25. The Accusations

Albert came out from one of the Huts used to keep the Parties till the court begins.

He slowly walked towards the Roundtable, seeing One Chair Empty as the Elders from Whispering Heights and Mallow Village were seated in the Remaining.

The People stood behind them. The place usually reserved for the victims and the ones who lodged the complaints.

Seeing the whole Village stand there made things clear.

It was Albert vs The Village, but this time a Winner will be decided.

Albert looked further to see Keahi, standing Majestically. It was Albert's first view of Keahi from the Offenders side.

"So this is how it looks from this side"

Albert remarked, The feeling of One vs All creeping inside him as he watched The Village, Elders and Keahi stand against him.

*He looked back, the Village exit coming into view.

The other ways were blocked by the surrounding people.

"Take a Seat Albert"

Troy, one of the Elders from Whispering Heights said.

"I'd love to. But my seat is placed at the wrong side"

Albert said, his eyes Fallin on the Empty seat between the Elders.

"We can't change it now. It's specially made for the Elders.

You can stand for this Trial"

Troy said it, starting the proceedings

"The Case Albert vs Whispering Heights is about to begin.

Albert, as per the Complaints received fron the Villagers, you are hereby held on Trial for the following Crimes you have committed against the Village.

The first is hindering the Village Progress. About 12 years ago, this village lands were on the brink of being sold for a good fortune.

But you stopped it from happening

Crime No. 2. Misusage of Authorities.

You used ur position as an Elder to stop the sale of land.

Not only yours but the Whole Village.

And you have taken loans using this position and Goodwill and not repay it.

But you tarnished it with no repayment and escaping from sight for 4 years"

*The Scale was unveiled, The Villagers placing a handful of dirt covered in Ash on one end of the Scale.

The Scale slowly got heavier, tilting towards them with the increasing weight with no counter balance*

"State your response Albert"

Troy allowed Albert to explain himself

Albert began


Greetings to the Elders gathered here. Both from Whispering Heights and Mallow Village.

And the Residents of our beautiful land.

I heard the complaints levied on me by the Village and people I gained loans from.

I see the damages cost by my stubbornness and delay.

And for that, I offer my humblest apology to the Village and the Goodhearted people who gave me funds when needed"



*The Villagers let out their frustrations at Albert, considering his politeness towards the Court a disrespect to the dire situation in front of him*


The Villagers continued.


Troy hit the Wooden hammer on the Table, bringing an end to the Villagers comments.

"You will get the Chance to speak after Albert finishes"

Troy motioned Albert to continue.

"Yes. I understand your concerns and Anger.

But to my defence, I couldn't let a Stranger have our lands. The Land Keahi gave us.

That's why i held onto it and prevented a Sale.

But as years passed, I saw our people suffer.

I saw them leave our Village. Due to my stubbornness.

I saw our people become Nomads even though they had a place to belong.

All because i didn't want to sell it.

My beliefs clouded my judgement.

The very land i thought will keep us together was driving us apart.

Keahi himself was driving was away.

With each Eruption showing he doesn't need us here anymore.

I do not know what angered him and why. But u do know this was a warning for us to leave before it's too late.

And it took me all those years to learn that lesson.

So I returned to this Village to right my wrongs. That's why I agreed to sell my property.

That's why I called the Food Samaritan to assess our lands so we can sell it.

But I didn't expect what happened next to happen"

Albert looked at the Villagers and The Elders.

Troy responded

"That is hard to believe. Especially when your own Grandson stood against your decision.

Even your own son and daughter opposed ur decision to sell the land.

Lest we forget that Lee once stood against you to make you sell the Land.

What's changed.

Is it all a Family Drama to help you with your Goal ?

To justify your past actions ?"

Troy posed his side of Questions for Albert to answer

"No. It defenitely wasn't a planned event"

Albert began

"The change of heart was caused by the statements i said above.

What I Loved was also the thing driving Everyone away.

If my beliefs stood in the way of progress, then I'm ready to throw them away so the road to prosperity can be laid upon them.

Or on myself.

That's why i wanted to sell the land.

To bring nearly 14 Years of Struggle to an end.

A Struggle that began before my Grandson came to this world.

And that is also a reason for me to change my mind"

Albert looked at the Villagers, addressing them

"Having a Grandson opened my eyes to see what i couldn't see all those years.

The Future.

All of you had a Kid or a growing son who needed a stable home to live in

Not worry about the next meal.

I could not see that till my Grandson came. .

Seeing him cry at Night for his mother to feed him

But she didn't have the energy to because she was starving for days.

That opened my eyes to others struggles.

If only i had the money"

Albert was opening up on the other side of their living situation. The lack of farming and the first few years after Akamu's birth was an endless struggle.

There were days they didn't have food in the household. Lee would sacrifice his dinner and breakfast so Sharon could eat and feed Akamu.

Albert could only see his son struggle and feel helpless.

But his beliefs were stronger than it was today, making him hold onto everyday hoping the situation would change.

Akamu was hearing all this for the first time.