15. Alice in Keahi Land Part 4

A New Day began for the Family. Akamu waking up to the sight of his dad and grandpa talking to each other.

Akamu couldn't believe it, pinching himself to see if he was dreaming or not.

Thankfully it hurt.

Lee left for work before Akamu could say anything. Albert coming back to see Akamu.

"Good morning dear"

"Morning Grandpa"

Akamu yawned, stretching a little.

"Your dad says we have to leave in 2 days. The final phase of your treatment"

"But i thought we were leaving after 2 weeks"

Akamu said in a confused state.

"The Hospital called, wanting to begin it early"

"Alright Grandpa"

Akamu got off the Bed, going to freshen up to begin his day.

Albert soon left, telling Sharon he had to meet the Loan Sharks to inform about them leaving. Not wanting them to be left in the dark.

Sharon began making preparations, getting their things ready, planning their schedule.

Akamu brushed his teeth, finishing his breakfast as he went to do his regular excercise.

He did one lap around his house slowly to begin with, followed by a pushup and rest before doing it again.

As he began his next lap, he noticed footprints near the house. Facing his grandpa's room and leaving to the Village.

Akamu stopped, slowly following the Trail. Going inside the Village.

*The People who saw him gasped, taking their children inside with them. They didn't want them to see or be close to Akamu.

His lean and bald frame making him look different from the rest of the boys his age.

This wasn't new for Akamu, getting to a point he thought he had the Village for himself. Walking around to see where the Trail leads.

That's when he came to two Volunteers having a break, talking about how long it's taking to clean up.

Especially after the people not allowing to use machineries.

They were tired. Even their service mindedness slowly breaking with the Volcano constantly erupting like a baby at Midnight.

Akamu overheard their Conversations, getting to know what was happening all these years he was away.

That's when one of the Volunteers revealed something disturbing.

"And the Volcano is about to dry out"

"Yeah man. Seriously. We spent all this time setting up the Village again and now it's all going to shit"

"Well who cares right. The more Ash we get the Better"

"Yeah. That's the only thing that's keeping me here. The Good bucks"

"Well that's about to stop cause this could be the final blast before the Volcano ceases to"

"Ceases to be active ?"

"Yes. Forever going to sleep"

"If only it went out with a Bang rather than a Whimper"

Akamu Couldn't believe it. Keahi Volcano ceasing to exist.

*The Volunteers soon left to their tents*

Akamu ran back home, trying to tell it to his parents the information.

Unfortunately everyone had left for their respective work.

They left notes for Akamu and lunch for him.

His mom left him some books and a homemade test for him to do.

He sighed, going to do the tests.

*Afternoon came*

Akamu took a break, going to grab lunch before seeing his Dad leaving him special notes.

Akamu read it, a bright smile taking over his face.

It was a diet calculation of Goku's diet vs Strongman Diet.

Akamu grabbed lunch, reading about it.

"Goku's Rough Diet Plan: Goku as a kid ate 56 meals, give or take in one sitting. That's roughly beyond normal human consumption. It could be more than 20000 calories with all the meat and rice included.

Strongman Diet: Eat whatever you can that helps you lift the weight you desire. If you divide the meals 5 or 6 times a day. U may need 5000 to 7000 calories to train and sustain the body strength.

So it all depends on your height, weight and body shape Akamu.

And your mental strength. Keep this in mind when you eat and train your body"

Akamu happily nodded. He was waiting for these estimates for a while. Wanting to tell this to the Nurse who looked after him.

He kept the notes in his pocket, leaving to his room before he saw The Dragon Ballz manga

Akamu had forgotten about it after Goku's revelation as an Alien. Now the memories flooding back to him. Akamu only had his Grandpa read the Manga for him, so they went past Vegeta's Arrival arc without him knowing about Goku's alien Origins.

Till Akamu picked up the manga to read it himself. Discovering and getting heartbroken by that fact.

Normally he would spend the Afternoons reading the manga, getting amazed seeing the fights and dialogues Inspiring him.

But after that incident, he began learning to read and write in English. With his mom as Tutor or napping to stay awake at night.

Akamu reluctantly picked up the manga, wanting to read it before putting it back down, going to sleep instead.

He was afraid what might be next. Humans being more weak.

Or worse.

His hero turning against humans with no one able to stop him.

*Akamu went to bed with all these questions, waking up at Night. He went to visit the Keahi Volcano as usual, but this time getting joined by Alice as he exited the Village.

She was walking beside him*

"What do you want ?"

Akamu asked in a annoyed tone.

"Did u ask ur Grandpa what i asked you ?"

"Yeah. He said the crops that grow are from our Hardwork. So it's not right to dump it into the Volcano"

"So that means what I'm doing is also right. right ?"

Alice asked in a curious tone, like she wanted approval from Akamu.

"No. You're just stealing from Keahi"

Akamu was visible angry a little

"I'm not"

"Yes u are. Now stop following me before someone thinks I'm partners with a Criminal"

Akamu moved forward, not thinking about what he just said.

Alice froze in her place as she heard those words. Tears slowly rolling over her cheeks. She held her head down as she walked, not talking anymore.

Akamu stopped, not hearing her voice was becoming slightly concerning at this point.

He looked back, only for Alice to walk past him. Wiping her tears.

"Hey... Are u ok ?"

Alice didn't respond anymore, going up towards her cave. She was carrying a bigger basket than she usually does on her back.

"Wait upp"

Akamu followed, catching up to her. Standing in front of her to clear the situation out.

"Why are u crying"

"Why do you care"


I don't know. Why are u crying"

Alice looked up at him as she softly sobbed

"Because you called me a Criminal"

Akamu understood his mistake, immediately apologizing

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just annoyed by you making fun of me yesterday"

"Well congratulations. You got ur revenge. You made the World's Strongest Girl Cry"

Alice walked past him towards the cave. The Dogs were waiting for her.

"World's Strongest Girl... Where have i"

A lightbulb appeared on Akamu's head as he figured it out.


Alice slowly turned back. Asking

"What ?"

"The World's Strongest Woman is Chi-Chi"

Alice's face lit up with Excitement.

"You read Dragon Balls ?????"

"Yess. When i was in the City i began reading"

Alice quickly got close to him, holding his hand

"Say Say. Whose your favourite character"

Alice was very excited to hear it

"G-go... Goku"

Akamu was Blushing. He only saw these types of scenarios in the manga. And being in one made his heart flutter a little.

"Thought so. The World's Strongest Man. You call yourself that right"

"Yes. But Goku's not the World's Strongest man"


Alice was thinking Akamu was ahead of her in terms of manga

"Is it ... Is it Vegeta ?"


Akamu shook his head immediately.

"Then who....


His own Son Gohan. I knew ittt"

"Nooo. It's..."

Akamu hesitated, looking at Alice

"Tell me. Who is it. Whoo ????"

Akamu took a minute before he replied


*And in the Following second, Alice's fist came flying towards Akamu.

His eyes widened at the sight as the words flashed before his eyes*