98 Life goes on

The Doctor loosen his neck tie and continue "she was taking her drugs,and coming on fine. Even today she had a great time with her children,to my outmost surprise she died this evening without much stress from her side,if there's anything like peaceful death than let me say that she died peacefully."

"Hold on Doc, what do you mean 'died'?" Jack asked the Doctor feeling confused.

"I'm sorry,even I am hurt but life goes on. We lost her at 4:40pm exact."

"You must be kidding doc,it can't be Lorraine."

Dr Peters did not say another word but watched as the man mourn silently,he woke up and try to comfort him.

The Doctor escorted Jack to where Larry was,and they took Larry's arm around their shoulders and walked him out.

Autumn and Grace were on the first floor waiting for Jack.

He told Grace the sad news and she cried bitterly and Doctor Peters couldn't help but shed few drops of tears also.

Lorraine was their only child. After three failed pregnancy,Grace gave birth to Lorraine on December 28,1980,her daughter has been the only child since.

She was happy when Lorraine had three kids, at least she was able to have more kids to add to her daughter,Grace couldn't believe that her only child was no more and she was never coming back.