16. My Name is Alice

"Stooppp!!! I can explain"

Akamu managed to dodge a devastating blow from a fuming fan in Alice.

"You better make it quick"

Alice was defenitely upset, panting in Anger.

"Goku is not human. He's an Alien being. How can he be called the Strongest Man in the World"

Akamu stepped back as he said it, not wanting another punch



Alice was upto listening to him.

"Yamcha was a Human. Although using questionable tactics. You can't deny he's the strongest right.

Well maybe after Krillin and Tenshihan. But by normal human standards, he's stronger than anyone"

Akamu gulped as he said it. Waiting for Alice's response.

"You're right. In normal human comparison he is the strongest"

"See. That's the important thing to note. I've fooled myself thinking Goku was strong before realising it.

And it's too late"

Akamu sounded sad

"Huh. Why. What happened"

Alice was concerned

"He.. He got blew up.

That was only how far he could go

That's how hard a human body can take"

Akamu was on the verge of tears as he said it.

"Oh no..."

Took Akamu's hand.

"You know something ?"

"What ?"

"Even if Goku was an Alien, he defenitely is human by heart"

"What do you mean Alice ?"

"Yes. He was raised by his Grandfather. Son Gohan.

A human who raised the boy as a human. Taught him what it means to be human.

He's a Farmer too u know. Using his strength to do human jobs while saving the world.

He could've easily joined Vegeta to take over our world. But he didn't.

Instead he fought to protect it.

He trained himself to be the Defender of Humanity"

Alice gave a passionate speech, based off her understanding of the Manga.

"You're kinda right. I never saw it that way"

"See. You only saw his strength. You followed him only for that. Instead of the core message of what it said"

Akamu looked at Alice

"The Powerful defend the weak. Not because they want to be Heroes. But to show them what they're capable of if they train hard enough.

They help us stand before teaching us to stand for ourselves"

Alice smiled as she said it.

"You- You're right Alice. I modelled by excercise around becoming Goku. I just let myself miss the bigger picture.

Thank youuuuu"

Akamu hugged Alice in the rush of happiness, making Alice blush.

"You know if you're Goku, that'll make me Chi-Chi right"

Akamu slowly came to his senses, breaking the Hug.

"Sorry. I didn't mean"

"It's ok.

Alice Blushed, walking over to the Dogs to feed them.

Akamu got back to his senses, smiling as he went to the Cave.

"You're raising these Dogs ?"

"Yes. They're my lookout buddies. This cave is their home. I look after them"

"Lookout, but there's no one around..."

Akamu noticed Alice's feet filled with Blisters and Scars, with markings of cane whips on them.

"Alice, ur legs"

"Huh. Shhh"

She tried covering it up

"It's from all the walking I did in these mountains"

"You're lying"

Akamu showed her his feet.

"It's cause u wear slippers mannn"

"I never wear them when I come here Alice. Tell me. What's happening"

"Nothing Akamu. It's..."


Akamu looked at her straight in the eye, asking her to tell the truth.

"Alright. I'll say it"

Alice sighed, sitting down beside Akamu, watching the Stars

"My Name is Alice. Born before the Volcano erupted. I'm certain I'm around your age.

My parents named me Alice. After reading the Book Alice in Wonderland and seeing the Movie.

They said that named me that because I would be their white rabbit leading them to Wonderland.

They meant it as in Education and good job position.

Not. This"

*Akamu pointed to herself and the Bag*

"What happened then"

"What happened was my parents falling into debt because they couldn't sell their farms. Borrowing for my education.

They thought I'll lead them to Wonderland but looks like I drove them straight to hell.

Then i discontinued my studies and began doing whatever work i can"

Alice smiled through the tears.

"I'm sorry. I heard it was because of my Grandpa"

Akamu Apologized.

"No. Don't. I'm thankful we didn't sell the farms. One of the rescuers said it can become normal soon.

Just needs some time"

"You sure ?"

"Absolutely. We saw how the Industries turned Barren lands into fertile ones. Then employed it's former owners to work on it.

An ultimate sign of disgust and shame.

We're glad our Village didn't end up like that".

*Then what about the Injuries on your legs*

"That... That's also because of your grandpa and the Village Elders"


Akamu was shocked hearing his had Grandpa punished her.

