24. The Roundtable Court Begins

The Village slowly calmed down from all the commotion caused from the Chaos. The Villagers were questioning themselves why they decided to stand against the Industry.

It was either the parental instinct of seeing their Kids cry and cower in fear.

Or their Reawakened Pride of being part of The Whispering Heights Village.

Either way, it was decided what was done was done.

A few days passed.

**The Lands were decided not to be sold. They were going to be used for homes and other things instead of farming.

The People agreed to it, as they needed the Village to safeguard their Identity their Ancestors made for them.

Turning Nomads to Citizens**

Akamu and Albert not talking with each other.

Albert was in self exile, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

Lee and Sharon were dealing with the Villagers, helping them settle down in the Village so they can have a talk about the Future once and for all.

They waited for the ones who left the Village to return.

As these happened, The Food Samaritan was going through damage control. Readying a Counter attack against Whispering Heights that would favour them in just one hit.

Akamu was now facing his biggest Challenge. Backing up his words and Helping his Village rise to its glory.

And face the Food Samaritans wrath head on.

A Battle not fought by Metal, but of Mettle.

The Elders from both Whispering Heights and Mallow Village organised a Meeting. Albert was called to be questioned about his decision to sell the land after years of not wanting to.

The Loan sharks also arrived, they were also determined to get an answer.

The Village had a Unique Arbitration and decision making System to settle their disputes.

With the Keahi Volcano in full view, A Roundtable with a Giant Hole in the middle of it is set in the center of the Village, with People gathering around. Watching from the Sides or from their homes.

The Village Elders and the One who raised the complaint are present on one side while the one questioned on the other.

The Elders always sat where Keahi Volcano was behind them. Giving a sense of legitimacy to the Court.

There would be a Giant Scale in the Middle of the Round Table in cases needing a money or possession based settlement.

The Payment will be made on basis of damages vs Possession or money equal to it's worth.

It wasn't a very refined system, but was generally accepted as the Villagers paid using possessions instead of money sometimes.

But this time the Dispute was big. A scale can't contain so much damages and weight the Settlements given to it.

*The Villagers slowly gathered, The Mallow Village residents gathered around the Barriers to watch the proceedings.

The Whispering Heights residents gathered behind the Elders. Everyone was there, with the ones who just arrived visually identifiable with their dress and looks.

They greeted each other, catching up on what happened in their respective lives.

Their time together was the only thing that was lost between them. Or it Robbed if u ask them.

But their Comradarie/comradery still intact.

The Sounds of Laughs and greets filled the air after a long time. The Village felt Alive for a few minutes before ceasing.

The Reason ?

The Elders were coming. The Silence a sign of respect to them as they took their seats.

The People stood behind them, with Keahi Volcano in full view to begin the proceedings.

One of the Elders stated the reason they gathered today

"The Roundtable has been called upon today for an Important Discussion.

The Future of the Village will be decided at the end of it.

With Keahi as The Heaven's Witness and this Land as the Earth's Witness.

The People as the Whispering Heights Witness and The Elders as Lady Justice's Witness

We Hereby Begin the Proceedings!"

The Sound of the Wooden Hammer striking the Sturdy table was heard, signalling the beginning.

The Elder sat down, asking Albert to be brought forth.