It all makes sense to Aria now,what her parents were talking about this morning. It came flashing back to her like a wave,her heart struck like a lightning and all she wanted to do at the moment was disappear.

"The doctor said we need to get mom medicals from her doctor that usually treats her,or we fly her home tonight." Larry explained.

"What!! I don't think mom brought her medicals with her,she didn't know a thing like this would happen. What will we do now? What will we do?" Autumn lost all form of strength and started the pacing the room.

"You knew mommy had cancer too?" Aria asked her sister.

"Ria,this is not....."

"Answer me please,did you know or not."

"I knew, yes I knew. I was caught in the middle all this while,I couldn't tell you guys because mommy believed that you two won't be able to handle it. I went through everything alone,I was alone in all this,no one to vent to. It was only me knowing about mommy's illness,only me knowing about daddy other family I WAS ALL ALONE!" Autumn hurriedly left the room in tears.