Eldest Aunt's Confrontation (1)

Eldest Aunt, Chen Qiuxiang, brought her husband and their unmarried son, Shi Zhiyuan, back to her parents' house.

Chen Qiuxiang had four sisters and a younger brother.

Chen Qiuxiang was the eldest sister. Her only younger brother was 26 years old this year.

She was twenty years older than her youngest brother.

In her parents' minds, the sisters were born to serve their younger brother.

Back then, when Chen Qiuxiang was twenty years old, they should have been discussing marriage. However, because of her younger brother's birth, her parents did not agree with her getting married so early. At her age, she could go out to work to earn money and send the money home to raise her brother.

It was fine if she wanted to marry, but they had to ask for a high betrothal gift.

This high betrothal gift scared away the men who went on blind dates with her.