came to see what happened"

"Oh. Wait here. I'll be back"

"Hey... where are you going"

Akamu ran to his Room, cutting a piece of cake, bringing it out.

"I wanted to give it to you"

Handed her the Cake.

"Your birthday cake huh"

"Yes. My first cake for birthday"

"Ooo. Thank youuuu. I'll share with my mom and dad"


Akamu gave her a hug, thanking her again for coming back to visit

"It's alright"

Alice hugged back, saying Happy Birthday again, leaving.

Akamu went to his room, now a burden lifted off his shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

*Morning soon Came. The Day Akamu would be leaving to the City.

No one came to see them off except Alice. Meeting him behind the House.

She reminded him of their promise, telling him to come see her soon. Alice didn't have a Phone nor any letters would reach their Village. So a promise was all they had for each other*

(You & Me by Feldberg plays)

*Akamu's final treatment began, him thinking about Alice and their promise.

Alice would go to the Mountain to Stargaze, so did Akamu. Feeling connected by it.

There were times it was hard, Akamu not able to sleep with the Headaches. Those were the times he remembered Alice's bruised feet. Her walking without a Slipper.

Nights like that made him think she was working.

Thankfully it all vanished after 3 months. His treatment taking effect.

But Akamu began feeling disconnected from Alice after that. He thought maybe she was taking a break.

He was beginning preparations for life after Recovery. Setting up his Strongman excercise schedule to build his body.

A year went by as Akamu fully recovered from his illness.

He couldn't wait to go back to the Village, but unfortunately he was going to wait for a little longer.

The Loan Sharks were waiting for Albert to return to repay the loans, but unfortunately he wasn't able to keep the promise.

This led to Akamu staying in The City for 4 more years.

Sharon got work as a Teacher in a School. Lee working in construction.

Albert didn't want to do it, but unfortunately the debts were too much to pay off in one year.

Akamu didn't like to be in the City at first. Getting restless. Wanting to go back to the Village. And soon realised they won't be going back. Atleast for the time being.

Akamu began spending his time Training instead. Thinking of this stay as a Hyperbolic chamber. Building his body and mind.

That's when he began reading about Volcanos and The Industry that played a major role in his Villages downfall.