97 Doctor's office

Grace rush to her and hugged her,"where are the others?", she asked but Autumn couldn't speak. Jack left them out and went into the hospital.

He gave the receptionist his daughter's name and the sickness that she had,he was directed upstairs to Doctor Peters.

He went up and was taken to Dr Peters office by the nurse in pink,she was the assigned nurse to the Doctor.

He introduced himself and told the Doctor about the called he receive from his grand daughter yesterday, "finally", the Doctor said. "Finally someone older and mature have come. Take a seat sir."

Jack sat in the chair opposite the Doctor's table.

"I don't know where to start from but I have to start from somewhere though. Your daughter was sick for so long and I was her personal Doctor,she had cancer but she didn't realize until it was at it's crucial state,she hide it from her family; obviously, for reasons best known to her. She was in the last stage and she called earlier this week to tell me she was going on a vacation with her family and I was happy to hear it from her. She has been devastated for the longest,I don't know why. I was surprise when I got a call from the hospital midnight Thursday telling me that she was here with her kids, I was shocked because she was doing great before she left town."