190 Mr Taylor's advice

"Hey you,the freshman student", Mr Taylor said pointing at Aria, "please remain in class,I want to have a word with you. Everybody else can leave."

Ethan gave Aria a worried look,why was Mr Taylor telling her that he wanted to see her? Is she in trouble?

She saw Corey look back at her just before Bianca hauled him out of the class.

"What's your name?" Mr Taylor asked her.

"Ariana Isabella Ray sir,am I in trouble?"

"There's a famous quote that says, ' if you rush, you'll crush '. I called you,so be patient. Have a seat."

She sat on the chair that was before the teacher's table.

"I've been watching you from the very first day you entered my class, you're always sitting at the front roll but you never pay attention. Can you,in depth explain what we've been discussing since last week?"

"Sir I,I'm always focused in class sir. I don't know what you're saying sir."

"I've been teaching for a very long time, I can bet you weren't on earth at that time. I can tell when a student is present,but absent at the same time. I'm telling you sooner before the semester goes in the middle, focus girl, focus. You can leave."

Ethan stood outside the class door waiting for Ariana,he wanted to know why she was asked to remain in class.

She started to think maybe her teacher was right, she's never focus in class whenever she sees Corey.

How come she keeps forgetting her reason for being in school when he is around? How come nothing makes sense when she set her eyes on him?