63 He's cross all limits

If it was any other day she would have forgiven him,but not today.

Today he crossed all limits,and did not think about them before bringing her here.

What if Larry or Aria saw them,or even her mom.

She hide her face when Jake gave her her bag and teddy bear, ' he can not see me crying because he'll ask questions and I'm not in the mood to answer any questions. She just wanted to get out of there as fast as she could ', she thought.

"Thanks", she said grabbing the bag from his hand,she ran to where the elevator was and entered without looking back. She heard Jake calling after her but it was none of her business at the moment,she just wanted to go up to her mom.

"Mommy",she cried and jumped into her mother's arm the moment the door was open. "Mommy let's leave this place now", she cried out.

"What's wrong Autumn,why are you crying", Lorraine asked her daughter holding her tight.

Autumn couldn't speak again,she was hopeless. She lost all hopes of reuniting her parents and she felt like she fail her mother. She now understand why her father so badly wanted her to understand (that Judy was apart of his life now).