The Little Fairy's Concealment

After Gu Qingming returned to her room, she realized that Kong Xingfan was sitting by the spirit pool unhappily.

She flashed into the space and asked curiously, "Xiao Ling, what's wrong?"

The spatial fairy's eyes were red, and its voice was a little choked as it said, "I… I just miss my father, mother, and siblings!"

At this point, it paused for a moment. "When I saw so many people in Master's family today, I thought about how our family was also so lively before I left the fairy world. There were fathers and mothers who loved us, and brothers and sisters who were united."

"Boohoo, I've been away for 3,000 years. I wonder how they're doing now. Have they forgotten me? Have they missed me? But even if they've forgotten me and haven't missed me, I still miss them. Boohoo…"

The spatial fairy was sad.

In their world, who had suffered worse? When it went out to travel, it encountered immortals and had no choice but to start its escape journey.