
An Imperial Order


We've been met with little to no success. Not a trace of that brat anywhere; not even the few friends she has know where she is. But I know she's still on this planet, somewhere, hiding. Unlike Luminaris Prime, Cragholven is even more densely populated and houses unfathomable levels below; but if my suspicions are correct, and Samina did help her escape, then I know where they'd be hiding.

"Sir, our spies report activity in the south of the Gloschwort District!" a soldier exclaimed.

"Good. Keep spying around that area and report anything new immediately," I responded.

This was it. So Samina did interfere. And it seems the Creyaltver also had a hand in this extraction of sorts, seeing as they used an old base of theirs during the height of the Great War. No matter. Once we're done we'll destroy that place and eradicate any trace of Levelian surveillance here on Cragholven.

"Sir, incoming transmission from Luminaris Prime!"

"Put it on-screen," I commanded.

The transmission glitched for a moment before clearing up to reveal the caller, my mother, the Empress.

"Your Imperial Highness," I greeted as I bowed my head.

"Dayos, you and your men are to return to Luminaris Prime at once," She responded.


"An informant has notified me that the Federal Intelligence Agency has base intel on this operations and many other classified operations and activities that are currently active," She paused and brought out a tablet, "Espionage, extractions, and even secret projects from the frontier systems, they have knowledge on all these. So, as Empress, I command your team to leave Cragholven."

"But, your Imperial Highness, we are so close to finding the princess!" I exclaimed.

"I know, and I am also aware that the Creyaltver has the girl," She replied, "I will be holding a meeting with the High Prantev, the High Menyott, and Lady Merisa Levensyek later on to discuss the matter. So please, come home."

"What about them?" I pointed to the girl's "family."

"Take them with you, there are a plethora of things I wish to discuss with them," She answered.


She nodded in approval and ended the transmission.

"You all heard the Empress. Pack your things! We're leaving this place," I shouted.

"What about the others, sir?" A man close to me asked.

"I'm recalling them right now," I replied.

Just then we received another transmission, this time from a reconnaissance group stationed next to the Senate Building.

"Sir, we've been discovered. Federal units are being dispatched across the entire planet," The agent informed.

"Damn it! Can you get back here?" I asked.

"We can try, but it'll take long."

"The Empress just recalled us back to Luminaris Prime so we don't have much time," I responded.

"Sir, I don't think we can return..." He replied.

"And why is that?"

"They're establishing checkpoints and mandatory searches on all vehicles entering and exiting the planet and the star system," He answered.

By the Creator "I'll think of something. Our first priority is to regroup so get your team here as soon as possible!" I ordered.

"Yes, sir!" He responded.

The transmission ended, but now we're stuck here. I have to come up with a way to get us out of here.

Oh, Creator above... Why do you test me like this?