14. Alice in Keahi Land - Part 3

Akamu came back to the House. His Grandpa was getting ready to bring back Akamu at that time.


Akamu called out to him.

"Huh. Akamu. Ur back so early ?"

His Grandpa went to him, checking on the dirty clothes.

"What happened. Did u fall down ?. Did any bandits attack you ?"

Albert asked in a concerned voice.

"No. I met someone. A girl. She said you were foolish"

Akamu said as he began sobbing

"I tackled her down in Anger but she easily overpowered me"

He cried, clutching his fists. Looking down.

"I wasn't strong enough to defend your name. I wasn't strong enough to defend myself.

She laughed and made fun of me calling myself The Strongest Kid in the World"

"Akamu. It's alright"

His grandfather embraced him, trying to calm him down.

"No. It's not. She beat me easily. She's the Strongest. Not me.

I'm weak. Just like this Village says"

Akamu was fed up.

"I'm tired.

I'm tired of everything. Years of Bullying from the Village Kids and the people saying he deserved the Illness because of something you did to them.

What did I do to deserve this!!"

Akamu broke down, his pent up sadness breaking out through his tears.

"U did nothing wrong. The People are just directing their anger towards you."

"Then why don't you talk back to those People Grandpa. Why are you letting them keep on saying that"

Akamu broke free of the hug, questioning Albert.

Lee and Sharon came there hearing the Commotion.

So was Alice, listening to their Conversation outside their house.

She had followed Akamu to make sure he was safe.

"Akamu. We should learn to forgive people. They are fragile. Learning from their mistakes.

Our Village was formed upon these beliefs as it's foundation.

We are one and the same. Like Family.

We watch out for others when it needs.

Our family might do wrong and drift apart

But that doesn't mean they're not ours

Learn to forgive others like you forgive yourself

For they will do the same when the time comes

The Land is a blessing for the Great Keahi

We are just it's Guardians.

As love for the land breeds Greed

And Greed breeds Chaos"

Albert Reiterated the Village Principles, much to the annoyance of Lee.

He wanted to go in, but Sharon stopped him. Wanting the Grandson and his grandfather have a proper conversation.

"Then why do we sell the crops that the lands gives.

Why don't we just dump it back into the Volcano.

It gave us right"

Akamu questioned Albert, surprising him with a question like that.

"That's my Boy"

Lee rejoiced silently as Akamu questioned Albert.

Albert however remained calm, saying

"The Yield is born from our Hardwork. Our sweat falling on the ground wakes the land to our efforts.

The Land rewards us for it.

A Barren land doesn't give yield. Consider the crops a payment from the land to us for investing our body and time in nurturing it"

Akamu listened, it slowly making sense to him.

"That is why I and many elders prohibited using Machinaries on the field.

Out of respect for the Young land.

But the newer Generations in our Village don't understand that. That's why they're so angry when i refused to sell the land.

The Industries would bring their Machinaries and make this soil like a money making machine than a Life giver.

The soil is sensetive. We shouldn't roughen it up by force. And Keahi was resting.

Our productivity might greatly decrease from fully going manual.

But. The Land rewards us for it.

Through years and years rather than months.

That my boy is the Value of Respect earned and given".

Akamu understood. So did Lee.

"These were the Words I wanted to tell your Father. But he didn't want to listen.

But you Akamu, you can make a difference if you want.

Think of the Volcano Eruption as a reset to everything. Begin to set things right. This is our second chance in this land"

"Hmm Hmmm"

Akamu nodded, hugging his Grandfather.

"I'm sorry Grandpa. I shouted at you"

"It's alright Child. I see it as a opportunity for us to exchange our views.

This is your lesson for today.

Try making sense of a situation before getting angry. You'll find the root cause.

Sometimes people aren't what they seem.

Like your father. He doesn't hate me. He hates the Beliefs that didn't let me help you.

He saw you from a father's perspective. But I had to see u both as Family and a Village Elder.

I can't Abandon Your Future to Save the Present and the past".

Albert slowly lifted Akamu on his shoulders, patting his back as he sang an Old Lullaby.

Akamu slowly fell asleep as his Grandpa walked around the room.

Lee slowly backed from the Door, realising how much his father was suffering. And even though he put him through so much trouble, He didn't talk bad about his son or say he abandoned him.

"What happened dear"

Sharon held Lee's hand.

"I... I never fully understood him. Fascinated by the future i didn't care about the present.

I don't even know how to talk to him"

Lee held Sharon's hand close to his face, slowly crying.

Sharon slowly pulled him close for a Hug, calming him.

"He's your father Lee. Your still his son. Nothing changes that fact.

Have a friendly conversation with him. Begin by thanking him for his Sacrifice.

And talk about Akamu's future. His treatment will be over in a year and he needs a path for his future".

"I know. Tomorrow I will"

Lee hesitated

"Do it now dear"


Sharon and Lee opened Albert's room door. He was slowly placing Akamu in his Bed, putting a Blanket on him.

"Daddd. I'm sorry"

Lee immediately rushed and hugged him.

"Lee... what happened"

Albert looked at Sharon, who gave him a Nod.

"So after all these years. U begin a conversation with your dad with a sorry"

Albert held Lee, patting his back

"What else am i supposed to say"

"Anything else than sorry Lee. It makes you look like you failed. Which you never did.

You've taken care of this Family. You upheld my Pride. I am so proud of you"

Albert got a little emotional as he said it.

"Thank You Dad. But i hurt you so much"

"No. No Lee. You indirectly helped me to keep my beliefs intact.

I know we have seen eye to eye.

Well i do have only one now..."


"Still the Humorous guy"

"It helps me survive"

"All the pain and misery"

"You can't wash away when u cry"

*Lee and Albert both said it, chuckling*

"I remember your mother saying it"

"Yeah. I miss her"

"Me too. Not a day goes by for me without thinking about her"

Akamu shifted in his sleep, the talking slightly waking him up.

"Let's go outside Lee"

Lee nodded.

They sat on the Porch outside, catching up on lost years as the Sun rose.

The first light fell on them, laughing. Signalling the beginning of happy days.

Alice listened to everything, smiling.

"So my name does have a meaning"

She slowly walked back home, slightly limping.

Her feet waiting to say another story.