
Gathering Storm


It was still dark outside when Sam decided to wake me up. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and my vision slowly adjusted to the light, I noticed that almost everyone was already suited up and ready to go.

"Hurry up and change. We need to leave immediately," Sam ordered as she gave me a new set of clothes.

I nodded, took the clothes, and got up to change in the shower. I was still groggy, so I decided to get in the cubicle closest to the door (laziness, you know). I half-expected for there to be someone inside, and there was. My vision was still blurry so I couldn't clearly see who was inside, but judging from the build, it was a guy. I quickly closed the shower door and made my way to the next one, only to find another guy standing there. Flushed, I exited the shower room and back into the main hall.

"I-is this the men's shower?" I asked, pointing towards the room I just left.

Sam turned and nodded, a grin slowly began to form.

Damn it.

"Where's the women's shower?" I asked.

She pointed to the left and I nodded in response, dashing towards it to hide my embarrassment.


After taking a quick shower and changing into new clothes, I went back into the main hall. Sam was already discussing important matters before everyone so I rushed in to listen.

"Alright, today's the day you've all been waiting for," Sam turned to the board and pointed to the picture of a guy (a particularly handsome one), "This man, Dayos Levochtoch, is our primary target alongside the Princess Katerin, her husband, and son."

Whispers and hushed voices erupted from the crowd around me.

"Why?" Sam chuckled slightly, "Well, if we get the Prince we can then use him as a bargaining chip. With a commander of the Imperis Bordrois in our hands, and the strongest among their ranks… They'd have to give in to our demands.``

"Now, to your assigned roles…" Sam began listing off each of our groups and what our roles are.

The role I got was that of a bait… I wanted to get a role jam-packed with action and fighting, but I guess this should suffice.

"Alright, we each know our roles so let's get moving! We don't have much time before the lockdown," Sam exclaimed.

Sensing my disappointment Thomas tried comforting me, "Hey, cheer up. Don't look down on what role you got."

I sighed and stated, "It feels like they view me as some fragile doll… I want to help as well."

"I know, but you're the most important thing we got right now," Thomas continued, "Not only that, your role is vital in the success of this mission. They wouldn't take the bait if it were someone else. You know that, right?"

I nodded in silent agreement. I was still disappointed but I tried not to let it show and affect me. So I decided to prepare for the mission just like everyone else. Thomas, however, still saw through me and brought me aside.

"Listen, I know you don't like how this is going, but trust me when I say this: you wouldn't want to be anywhere near Dayos right now," He warned.

"Why's that?"

He looked concerned while saying, "He's gotten desperate. So our best bet is to protect you at all costs, and this was the only role Sam could think of for you. Since she knew you'd want to join in the action."

"Fine, but just promise me you guys will make it out alive," I acquiesced.

"I promise," He took my hands and squeezed them as he looked into my eyes.

"We got this," I said.

He nodded in response and pulled me to my feet. We walked to the elevator and were joined by Sam and three others, Gabrosch, Devia, and Alemin. They were discussing something, something urgent.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My grandmother just notified me, Dayos is preparing to leave Cragholven with your family," She replied.

"What?! Wait, how?" I exclaimed as shock overcame me.

"The Empress ordered for their immediate departure, and it seems my grandmother also informed them of the intel Crusavia has on us," Anger dripped from each letter she said.

"Then we should go now-" Before Gabrosch could continue, Sam cut him off.

"No, my grandmother has ordered us to cancel the extraction and return to Luminaris Prime with Diana. She said she struck a deal with the Empress."

"But-" I tried reasoning.

"We can't continue the operation now since the majority of them have already regrouped..." She sighed before continuing with, "We should follow the orders of my grandmother, the Menyott of the Holy Tomb, understood?"

"Yes, your eminence," The three replied.

"Tell the others to prepare the ship, the Federal Exploratory Corps will begin establishing checkpoints and start searching vessels in two hours," She ordered.

They nodded and entered the elevator.

As they ascended to the surface, the three of us stood there in silence. I held onto Thomas for support, while Sam looked absolutely defeated.

"Well..." Thomas whispered as he searched for words, "For what it's worth, we could've just used diplomacy in the first place."

Sam chuckled then scoffed, "I was never good at diplomacy anyways."

"So... Do we just go to Luminaris Prime?" I asked dejectedly.

Sam sighed before she replied, "We have no choice, Diana."

"Alright... But before we go, I'd like to take a few of my things with me. If that's alright?" I asked.

Sam looked at me then turned to Thomas and nodded in agreement.

"Very well, but we must be quick," She responded.

Just then, the elevator opened and Alemin stepped out, bowing before Samina.

"Your Eminence," He said, "The ship has been prepared."

"Good," Sam replied before turning to us, "Let's go, we don't have much time."

She entered the elevator with Alemin, while I was accompanied by Thomas. The excitement and anxiety that swelled up in me so suddenly was just as easily extinguished by the news. But a new emotion started coursing through me... Fear.