"Yes. Soon after the Eruption, I saw the Industry people checking these rocks and saying they were valuable.

So i grabbed some books and Learned that they make jewellery and bracelets out of these rocks.

The Bigger the Volcano. The Higher it's price.

So i began collecting and selling it. Learning how to carve them up along the Way.

Your grandpa caught me one day while watching u talk about being the strongest kid in the World and watching you wipe your own tears.

That's when i first met you. You inspired me"

"I did ?"

"Yess. The way u wiped off your tears and cheered yourself.

I've seen you get bullied in the Village, but you always remained smiling. Not caring about anyone or anything.

That's what kept me going."

"I... I don't think I'm..."

"Thank you"

Alice laid her head on his shoulders, holding his arm

Akamu couldn't help but blush, letting her.

"About my Grandpa"

"Yes. He caught me that night carrying these magma rocks. I explained to him how much it was worth and could be out Villages new occupation.

But He said i was stealing Keahi's treasures. And i was a thief.

They punished me with Cane whips on my already damaged feet. Warning not to do it again.

I was angry, fuming at how they could ignore an wonderful opportunity.

They couldn't differentiate between a Blessing and an Offering.

The Volcano took our lands, but it gave us another profession to do.

But those old men never understood.

My parents stopped me, but I didn't.

Because I saw the White Rabbit. You.

Every night i was afraid of going to the mountains alone. But knowing you were there. I felt safe.

You turned this Hellish Journey for this Alice into a Trip to Wonderland"

The Dogs sat near her as she patted them.

"My legs are proof at how much hardwork I put in everyday to collect these rocks.

My hands sometimes burn from working extensively with them.

But the Volcano helped me get money to pay off the Family debts.

My mom and dad help me too but.

I wanted to show them I was the Strongest Girl in the World"

"You already are Alice"

"You think so ? White Rabbit"

"Call me Akamu. Or like my Grandpa calls me

Son of Keahi Volcano"

"Son of Keahi huh. Then i should be asking permission to loot your father's riches"

They both laughed

"Not loot. You may share the Blessings of Keahi Volcano to the world. Give them the Piece of our Culture"

"Aye Aye. Strongest Kid in the World Sir"

Akamu laughed as Alice checked her clock

"Shhh. It's midnight"

"Yeah. So ?"

"Happy Birthday Akamu"

Alice Smiled, Holding her hand out to shake

"Ahhh. Thank you. You're the first wish of the Day"

*As he said it, The Volcano slowly rumbled, calming down after a few seconds.

*The Surrounding areas lit up when the Rumble happened. Like a Light show before turning off*

"Looks like Keahi is wishing his Son Happy Birthday too"

"Yesss. He is"

*Hugged the Surface, saying Thank You*

Alice took out something, calling Akamu's name

"Here. Show me your hand"


"Just showw"


*Akamu held his hand out as Alice tied something to it*

"What's this ?"

"A Bracelet i made for you. I know you'll be going to the City soon.

This will be a reminder to you. And you'll be taking a piece of Keahi's protection wherever you go"

Akamu looked at it. It was made of tiny beads of Magma rock, a higher quality one with the Natural Airholes and composition.

"Thank you Alice"

"I'm not done"

*Alice took out a Necklace, putting it around Akamu's neck. It was also made with Volcanic beads but carrying the Initial A carved in the Stone*

"A for Apple ?"

Akamu joked, earning a punch to the shoulder from Alice.

"No you dummy"

"I know. I was kidddingggg"

Alice Smiled.

"A for Alice. I won't forget it"

"You better not. Or I'll...."

Alice paused as she said it

"Or you'll ?"

"I don't know. I was going to say never forgive you. But

What if you don't return from the City. Deciding to stay there"

"Hey. You know I'll be back. I can't be away from the Village.

From you"

"You Promise ?"

Alice lifted her pinky finger.

"I do. My ChiChi"

*Locked his Pinky finger with her, making the Promise*

Alice Blushed hearing those words

"You gotta be Goku for that u know"

"Oh i will be. You just wait. When i return. I'll be as strong as him"

"We'll see about that"

Alice giggled, laying on his shoulders before they set off to collect the Rocks. Not knowing what tomorrow held for both of them.