275 Bad dream

Aria woke up to a bad dream of Hannah and Matt trying to kidnap her,she saw them covering her body with dark clothes in her dream.

She woke up screaming and her bedsheet was soak with sweat. Her left ankle was swollen when she woke up, "it was a dream? Just a bad dream!",she said trying to come out if the dilemma she was in.

She tried standing but fell immediately due to her swollen ankle and swinging eyes, " ahhh!",she acclaimed in pain.

Her heart began beating faster,her eyes started to swing. It only took a minute for her to feel the room rotating.

She quickly put on her phone and texted her sister; Ariana:Autumn I need your help please,I'm at my dorm."

She heard a knock on her door and rushed to open it thinking it was her sister or someone that she knew. She fell to the floor many times before reaching for the door.

"Where is Nicole!" Maxwell said more like a command than a question.

"You?" Aria said glancing up at him from the floor.

"Where is Nicole?" He said with gritted tooth this time around.

"I don't know",Aria lied. "I came home this evening and she wasn't here."

She was afraid to tell him that Nicole was fighting for her life in hospital due to abortion,she thought Maxwell was the father and he might be mad if he finds out that Nicole took out his child from her womb.

"Tell her to call me."

She hurriedly close her room door after he left, she's had enough miseries within the last 24hours and she didn't want another one with this scary guy.


She heard Jake yelling her name outside her door,her sister has come to her rescue.

"I'm coming." She said in a coarse tone.