First Time

Do you still remember your first time in every thing? I mean like your first time to drink coffee or first time to ride a bike. You're first to eat jello or okra. Or you're first time to have a long distance realtionship or your first to have sex with someone. Mine is not a pretty one. It hurt like he*l and it was never easy to pee for quite some time after love making. It took me several days to get used to the pain and with others it was indeed true that blood gushed out when our hymen gets broken. But I think with other women theirs felt uneasy but didn't really have bloodstains or something. Anyway, yes, for my new followers who have been asking about sex and my first time, there you go. But it isn't that of a big deal, though after the pain is the electrifying cummings (hehe!), I still love it. Yet it isn't really what is most valuable but the fact that we were with the person we love doing the act, is the gift that we couldn't take away and will remain in our hearts for a lifetime. Though my ex live-in partner and I weren't together now, we are friends and continue to be friends inspite of the seperation. We need to see past the sex and see the true meaning of love making which is being one with the one we love. The precious times of unbreakable and exstatic union between our love and us.

Don't worry, because nature takes its own course when we make love. The kisses and touches will come to you naturally. Then when both of you are ready to go to the next level, then you and your partner need to talk or decide on it together. For in love and sex, as a couple you and your partner decide and deal with everything together, be it in bad or good times, hard or wonderful moments, you and your partner should face and dance with it together. Maybe the reason why my ex partner and I broke up is we didn't have that intimacy or communication where we learned each other's likes or dislikes. Or maybe one of us has too many secrets we carry that we weren't able to disclose to each toher that made our relationship heavy to deal with and then just lost each other or the love we used to have for one another. It's too bad but in our mistakes we learn and move on to the next chapter of our life. And now that we have new loves or partners, we should try to do everything in our power to work things out between you and your partner. For those who havent found their One, just be patient, God has destined someone for you and it'll come when you least expect it. Looking for the One sometimes make you anxious and impatient, so take it easy and live life more freely. Get out of our comfort zone and let's experience life happily, positively and full of love.

If it's your first time to try or have sex, be honest and talk to your partner about things you would secretly hide from him/her due to embarassment or maybe fear of not being accepted, ridiculed or hated. It can be true but being honest about sex and how you feel about it isn't something to be taken lightly. A relationship can break or continue because of sex and couples separate or even get divorced because the partner wasn't satisfied with the lovemaking, or the other didn't' cum, etc. So, sex is a major factor in a long and lasting happiness inside a relationship or a marriage. It is never that looks or the money, but mostly the connection, intimacy, reciprocation, the sex. So, are you ready to have your first? Good luck and wear condoms, but if I were you I'll wait after marriage. Because having sex with that balloon isn't nice but without, yup, heaven will be a place on earth everytime, all the time alright! Haha!.