167 The dark alley

It was very dark and scary outside the campus building. The road going to the Subway freaked out Aria,it was very dark and quiet,she was the only one in the alley at 10pm.

She would jump at any sound that she heard coming from the bushes.

She tried speeding up her walk when she dropped the new set of History books she took from the library,she bend down to pick it up in a hurry. She was so scared that her body began to tremble.

She got the books off the ground and advanced to running until the alley was out of her sight,she took in deep breath when she saw the car road. She was about to take a U-turn when she reached her pocket for her phone but it wasn't there.

"Shit!"she acclaimed,she dropped her phone when she bend over to pick up the books in the alley,now she had to go back alone to fetch her phone.

It was just two minutes from where she stood, ' if I run now there's a chance that I may come back soon. But what if someone was in the alley starring at me earlier? Should I leave my phone for tomorrow?' All sort of thoughts came to her mind as she battles going back into the dark alley.

There was nothing left to do except going back,if she leaves without her phone, there's a possibility she won't see it tomorrow.