189 The blonde girl

"Autumn Ray is back!" Aria heard a guy in lime green shirt telling his friends,he looks like the kind of kids who would stress his parents to their early graves.

He had tattoos on his left hand,it looks like a monkey holding up a gun. He had multiples piercing on his ears,nose and lips,just by looking at him creeps Aria's body.

She entered class and saw Corey sitting with a blonde girl who looks so beautiful,she had the body of a model, slender and tall. Her smiles were captivating,she had her head in his shoulders and she held onto his arms.

She was new in class,Aria couldn't remember seeing her last week. Just like her,there were more students in class today than last week.

All eyes were on the girl and Corey,other girls hissed at the sight of seeing the girl's head on Corey's body.

Ethan was seated on the first roll as usual,he called her name, gesturing her a seat near him.

"Who is she?" She asked Ethan after she was seated.

"They said her name is Bianca Miller,she is Corey's Lawson's girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!" Aria yelled.

"Yes, girlfriend. She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Aria looked back at the blonde beauty with the cute eyes and cute smile,she was matched for Bianca and she knew it.

She felt herself being jealous at the fact that Corey had a girlfriend, somewhere in her heart she thought he was going to notice her. But she was wrong,she turned around and facing the front with her elbows bend on the desk before her.