
The family was very concerned about the well-being of Gu Qingming and the fetus in her womb.

They went for the prenatal checkup on Monday as intended.

There was no appointment for this prenatal checkup, so various arrangements had to be made. This errand was handed over to his sister-in-law, Zhou Xiaoyu.

Grandma Shi and Grandma Gu accompanied them. With the driver, Shi Yaoqing, the car was full.

Grandpa Gu followed Grandpa Shi to the field. At first, he stood on the ridge and watched everyone work. However, when he saw Grandfather Shi, who was in his seventies, still planting seedlings in the field, he was tempted. Without a word, he took off his high-end shoes and was about to go down.

He wanted to experience the feeling of doing farm work.

When he was young, his father brought him to the fields to experience the hard life of a farmer. After that, he never went to the fields again.