
We need to respect ourselves and the people around us. Respect begets respect but sometimes we don't need to say anything but just allow our actions speak for itself. We need to honor everyone and each of us deserve it every time. Our bodies are God given and we need to give due respect to it that we don't just let others touch and be inside it. We are God's creation and sex is a beautiful act we do with the one we love to express how we feel for them. Sex sole purpose is for procreation, so that the world will be inhabited by us. But nowadays, we seem to forget the value of sex and use it as a tool and weapon for harassment, temptation and seduction that leads others to delve on it rather than value the act or preserve one's self for the one we truly love and for marriage. I am not old fashioned and religious but I do believe that respecting our self is loving our bodies that we don't allow another person to take advantage of us, our selves and our bodies, souls.

Sex isn't just an exchange of energy, saliva or one's self but in the act we are allowing someone to invade our privacy, our inner, hidden self. If we planted and grew good things inside us, is it worth it for another to ruin us, by letting him/her go inside us through sex. We didn't know that, but we give and inherit whatever the person we had sex with everything that he/she harbored whether it be hatred, lies or sadness, we all receive them. Since we are energy, then negative or positive vibes can and will take their place inside us and whatever we have inside will be reciprocated to our partner too. So, we need to be careful, choosy and smart with the people we encounter and let in inside us. Because whatever we let in in our hearts or soul, we permit to make their home in us. And we wouldn't want a liar, seducer, selfish or proud person reign in us but someone who truly loves, respects and cares for us. We would know at first hand who is good or bad. For we have that inner intuition which reminds or warns us everytime we meet or talk to people on social media or up close. We just don't want to listen or get too weird about it. But it's the truth, we can call it an angel or the voice from the universe, but it is a divine tiny voice, an intervention from heaven which we can rely on all the time. Believe me it works and I have been saved so many times by this tiny conscience or intuition in my 45 years of life in this world.

Respect is loving, caring and protecting our self and doing the same things for others as well. When we learn to love and fall in love with our self, we see clearly that everything we thought that is good for us turns out to be not and that what's good for us mainly is making our self our top priority, not our jobs, our social lives, our family or our community. Our self is our gold mine and falling in love with her/him is the change that happens and we feel beautiful, happy and content with who we are. Thus, when we feel good about our self, we automatically feel beautiful about everything and every one in the world, the social media, our family, friends and profession or passion. Our life becomes different. We see us and the world in a new light.