274 Out of hell's hole

Aria woke up early in the morning to bid the old couples farewell, Hannah didn't look happy watching her go,but she couldn't say the same for Matt. It's like a heavy burden was lifted up his shoulder,he couldn't wait for Ariana to step out good before locking the door behind her.

Her phone was still off so she couldn't contact her sister,she had no idea of this environment but she couldn't ask Hannah or Matt because all she wanted was to be out of their disgustingly fearful house.

She got into a taxi and told the driver where she was going.

She was at her dorm in less than thirty minutes,the joy that crept up her body was unmatched.

She threw her bag up and rolled on her bed, almost screaming with joy of being away from the creepy house she was in last night.

She saw many text messages from her friends when she put her phone on,thirteen from Ethan,five from Linda.

It's like Corey and Autumn wanted to spoil her phone with text messages and voicemail, every inch of her phone was filled with message from Either her boyfriend or her sister.

She was unable to attend classes today because of the traumatizing night she had.

Her mind was full of the horror house she was in for the entire night and images of what the man across the street would have done to her still play in her head. She needed to get this nightmare off her head.

She took a cold shower and wore Corey's shirt which she brought home the first time she slept at his place.

She was in no mood to text back telling people that she was fine. She switched off her phone and slept.