169 Locked Dorm Hall

Jake pulled up before her dorm but the door to the large hall was locked, without knowing what to do or who to called the fear of the alley came back to her.

He saw that she was standing outside instead of going in so he got out the car to ask what the problem was, "any problem?"

"I think that my dorm caretaker is here;the door to the hallway is lock."

"That's why I hate dorms. My friend sister Nicole lives here,let me call her and see if she can help." He said and took his phone out of his pocket,he dialed Nicole's number but there was no answer. "She's not answering,I don't know how to help you now. It's almost twelve and you can't be out alone. I don't know what to do."

"It's okay, I'll figure it out from here, you've done enough for the day."

"Quit bluffing girl,I saw the fear in your eyes when you were going into the alley, you're not as brave as you want me to believe."

They sat outside the dorm waiting to see if someone will come to their rescue but no one came.

Jake got tired of sitting and started to complain,he was tired and he needed to rest. "Maybe you can pass the night in our apartment." He told Aria.

"No! How can I sleep in your apartment? Isn't it against the rules that girls shouldn't be seen in the boys dorm?"

"I'm not on the dorm,my friends and I have an apartment a little farther from the dorms,you can spend the night there."