62 How could him

"She went out with me", Jake tried standing up for Autumn.

"More reasons she needs to let us know, you're a boy who's also staying in our hotel,we don't want anything that will ruin the image of our hotel. Please try to understand my point."

Autumn told Jake she left her phone and the teddy in the car,they asked the receptionist if they can get it. She give them go ahead, but they were accompanied by one of the bouncers in the hotel.

Outside, Autumn's eyes caught her father with a lady and a child across the street,they were standing at the entrance of the restaurant where she and her family had breakfast yesterday morning.He was holding the hands of the little girl and he kissed the woman on her lips before they enter the restaurant,she couldn't see the face of the woman but she saw the girl's face.

Autumn knew it was her,she knew it was Judy and her daughter. ' How could him '?

This was supposed to be a vacation for them,she shouldn't be here,he didn't even consider their feelings before bringing she and her daughter here with them. And he was kissing her in the open,he was belittling and disrespecting her mother.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she watched them disappeared behind the door.