168 Saviour

She'd just take two steps into the alley when someone hauled her back by her shoulder "HAAA!",she screamed. Her eyes met the person's eyes and it was Corey's friend from earlier.

"Hey! Relax! I won't hurt you. What are you doing here alone at this hour? It's late already but you're still here alone. Don't you know the danger of this place?"

"I'm sorry,I'm new here. I just want to get my phone from the alley." She said with every part of her body shaking.

"Let's get it quick." The guy said holding her hands and leading her into the alley. After checking for some minutes,they came across the phone in a blue case, "is this your phone?" He asked picking the phone up.

She nodded and he held her hands and led her back out.

"Thank you." She said.

"Don't mention. You're the girl from earlier today, you remember me?"

She nodded her head because she was still afraid to speak.

"I can take you home if you want, by the way,I'm Jake. Jake Proradas."

He took her across the street where his car was parked and they both got in.

She remembered hearing from Nicole that he was Autumn's boyfriend.

She wanted to ask him about her sister but she saved it for another time, right now all she wanted was to get home and erase the fear of what might have happened to her if this guy wasn't around.